
The Successor System [MOVED TO A NEW LINK]

Thus books has been moved to a new link. Research the name to find. **************** Betrayed by the woman he loved, Art ended up dying with the last thing he saw being her kissing another man. He was filled with regret about how wasted his life was but he was given another chance. [Potential Successor found. Do you wish to accept] He found himself transmigrated into the body of a sixteen-year-old who died, with his body being weak to dislocate just by swinging a sword. Even with something like this, his System delivered a task that seemed impossible. [Become the most powerful mage.] Follow Art on his journey, from being the weakest to the strongest mage in the world. ******************** If you choose to support me, https://www.buymeacoffee.com/khayPhynom Cover isn't mine

Khay_Phynom · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Let off some steam

Art walked through the long hallway with Racheal behind him.

Although it was plainly decorated, it was still pleasing to the eyes.

Bathing and dressing proved more difficult than he expected.

He was quite surprised and relieved to see that the clothes in this world were very similar to his former.

Racheal kept staring at him with worry. Moving around like this on his own was surely difficult.

She insisted on helping him as usual but he refused, saying that it was just walking.

She has been with him long enough to know that even walking was tiring for him. There was a time when a wheelchair was suggested but he discarded the idea saying that he wasn't disabled. Such a stubborn boy!

They arrived in a large living room which was more like a hall and he had to walk across to get to the dining room.

She had a bothered expression which Art believed came from something else.

Gaining the memories of the former body owner didn't mean that he knew everything that happened in his life.

The memories were filtered and similar to someone who has amnesia and is brought to places and shown objects and people to help them remember. Just like that, something needs to trigger a particular memory before he remembers.

For example, he knows that he had a father and also knows his face and voice but he barely remembers anything about him.

Only after meeting him would he recall some memories and for deeper memories, it would have to be spoken about first.

So it was only after the door was opened, with his gaze falling on everyone present in the room did he realize why she was bothered, as some not-so-good memories surfaced.

'Damn, they really don't go easy on him," he sighed internally before walking in.

Some people didn't even shift their gazes towards him, and most of those that did immediately focused back on their meal while those that kept staring at him didn't have friendly expressions.

There were nine people about his age seated around a large table. All of them had silver hair which was a common trait of the Silvers. Only few like him whose hair colour was gotten from their other parent who wasn't a Silver.

The fact that they were under one family didn't mean they were all related, which is where the term branch family comes in.

The Silvers have three major branch families which other smaller branches were under.

The names of these branch families are Ron, Von, and Li.

The first Silvers which were a group of 6 weren't related. They included 3 males and 3 females, hence, the three branch families.

It was people from the same branch families who were related. Art belonged to the Von branch, making his full name Art Von Silver.

So people from different branch families could get married.

The residence of the Silvers was very massive and was totally different from where they currently were. This place was just for training the young Silvers before they were allowed into a magic academy.

This explained why there were only teenagers in the dining room. All of them were Vons as they were separated according to branch families.

"I see you're alive. I was getting a little sad about the thought of you finally dying," a lean boy with perfectly gelled-back silver hair said sarcastically.

If he remembers correctly, this one's name is....

He couldn't even remember. The past body owner must have not given a shit about his actual name but they all called him JV.

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. You're looking good as always," a short chubby boy said mockingly with a chuckle.

Even without the memories he received, the subconscious actions of his body would've made him notice just how much the former body owner hated this fat runt.

His name was Chucky reminding him of a certain movie, and come to think of it they even had some similarities.

But this was inferior to the hatred his body and memories felt towards a particular boy who kept staring at him with a smug on his face.

The hatred the former body owner felt towards him, only lost out to what he felt towards his ex-fiancé and uncle and Art didn't know that he was currently glaring at him.

The boy on the other hand nodded in satisfaction seeing this.

He always loved it when Art looked at him in such a way but today's glare seemed different.

Normally, Art would look at him with pure hatred and anger which was all, but now within that hate and anger lay something else.

Killing intent.

He got a little scared at first before reminding himself that it was just Art. What could he possibly do?

"Looks like he's picking a fight," Chucky said in amusement.

"Come on Arty; I don't want to be the one who accidentally kills you," Frigga, the boy who he glared at chuckled before noticing something which caused him to raise an eyebrow in ridicule.

"What's with that tracksuit? Don't tell me...….~Puff~ Don't tell me you want to exercise!"

Not just the three of them, several more busted into laughter with some chuckling slightly.

According to his memories, only three people didn't partake in any form of mockery against him.

Two were girls, both seated here while the third was a boy. The same boy who he had seen sparring with a man through his window.

One of the two girls who had long silver hair with blue eyes was very composed and beautiful, even more than Racheal who watched this all in annoyance and anger, not just at them but also at her inability to defend him.

She focused on her food not even sparing anyone a glance.

The other girl had shoulder-length silver hair and brown eyes. She was the shy type feeling mostly sadness and pity for him.

Art's expression returned to normal as he took an empty chair and began eating as well. He needed to eat and drink a lot of water to complete the feeding section of his daily quests.

The amount required was about three times more than that of an average person in his former world and he hoped he won't end up becoming a glutton.

Art wasn't someone who eats a lot, so they were surprised at how much he was eating.

'Hmm, not bad. The food here is way better. Hmm! What type of flesh is this? It melts so smoothly in my mouth with the perfect level of chewiness. I can't have enough!' he didn't realize that he was eating quite fast.

"It looks like you've decided to take all your sorrows out on food. Why don't you have mine," Frigga stretched his plate of food out towards him and after 10 seconds a frown appeared on his face as he looked like a fool with his arm still stretched out.

Deciding on his next action, he arched his arm backwards before hurling the plate of food towards Art's face.

Art saw it coming, but his body couldn't react in time, so it slammed right into his face as Frigga and his two buddies began laughing. Few also chuckled, while some didn't find it funny but remained quiet.

"Art!" Racheal cried, about to run towards him but he raised his hand causing her to stop.

Including her, everyone was surprised as the Art they knew wouldn't behave in such a way.

He would've thrown insults, be moved to tears, or just accept it with a bitter smile, depending on his mood, pleasing his haters on whichever he chooses.

But instead, he had a neutral expression as though nothing had happened.

He ended up being the one who broke the silence.



"Bring more of this to my room later." He stood up from the chair with food splattered all over his face before walking away.

"I….I will." She was surprised by his attitude much more, his demand.

He had his back facing them which was why they couldn't see the big grin on his face.

The reason for this was because he had finally found some people who he could take out all his vented-up anger from both his last life and the former body owner, and his system couldn't agree less.

[New short-term quest received: Let off some steam!]

Yikes. I'm looking forward to what he has in store for them.

Khay_Phynomcreators' thoughts