
The Successor System [MOVED TO A NEW LINK]

Thus books has been moved to a new link. Research the name to find. **************** Betrayed by the woman he loved, Art ended up dying with the last thing he saw being her kissing another man. He was filled with regret about how wasted his life was but he was given another chance. [Potential Successor found. Do you wish to accept] He found himself transmigrated into the body of a sixteen-year-old who died, with his body being weak to dislocate just by swinging a sword. Even with something like this, his System delivered a task that seemed impossible. [Become the most powerful mage.] Follow Art on his journey, from being the weakest to the strongest mage in the world. ******************** If you choose to support me, https://www.buymeacoffee.com/khayPhynom Cover isn't mine

Khay_Phynom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Life threatening battle

His eyes were filled with wariness as he approached the wolf beast.

He monitored every inch of its body to predict its movements which would cover up for his lack of speed.

If he didn't have all this training from his former world, his chances of victory would be nearly impossible but he did, which increased his probability of coming out victorious to 40 percent and this depended on his first attack, so he didn't plan on messing it up.

This scenario reminded him of a time in his previous life when he had to defend himself from a crazy dog using a piece of broken glass and he emerged victorious with some injuries, most of which were caused by the weapon he used.

Even though the weapon he wielded now was much better than any he had ever come across, this situation was worse than then.

Racheal watched in worry as they both inched closer to each other with her heart racing and when they reached 10 meters apart, they both lunged forward.

Art expected it to leap to his upper region which was exactly what it did, so he slid below it on time and now the beast was above him with its belly in full display.

Not wasting this opportunity, he slashed the dagger at the place which he believed to be where its heart was located but he had overestimated his strength as only a deep cut was made which failed to claim its life.

They passed each other not being in the same state as just two seconds ago.

While the beast which was now staring more viciously at him had blood dripping out from its chest, Art had two fingers on the hand he used to attack now broken.

[-1 HP]

His face looked paler with a wry smile on his face. 'My chances just got slimmer.'

The beast charged forward with madness in its eyes and Art who didn't panic remained on the same spot, observing it closely.

The beast which didn't plan on falling for the same trick twice went lower. Art expected this, spinning around and evading the attack before slamming his knee into its face.

He followed this up by thrusting the dagger to its neck but it was a very agile creature, twisting its body in a way that caused Art to miss before leaping backwards.

After this attack, Art failed to get back into a defensive position on time and the beast which decided to use this to the fullest leaped at him with its sharp jaws opened. Within such a short time the only thing he could do was raise his right hand to block the jaws which were headed toward his shoulder.

He barely made it on time and as the beast bit down on his forearm instead, crunching sounds reverberated along with Art's scream.

[-4 HP]

He gritted his teeth while flinging his hand in order to get it off but he overestimated his strength once more, as the beast's legs came in contact with the ground instead, and with its teeth still in his arm it tossed him away. He sailed across the air before slamming into a tree with a little spurt of blood.

[-2 HP]

The blood produced from his mouth would've been much more if it wasn't for his condition. Even his right arm which had large teeth marks and was crushed also failed to produce much blood.

"STOP!!" he screamed in pain as Racheal who had tears in her eyes slowly brought down her hand.

She didn't like this, she didn't like this at all. Seeing him in so much pain and with such injuries. He was asking for too much of her. Staying idle while watching him die which she would never allow no matter what.

Even though he hates her she didn't care. Just being alive to hate her was enough.

She didn't want him to die in such a way, but what could she do seeing him struggle and fight so fervently?

Just a little more. If this gets worse she was going to step in no matter what.

Art understood well enough how she felt and didn't what to put her through so much as she has been truly kind to him ever since he arrived, so he decided to end this quickly.

Of course, he didn't have any intention of dying again so soon.

His right hand was now completely useless as it dangled down, so he picked up the dagger which was previously held by his right hand with his left before bringing it to his mouth and holding it firmly with his teeth.

The beast bolted towards him one more time with sloppy movements due to the amount of blood it had lost.

Art knew very well that he was going to get just one shot at what he was planning to do and if he misses or fails to kill it, then that was it for him.

He stayed still as usual watching it approach him. He couldn't rush in due to the injuries on his weak body making it even weaker and he barely felt any strength left.

'I can't believe you've been quiet all this time. Don't you think now is the perfect moment for a theme song?' he said internally but got no response.

The beast made a feint leap before quickly changing its direction and leaping again.

Art was no newbie in fighting so he saw through this and prepared himself beforehand.

Everything seemed to get into slow motion.

Racheal had her arm stretched out.

The wolf beast had its bloodied jaws wide open.

And Art opened his mouth, letting the dagger fall towards his knee which was being raised.

This was very risky as not getting it right would mess everything up. But he did.

The end of the dagger hilt came in contact with his knee which raised it with the tip of the blade heading straight towards the lower jaw of the beast which had made it on time.

He put all the strength he could muster into the raised knee and it was enough for it to pierce through the lower jaw, merging it with the upper before protruding out of the beast's skull.

Breaking sounds came from both his knee and the skull of the beast but he didn't falter.

Not wanting to take any chances, he stabbed the second dagger in his left hand through the eyes of the beast.

It crashed on him and with it its weight being over three times his, he was forced to the ground with the beast on top.

Rachel rushed towards him shifting the lifeless body of the beast from his before hugging him with tears in her eyes, not bothered that he was covered in blood.

"You did it! You did it!" Even though it was surprising that he killed an F-rank beast she didn't think of that as she was just too glad.

Art remained silent with a triumphant smile on his face.

Though it was pitiful that he ended up in such a state while fighting just an F-rank beast, the feeling of victory was still the same. The notifications from the system also delighted him.

[You killed F-rank black wolf: +10 EXP]

[You killed your first beast: +200 EXP]

[You killed your first F-rank beast: +200 EXP]

[Instant quest completed: +300 EXP]

[You completed your first quest: +300 EXP]

[Host has leveled up!]

[Host has leveled up!]

[Host has leveled up!]


[+25 stat points to distribute]

[System remark: Good! Very good!]

His happiness was short-lived as another notification which was nothing of good news arrived.

[Due to the stress and injuries put on host's body, host's life span has reduced]

[Time left:]


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