
The Succubus Series

Mia was a normal girl wanting love. After dying in a tragic accident, she awakes to find that she's turned into something sinister and begins to find her power. "Lamia, are you seeing this shit?" I internally asked as my eyes grew wide. "Give me control NOW" she yelled. As soon as I released for her to take control, the car was hit again, sliding forward at a speed that felt like we were still driving. Lamia lifted B's torso so he didn't scrape the road as we moved and dug my knees into the steering wheel. Once we stopped, Lamia planted us on the ground where the window used to be and jumped. She had to have jumped 10 foot easily. She landed, digging our knee into the road and leaving a small crater. Following the string from the second hit, whatever hit us was in the sky. Looking up Lamia thought "Well thats not good. It's got wings." Lamia took a quick scan of the surroundings and saw we were nowhere. The only light that showed were the headlights from the car on its side. "Listen Lamia", "I hear it" the slow beat of wings rang through the night sky when suddenly they stopped and we heard a whooshing sound. I could hear Lamia internally counting the seconds when she jumped unexpectedly towards the car hitting something mid-air before it could hit the vehicle again. "What was that?" I asked feeling the wings form around our body as we connected. "Silent. Concentrating." was all she said in return. The body lay silent 30 feet from us in the road. Lamia locked on to it and took a fighting stance facing it and again started her countdown. "I think its dead" I thought but she ignored me. When she hit 1, the cracking noise started. She ran towards it as it flipped an arm and planted it in the road. Before it even had a chance to really get up, she kicked at it with a force I had never seen before. The creature spread it wings and was gone before she could hit it. She planted her feet sliding across the road before we stopped. "Gressil I know it's you!" she yelled at the sky. After receiving no response, she yelled again "Don't make me kill you! You know I can!". The flapping came closer and we looked up to see a disgusting figure hovering over us looking over at us curiously. It looked like his face and skin was melting off. "Drop the act." she calmly stated.

Marissasmesses1992 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

Do it again

Once we were again safe in Domtivir, I questioned Lamia on the buzzing feeling we had. "I think that was our power of influence." she said. "Huh." was all I replied. She tapped B on the shoulder as we made our way through the market towards our hotel, "When we influence someone does it cause pain?" she queried him. Keeping his pace with Mika'il he responded, "If they really don't want to tell you, yea it does cause pain.". Me and Lamia were quiet in thought. We got two lessons in one day. B and Mika'il took a right down an alley away from our Inn and Lamia kept in line behind him finally speaking up again, "Where are we going?". Mika'il turned his head saying, "The Fields of Domtivir. You better be prepared." finishing off his sentence with his eyes lighting up and Lamia thrusting me forward. Mika'il teased "Aww did I scare the fewocious demom?". "She's not scared Mika'il. She'd rather just fight light with light." I teased back, shrugging my shoulders. "You know that actually not a bad battle strategy." Mika'il said pointing at us. He then turned to a very shadowed field. No grass or trees were present. Large rocks and what looked like lava stone covered the barren ground. While I was trying to determine what rocks these were, I was shoved from the back landing on my forearms and feeling a scraping feeling down both of them. "Ouch, those feel like pumice stones." Lamia rang out internally. Ignoring her I rolled over to look back at who had pushed me. Fear covered me as Mika'il's eyes were emitting a bright light and his body dotted with stars was bright. Each of the dots swirling on him at an alarming rate. His wings also emit a light but not near as bright as what was pouring from his body. I stood up trying to get a better look but it was confusing. We couldn't tell where the light ended and his body began. It almost hurt to look at him. I brought forward our black eyes and that dulled the light a bit but not enough for me to notice that the light was getting brighter because he was coming towards me fast. Once I noticed what was happening, it was already too late. I was struck in the chest, the air knocked from me and I went flying. I had to have been pushed back at least 25 feet. My back taking the brunt of the fall. Gashes lined them and Mika'il teased, "And you took on Lucifer? Psh, I hardly believe that!" he said sarcastically. The beat of his wings keeping time. I gritted my hands and felt the warming of my hip. I looked over to see B fully in his demon form looking like he was going to charge me as well. While looking at B, I was rocked again from the side, surprised my head didn't pop off. "They aren't going easy at all Mia, step it up or we might die!" Lamia rang internally. Before I could even get back up from scraping the ground on my shoulder, B was running towards me. As soon as I got up, B reached me and swung his arm, knocking me into the air. "Holy shit he's strong. Did you know he was that strong?!" Lamia called again. "Lamia shut up! I need to concentrate. You could help me, you know." I argued. We landed with a thud on a huge boulder. I was so tired already. I was gettin my ass handed to me. B flinging me did buy me some time though. "Mia, think of Mike." Lamia rang out. "Why?" I rolled my eyes at her suggestion. "Feel the emotion." she said. I started replaying the memories and the beatings getting angrier every second. My vision blurred and I knew it was time for the training the boys so desperately wanted. With our marks popping out, I stepped out from behind the rock that I landed on to see Mika'il and B share a look with each other. "Was that a shudder?" Lamia questioned. "Idk, they look confused." I responded as I walked normally out towards them and stopped, waiting for them to make their moves again. Mika'il tried to strike first from the air, I dodged to his left but the very tip of one of his feathers caught my cheek immediately leaving a sliver of red. "Oh shit that's sharp," Lamia said and continued, "grab his ankle and flip him up.". I did as she said and Mika'il looked back at me with his eyes growing wide before he was gone in the air. He corrected himself and came back at me. I dodged again but before I could internally celebrate, I felt a hand on my ankle as nails dug into it. Turning around, B's face full of marks stared back at me. "You better not...." I started to say to him but never got to finish. He had launched me in the air once again. I didn't even get to hit the ground before I was grabbed again by my wrist. Mika'il smiled slyly before saying, "We're gonna see if you have wings." as we went higher and higher above the rock field. "And what if I don't?" I screamed over the wind whipping by both of us. Mika'il gave me a solemn look saying "You die and Lucifer never gets you.". Lamia rang out "Ah shit dude" and then we were dropped. I flailed our arms around us in a panic. Lamia was even panicking at this point shouting internally "We're gonna die! I'm not ready to go back to hell yet.". She began sobbing, choking out how she hated me, loved me, and hoped I enjoyed paradise. I put our arms out in front of us hoping that they would break our fall in some last ditch effort to save ourselves. I began to think of my mother again when my skin vibrated and the light that poured off of me brightened almost blinding even myself. The ground was coming quickly. I closed my eyes seconds before being enveloped in unbearable pain.