
The Successor of The Chaos Bringer

Due to some reason that may or may not involve a truck, a soul finds itself in the void and is given the mantle of Chaos as the successor of Unicron. Watch him move reality to reality to gain strength once more and perhaps finish what Unicron could not unite the entire multiverse as one! Will he succeed? What realities would he jump to? Will he have the heart to sacrifice quadrillions of lives like his predecessor? Find out! I don't own any of the characters, plots, or anything, other than a few OC characters here and there. Everything else has its original creators

CrazyDragonKing · Movies
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11 Chs


On a clear-skied evening. A warm summer breeze shook the trees at one side of the street gently, though it was the night this side of the town seemed to be a favorite of people as they could be seen in pairs and groups, either walking, standing, or just sitting on benches.

Many shops and stores were lined on the other side of the street, and in one shop particular, or to say a pawn shop.

A young handsome man around the early 20s, was in this shop, his brows making a frown, looking very puzzled with his deep blue eyes piercing at the object in his hand.

"Strange never thought they would make a weird card from Transformers. However, this does seem like Unicron. But why is it metal?" Said the young man as he looked at the metallic purple card on its surface was an imprint of a planet with a mouth and claws and a large symbol that looked like a beetle just behind it.

"Lucky me I guess, hopefully, it will cost me nothing. Ah, damn! I have to get going." Looking at his watch he noticed that he had been lost his activity. Running to the teller to pay for his items, to his surprise the metallic card was actually very cheap, so he stuffed it in his chest pocket of his shirt.

Walking in the street with his bag pack worn over one shoulder, stopping for a bit he took out his headphones and connected them wirelessly to his phone and played music which he dropped in his bag. With that done he increased his walking speed, after almost 300 meters from the pawn shop he suddenly had a strong urge to turn around. Like that small voice at the back of your head that just nags you to do something, like an instinctive feeling.

And so he did.

Looking back in the road he saw it, a speeding truck. Finding it strange why this was the cause of him turning around he just looked on. The truck was driving at top speed as there were no other cars in the road at the time nor were there any pedestrians.

Then, as it reached the pawn shop, the young man noticed a ball roll I the middle of the road out of the corner of his eyes. So he turned to it and saw a little boy I the road run to grab it. Suddenly, he found this scene so similar!

'Tsk! Truck-Kun on the loose. Cliché, but why is this making me turn and look at it?' He raised an eyebrow and thought hard.

'Your choice.' A thought appeared in his mind, almost as if to test him on what he will do in this kind of situation, will he run to the little boy and sacrifice himself like a hero, or just stand there and watch the little kid get turned into a road patty.

'My choice, huh?' He mussed with a smile, he saw all, then he made his choice.

He moved his body and took a determined step.

In the opposite direction of all this nonsense.

The truck still roaring with unhindered speed, and just within 100 meters of reaching the little boy who had gotten the ball in his hands. The truck was almost upon the boy, and when the little kid saw the headlights he froze like a little deer.

Then it happened!




Crash! Bang!

It was a large silver trash can that flew through the air like a silver lightning bolt, then hit the window of the driver's door with a loud crash!

Whoever it was that was driving it must have really got one hell of a shock, whether they had been asleep or drunk or whichever mysterious reason they had, as they just couldn't help but swerve the truck immediately out of the road and into the tree on the side of the road.

The young man was heaving slightly and his arms were trembling a little, he then took a breath to calm himself down and dusted off his hand. Looking down he saw the trash that had fallen out of the trash can he had just use and shrugged at the mess.

He looked up and saw the kid looking at him wide eyes and mouth open, he just nodded at the kid and turned around, walking away at his leisurely pace.

'Am not a hero, nor am I a villain. If I want to save something, I will do it with my own style, time, and manner.' He mussed mentally to himself as he carried on walking, the public had gone crazy about the crash and were helping the driver.

Leaving the still shocked kid, he knew the guardian or parent was coming as he saw someone running from the other side of the road towards them, so he knew the kid would be alright. Unbelievably, he had done all that with his headphones still on.

After a couple of turns here and there he managed to reach his apartment. All of a sudden, as soon as he was at the door of his apartment. His face turned pained, he gripped his chest just above his heart.

