
The Sugar Sweetened System

Roman Vitali, a young Italian immigrant, struggles to make ends meet in the bustling country of Nova Haven. After his parents' untimely death, he and his sister,Bianca, are left to fend for themselves. Roman works tirelessly in construction, but his world is turned upside down when he's suddenly fired. In a chance encounter, Roman meets Sophia, a captivating and mysterious older woman who's drawn to his rugged good looks and muscular build. She offers him a proposition: spend the night with her, and she'll reward him handsomely. Desperate and vulnerable, Roman accepts. As the night unfolds, Roman finds himself entangled in a web of luxury and desire. With the system watch how he rises in status and power by using Milfs updates:Mon-Sun(12/week) - Magic: Yes, magic will be present in the story.(even more later in the story) - Romantic Preferences: The MC will typically pursue older women, with one exception." Support the Author with PowerStones and Golden tickets 50 Powerstones = 1 Extra chapter 200 Powerstones = 3 Extra chapters Bonus chapter(s) will drop at the end of the week.

Shadowwarrior_007 · Urban
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126 Chs

Chapter 59: The Crimson Horde

The monster's grip on Roman's ankle tightened, and it dragged him forward into the mist. Roman's unconscious form was pulled effortlessly, his body bouncing and rolling like a rag doll as the monster moved with a purposeful stride. The mist swirled around them, shrouding everything in a damp, impenetrable veil.

As the monster walked, the sky turned black, and the red sand formed into humanoids that rose from the ground like bloody statues. The sand humanoids stood tall, their faces twisted into cruel grins, their eyes glowing with an eerie red light.

The monster roared, its voice like thunder, as it let go of Roman's ankle and turned to face the sand humanoids. It beat its chest with a massive fist, the sound echoing through the mist like a drumbeat.

The monster charged forward, its massive body plowing through the sand humanoids like a juggernaut. They tried to grab it, their hands closing on air as the monster dodged and weaved with fluid grace.