
The Sudden Switch Of The Two Girls

In a very developed world, a noble young miss, Deng Caiyi was destined with a system to switch lives with Lady Bai Zhihua , an Ex of a six figured man from every now and then in order to fix a relationship. However, things didn't go as planned which can nearly destroy the lives of the two women.

lunaticzephyr · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

The next day, after an excellent sleep, they woke up in each other's bodies. They screamed in shock while looking at themselves in the mirror.

Lady Bai in Caiyi's Body 

"Oh gosh... There's no way I turned into her. Caiyi, was it?"

Somebody knocked on the door of Caiyi's apartment. Therefore, she went over there to open it. It was an old lady with grey hair, soon learned that her name was Guo Yueru, the landlady of the place. 

"Uh, how may I assist you"

Landlady Yueru looked extremely unattractive with her mad smile, had a cross expression. 

"Miss Deng, you do know you are passed your due date. If you don't pay your rent soon, I'll have you evicted from here. I'll give you one more day to do so."

"Ahh, I see. Thank you for reminding me." Caiyi really is suffering. How can she survive this kind of situation? 

The landlady left the apartment. Behind her back, Lady Bai acted childishly by blowing her tongue at her. Suddenly, a hologram message appeared in front of her. 

You have been transferred into Caiyi's body to experience her life and to achieve the things she can't. 

"What the actual hell... What is this kind of nonsense? Hello? Come on! I'm not falling for any tricks. Hello?"

Is this for real? ... If that's so, I have a shoot in an hour, and Caiyi, well, I will eventually have to be there. 

Caiyi in Lady Bai's body 

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. I'm in Bai Zhihua's body!! How did this happen?" 

A servant of Lady Bai's appeared in front of her bed.

"Madame, your breakfast awaits."

"Oh, th-thanks. I'll be right there." Why isn't she moving? Is this normal for her to watch me get ready? I'm lost...

"Is there anything you'd like to say?"

The servant seemed to move nervously and hesitated, then said,

"Madame, I've just found out something that I'm not allowed to say."

"Oh? It's okay. Tell me anything. I'm sure I wouldn't mind."

The servant was struggling with words, just after that she spoke with a lack of confidence. 

"Your boyfriend, Mr Wu, is cheating on you with one of your maids."

Even though, Caiyi knew Zhengxiang wasn't in love with Zhihua, how could he do that to Bai? She's a nice lady, she'll be very devastated to find out this. 

"I see... Thank you. Thank you for informing me"

The servant left.

I thought her life was perfect. I didn't know this would happen to her. 

The hologram-like appeared again.

You've been teleported into Bai Zhihua's body to experience her life, and to fix a relationship. 

What- Is this even legal-?

*In Baihua's dining room*

There was Zheng Xiang at the other end of the table. There was intense eye contact with both Caiyi and Zheng Xiang. They both didn't communicate at all. Not only did Caiyi not know what to say, but also because she didn't want to talk to him. Not just a bit. 

"Lady Bai, you have a shoot in 15 minutes"

"Alright. I've already finished my meal, let's go."

At that moment, Zheng Xiang called out Zhihua's name.

"Xiao Hua! Do you want to go to a cafe to make the fans excited? That'd bring me a lot of popularity. You do not want someone who's not famous, do you?" There was an evil smile on the face of Mr Wu. 

Caiyi was so annoyed by this. Zhihua didn't deserve this. 


"Yes, xiao Hua?"

"For your information, No. I don't want someone treating me like a side chick, and for you to become more famous than Zhi- me? I worked hard, while you just stood in front of that camera and smiled your worst."

"What? You're jealous that I'm getting more fans than you?"

"Ha... jealous? Oh please, if I'd said you're nothing but a jerk!"

"Xiao Hua... Come on, you know from the start that I was just making you stand out more among your rivals." He approached Zhihua/Caiyi and stood in front of her.

"You know what, this is ridiculous, wasting my time... Tsk... And don't call me "Xiao Hua". It's Lady Bai for you."

Caiyi told him off and left the room to attend a shoot.

Zheng Xiang was left shocked. Everyone in that scene did so too.

"This... This is new..." Zheng Xiang whispered to himself.