"Fuck! The doctors said it wasn't supposed to happen in three months! Why so soon?!" His breathing was labored and strength was draining from all his limbs, his heart beat beating hard and fast as if it was going to burst out of his chest! Clenching his chest and gritting his teeth, the young man used his other hand to pull out his keys to get inside.

Fumbling within his pockets he got them and with a trembling hand he focused unlike before to insert the key in the key hole, managing with the strength he felt came out of nowhere he tumbled in his room with a thud! On the ground, his limbs felt as heavy as lead, and as if the gravity of the earth had suddenly multiplied he couldn't get up immediately.

"Come on old boy! Get up!! I can't die like this!" He grits his teeth with great determination and persistence, he got up slowly. Luckily he had a chair nearby which he leaned on, dragging his body he reached the kitchen. It was pretty clean, neat, and in order; but in his hast and blurry mindset he was pushing everything out of the way, and like a drowning man at sea he was going at it with unnatural strength.

Cupboards lined up well and in order below and above he struggled to reach on that was up, from his perspective it was as if he was about to climb Mt Everest.

Feeling weaker and weaker at each moment that went by, he pulled himself up and reached to the cabinet he was aiming for. In it were various medical containers both plastic and glass, his hand ran about in the cupboard and as it landed on a transparent box he took it and brought it down with him to the ground as his legs gave out on him.

Sitting on the floor, he weakly raised his hands and open the box that was already made to open easily. Reaching in he pulled out an injection, to which he quickly stabbed in his leg.


"Ha... ha…" Groaning and panting heavily with a sweat-covered pale face, he laid there on the ground for a while. The pain and the constrictions in his chest receded slowly like a tide as weakness and exhaustion started to replace them, his clothes were wet and sticky he laid there for about 5 minutes to get some strength back in his wary bones.

"Hahaha, damn that was a close brush with death twice today." Laughing weakly at himself, he steadily pushed himself up with his back pressed against the wall of his build in the kitchen table. After finding stability and a better grip on the table, he searched for his bag as he had left his phone in there.

He thought for a bit and suddenly remember that he had left it at the door, he walked around the table while still holding it for support to head for the main door.

While doing so, he didn't notice the mess in his way as he continued for the door. Nobody would really even bother if they too were in a life and death situation. He finally saw his bag laying at the door that was wide open, with the help of the walls and things in his surroundings he got his bag.

Pushing the door to close, He dragged and dropped his body on the couch, and proceeded to find his phone from the bag; pulling it out he dials the emergency number for an ambulance.

Having done that he, laid there on the couch to rest when he started to feel thirsty from all the sweating and exhaustion. Seeing that it was not very far nor a difficult thing to do, he got up on his quest to quench his thirst that felt as if he had gone the entire day without a drop of water.

Fumbling to the kitchen once more, he opened the fridge and found a jar of cold water; he picked it up with a slightly shivering hand, seeing that he might spill it he decided to hold it with both hands. Again to the build in kitchen table he paced the jar there and turned to the cupboards that were below this time to fetch a glass.

As he bent on his knees to pick it, death comes once more to claim him, and as they say it; third times the charm!

This happened as he bent on his knees to reach for the glass in the lower cupboards, now as he was in this position a meat tenderizer was loosely hanging from the top of the cupboard. So when the young man suddenly closed the cupboard door after grabbing the glass while still having his head lower it fell from that height head first and landed on the back of his head!

Bum! Crash!

"Ahhh! Crap!" That was all he could get out of his mouth as the blow knocked him on the floor with his face downwards. The glass in his hand was broken due to him dropping it and soon his chest, hands, neck, and face were punctured with various sizes of broken glass, blood quickly flooded out of him as if it was finally free from the confines of his body.

It painted the white tiled floor red. And spread far from the young man. And along with each drop that flowed out of his body so was his life slowly seeping from his very being. However, as he laid there choking on his blood as well as in pain something unnatural was happening. As the light in his eyes faded, a purple light suddenly flashed in his eyes, he then heard a voice in his head.

"You did well against that disciple of Primus my progeny..." It was as if it too was on the verge of death just like him, the light vanished with the voice, and with it his life.

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