
The Successor System [MOVED TO A NEW LINK]

Thus books has been moved to a new link. Research the name to find. **************** Betrayed by the woman he loved, Art ended up dying with the last thing he saw being her kissing another man. He was filled with regret about how wasted his life was but he was given another chance. [Potential Successor found. Do you wish to accept] He found himself transmigrated into the body of a sixteen-year-old who died, with his body being weak to dislocate just by swinging a sword. Even with something like this, his System delivered a task that seemed impossible. [Become the most powerful mage.] Follow Art on his journey, from being the weakest to the strongest mage in the world. ******************** If you choose to support me, https://www.buymeacoffee.com/khayPhynom Cover isn't mine

Khay_Phynom · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Cave of Alchemy

After saying those words, Lord Gajeel left without answering any of the questions they had in mind and now they were all left staring at the cave.

The first person to walk forward was the boy who had an unwavering smile on his face.

He was emanating pure confidence in every step he took and the next was Beatrix and then the boy beside her who was shorter than all of them, also looking younger.

Iris followed and just like that, everyone began to head to the cave and after the first person stepped foot inside, a scenario similar to when he went down the stair appeared. Different glowing designs on the wall and ground, acting as a source of light.

They walked further and the deeper they got the more lightened up the cave became. Even though this was a beautiful sight, it was still spooky, after all, this was a cave and you'll never know if something was hiding.

Art who had experience from several horror movies in his previous life made sure to stay somewhere in the center occasionally glancing back at the last person who was a girl that was obviously shaken.

He couldn't blame her as it was not everywhere in the cave that the light touched.

His reason for looking back at her was that she was the best candidate to get taken by creatures if there were any and if that happened, he was ready to act promptly.

Tess wasn't too far behind so he smiled at her and as expected she lowered her head.

'You little villain, using someone as bait,' a disapproving voice said in his mind. He couldn't get used to its warmth, just like his bed. At this point, he was now used to her being in his head.

'By the smile on your face, it seems like you missed me a lot. And to relate you, me and your bed....tsk, tsk, tsk—looks like you've gotten naughtier.'

This time, she sounded amused and the smile which had subconsciously formed on his lips wiped off.

Satisfied with his reaction, she began chuckling.

Art couldn't tell how old the person in his head actually was. Even if it was the same voice, sometimes she sounded like someone of his age, while other times, she seemed to be twenty.

'Trying to guess a woman's age, that's not very nice.'

The way she said it, Art imagined a pouting face which caused him to shake his head.

'You wake up from your slumber and the first thing you do is go reading my mind, that's not very nice.' He usually spoke out but being surrounded by about 40 people he used internal communication.

'It's not as if I read it on purpose,' she defended herself and Art didn't believe a word.

'You do!'

'I don't!'

'You do!'

'I don't!'

'You do!'

'I do not!'

"You know what, just stop." He mistakenly voiced this out causing everyone to halt their steps and look towards him.

Feeling all their gazes at him, his mouth twitched in embarrassment but this didn't show on his aloof face at all.

"Never mind. I thought I saw something," he made his voice seem deep as it echoed across the cave. He began walking forward and so did everyone else.

"Tch," Frigga sneered before looking forward.

'Look what you did,' he said internally obviously annoyed.

'B-But what did I do?" Her voice sounded so innocent that he forgot what had just happened.

If she could influence someone like him with just her voice, what would happen if she was in human form?

Without a doubt, she was someone dangerous.

He wanted to ask her about herself but he doubted that she would tell him a thing and her usual and favorite statement which was.

'You're still too weak.'

'There she goes again. You're literally reading everything I think. I thought you could only see some.'

'When your thoughts are directed to or about me, it's easier to read and I'm getting quite the headache. I know it's hard but can you think about me less?'

That was it, he was tired of her teasing. Even though he was much older than 16, in his mind she made him feel less young and he was going to do exactly what she said. Besides, he had to focus on the task at hand which was very important but she wasn't ready to let him off.

'I see you guys want to get those weapon thingies.'


'With your current state, I hope you won't be getting a screwdriver,' she burst into laughter as Art's eyebrows kept twitching. Even if hearing her laugh wasn't bad, he didn't find this funny as the sight of him holding a screwdriver flashed before his eyes.

'Don't you dare jinx me!'

