

In the slave market

Su Lin looked at the men and boys chained on different part of the road. She was looking for strong men for the hard work and feminine boys to act as maids.

Since the last event the Su family just refuse to have any female maids.

They did not need that much manpower either,they would need a housekeeper the one they had before would stay to supervise the business, a cook and maids for housework.

Su Lin went to a corner and found a lot of first class feminine boys just as beautiful as the one in her business.

There was a beautiful boy about 13 or 14 that looked at her with dead eyes.

The boy had beautiful black eyes, but he had no trace of wanting to live in those eyes. She was wondering what could have happened to him to make this boy dead inside.

Buying or not buying.

Behind the dead boy there was 5 cuties with big eyes, red lips and fair skins.

If she the had the boy she will only need 3 to reach 9, and those three men with animosity in their eyes will do.

"Mister" she called the merchant "how much for the nine of them?" she said while pointing the one she had chosen.

The merchant was slightly surprised he did not think that this little girl would buy any slave, as she was just standing there a looking at those men with novelty.

"That would be 100 piece of gold" answered the merchant.

Su Lin looked at him as the enemy he had become on her journey to auspicious number.

When the merchant felt the animosity from Su Lin he was unconsciously shivering as if his days were now numbered.

Su Lin took 99 pieces of gold and gave them with a smile to the merchant.

Lin house

The 9 slaves had followed Su Lin home and they were now in the hall, they stood side by side and were now looking at their Master.

This Master was a little weird she had refused to mark them as slave and once in the hall she gave them their deeds.

"I am the little Miss of the family, your owners will be my grandparents when they come." She looked at them one by one with piercing eyes " I gave you your deeds to make a choice, you will either hand the deeds voluntary to my grandparents when they come" Su Lin looked at the frowns on their faces then smirk "or you will sign an IOU contract with them and once you will have enough you can buy your freedom back.

Either choice has its advantages and disadvantages, it's your freedom to choose.

But I'll put the ugly words first, if any one of you attempt to flee ." She did not continue but smiled at them, it was so beautiful but they were awake enough to know that it was nothing good.

"Now I will give you new names, if you choose to redeem yourself in the future you can take your old name back but for now you will go by the name I chose."

Su Lin walked in front of the 5 cuties and pointed while naming.

"You with the warm smile you will be called April, you with the treacherous smile you will be called June, you with sickly pale appearance you will be called May. You with the scar under the left ear you will be called Amelia and you my cutie you will answer to Lynn from now on"

Su Lin had finished naming the 5 cuties, then she walked in front the lifeless boy, pinched his chin "you will be named Xidorn, it means truth-seeker, may you find the meaning of life."

She then proceed to look at the three men and in their order of standing from right to left named them.

The most aggressive was named Mars, the indifferent one Jupiter and the last one with a mild character Uranus.

Once she finished the 9 kneeled and thanked her for the name.