'Oops!' she exclaimed childishly.

They have been walking for some time now and when it finally seemed as though they had found something, they ended up in front of a wall with six paths, three on the left and three on the right.

Even the boy with a confident smile all this time was forced to frown slightly.

"What the….. Is this part of the ceremony? Is it a test?" A boy asked in worry.

"I think so, it seems like we have to choose the right path," voiced out another.

"But damn, how do we do that."

"Does this mean that if we choose the wrong path we'll end up failing the test?"

"Why weren't we informed?"

They kept voicing out their thoughts and complaints for some minutes before the confident boy, who now seemed to be their leader spoke up.

"I believe that it would be better if we split into six groups. Hopefully, we won't get disqualified for choosing the wrong path."

Nobody voiced out any complaints so he went on.

"I would have loved us to vote for who would lead each group, but there's no time for that. I'm sure most of you can tell that we are already being affected just by being this deep in the cave."

Some of them nodded in response while Art smiled wryly. 'Am I that weak to not be able to tell?'

He expected his guide to add a remark but she remained quiet.

"So," the boy's voice continued. "I would be appointing six people to lead the groups based on my and what I've noticed from your evaluation of them.

I know that I'm in no position to do this, so I request for all your cooperation." He bowed his head while saying the last part and most people nodded in agreement, so he went ahead to select.

The first person he pointed was Iris. Second, Beatrix, third Frigga, and the remaining two were people he didn't know.

One was a boy, while the other was a girl and the last of course being himself.

"Must feel really nice calling the shots," a boy beside Art muttered.

Looking at him, he was so drowsy that Art believed that he hadn't slept the entire week.

He had messy curly silver hair which covered part of his left eye. He was handsome with a lean structure, seeming slightly younger and his purple eyes were like that of someone who had been carrying the entire world on his shoulders for years and was just set free an hour ago.

He looked towards Art. "Niche to meeth yo…hwaaaaaahh!" He couldn't even complete his statement before letting out a big yawn.

People began to choose which leader they wanted to follow, most wanted to be in the leader boy's group but he spread them out and the other people selected accepted their roles.

"Come on Arty—why don't you join my group," Frigga said with an evil smirk.

Before Art could reply someone else who he never expected voiced out, "No! He's mine."

Everyone looked towards the source of this voice to see Beatrix who was walking forward with a smile on her face.

"What are you doing?" the short boy who usually stayed beside her asked but she didn't care to answer still walking towards him.

'What does she want?' his eyebrows knitted, not appreciating being claimed by someone.

As she got to him, she leaned forward quite close.

"What do you say? Do you want to join my group?" her eyes were full of expectations. Right now she looked very cute, different from the dangerous aura she usually gives off.

Seeing no harm to this, he nodded his head in affirmation.

Her smile brightened and everyone watching felt jealous, including Frigga and his buddies who couldn't stand the sight.

"I don't think...."

Before Frigga could complete his statement, her expression totally changed as killing intent spread around causing him and some others to subconsciously step back.

"Hmmm! Not bad," the leader boy muttered with a smile.

"Let's go," she grabbed Art by the hand pulling him back to where she previously stood.

Art tried to free his hand from her grip but it was too strong.

"I hope I'm not hurting you," she asked in worry and Art didn't know whether to laugh or cry as if his body was in the same state as two weeks ago, his wrist would've snapped by now.

After choosing which part each group would go into, they were about to proceed but got interrupted by someone.

"WAIT!!!" A girl shouted with her voice echoing as they all turned towards her. Gaining their attention, she continued.

"Remember Lord Gajeel's words? Keep moving forward into your destiny," she quoted trying to contain her excitement and everyone stared at her blankly with an 'and so what?' look on their faces.

Seeing this, she explained further. "He said to keep going forward. I think we shouldn't be diverting."

Some people face-palmed after listening to this.

She was one of those people who makes a big deal from little things.

She was unfazed by their reaction, knowing that there was more to it, so she kept walking forward expecting something to happen, but nothing did until she was just an inch away from the wall.

Some of them shook their head in ridicule.

Now believing that she might've been overthinking things, she felt embarrassed and hit her hand against the wall, and just as it made contact, under the eyes of everyone, she was sucked into it.

Oops! Looks like I overdid this chapter.

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