
The Successor of The Chaos Bringer

Due to some reason that may or may not involve a truck, a soul finds itself in the void and is given the mantle of Chaos as the successor of Unicron. Watch him move reality to reality to gain strength once more and perhaps finish what Unicron could not unite the entire multiverse as one! Will he succeed? What realities would he jump to? Will he have the heart to sacrifice quadrillions of lives like his predecessor? Find out! I don't own any of the characters, plots, or anything, other than a few OC characters here and there. Everything else has its original creators

CrazyDragonKing · Movies
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11 Chs

Cooking and leaving

In a large hall there sat a purple shadowy figure of a young male on a large throne made of metal that had large gray and orange horns and spikes jutting out of the back of it giving it a menacing and an unmistakable regal vibe.

In front of this silhouette on the throne were three items; a silvery glob, a red hot metal vat that was steaming, and ten glass cylindrical canisters filled with gray sand-like substances. The with a single motion of the phantom man's hand, the ten canisters floated before the silver glob then with another gesture the tops of the canisters behaved as if they had been cut off with laser precision.

The grey 'sand' from each canister started to float upwards in a spiral formation as if a twister was forming, they all gathered and became a little dark grey cloud just above the silvery glob.

"Hmm, this might work. The plan is to merge the symbiotes properties with the nanites, as these ones are not designed by Wilfred Wigans in the movie that enabled them to recharge by the simple consumption of proteins. I need them to be able to get energy by eating and retain their ability to recharge, but this will be happening under my own conditions and means. Next is to give them that elasticity and versatility Riot had and manipulate them into melee weapons. Perhaps I can tweak them here and there to let the nanites enable me to morph them into a pistol and cannons. And lastly, so that I can a transformation too." With all the thoughts arranged the young man let the two items combine into a mixture first, sinking the sand-like nanites into the symbiote.

It was like dropping grains of wet dirt in a thick oily substance, the nanites first rolled on the surface before sinking in deeper. After all of them had sunk in and making the entire silver glob bigger and bigger until it was the size of a beach ball, the young man shot a purple beam from his finger at it.

If one zooms onto a nanite on an atomic level, they would see an incredulous scene. Electrons and protons were being shifted at light speeds, some atoms shot off their electrons and protons, others received them. For some atoms they found pairs to bond up with, others separated on their own. The same thing could be seen happening to the other nanites this included the symbiote also as it too was being affected in such a way that it breaking apart and reforming in various ways and manners.

Soon it started to attach itself onto the nanites, breaking into the capsule shapes of the nanites all following the order and directives of the purple energy that had seemed into both materials on a level deeper than atomic, driving them into a new form of the material unlike any before in the entire cosmos.

On the outside, the silver globe shone purple once more and this time it was shrinking. Each time it shrank it rippled and writhed as if something within was being born.

Still greatly focused on his work before him the young man gazed into the creation he had set to complete without any distractions. The minutes ticked on and turned into hours. The glob shrunk slowly and the light on it died out. Revealing an ashy grey, soccer ball-sized glob. It was perfectly spherical and shone brightly under the dim lights of the hall.

"That went extremely well, turns out Matter manipulation just requires one to will what they want and it happens. Talk about god-level ability there, the problem is power. Unfortunately, I can't create anything out of nothing too as I would have used all this energy into something awesome. Now to finish this!" Cheering himself on the young man sat properly while rubbing his hands together on his final task.

Motioning the new glob towards to vat of molten god metal, he made the amber-like metal rise, it was still hot and malleable in this form as it had just been melted by the energy of a neutron star. Thus making it very very unstable to use properly on the new material he had just created, for anyone else this would be extremely impossible as well as very difficult, but logic and common sense was never a thing when it came to chaos, not to mention the current abilities the young man could wield at the moment, so without further adieu, he readied his powers.

The liquid metal was plenty enough that it covered the entire glob from the will of the young man and soon enough just like before they were covered with purple lights that bathed it completely after being shot at by the young man.

What the young man wanted was to have the Uru metal become the new bodies and shell of the nanites making them extremely durable, strong, and gain the absorption capabilities of the metal. Meaning he could store energy and manipulate it easily for the many abilities that he has and will have. The other change was that he wanted it to be easily morphed into weapons at it like how Riot did and the last was to have it be the basis of his future transformations.

Then titling his head to the size a bit and gazing at the empty containers that brought the items currently in use, the young man waved a finger and the glass canisters started to break down as if collapsing under their own weight and turned into sparkly purple dust that sprinkled down on the glowing otherworldly concoction.

He then proceeded to do the same to the empty vat, like the canisters it was converted in the same dust but on a higher concentration. Repeating the same motion as before, the concentration of the light rose higher.

"Heh! Recycling is very good, a little bit of Matter manipulation to turn trash into energy. I am so going to spam this ability along with the others." Chuckling a little, the young man then waved his hand once more and the light on the glob withdrew into it. Causing the glob to slightly glow and flicker purple from time to time.

"Complete! Now to get the heck out of here and finally check this baby out."

The glowing glob reached the young man and he reached out with his finger and tapped it lightly, the body of the glob vibrated gently at the touch and stopped for a second, then it flew towards the young man's chest and sunk into him.

"Alright, time to see the universe and what it has in store for little old me." Standing up from his throne for the first time since he entered the young man stepped on the hard metal floor that gave off no echo. By the time he managed to reach the large doors of the hall, he stopped, looked back and waved his arm in a swiping motion at his former position.

First the was a slight tremor, then came groan of machines as if twisting and bending against their will, followed by screeching of metals that would put banshees to shame. Then there was a large burst, that tore the hall apart, pillars, beams, and plates all of which were metal tore each other apart and twisted on the floors breaking each tile as they ripped by. The others rose to the ceiling all contorted and weaved into each other like dragons out of the earth.

But that was not the end, soon some parts started to burst as if they were bubbles. Others parts shrank, with that others would unwind and unravel causing about the devastation that was unfolding before the eyes of the young man.

The perpetrator of this was looking at everything with a calm gaze, and the crazy writhing metals that danced about were not even within 10 feet of him.

"Unfortunately I won't be able to demonstrate such level of power once am out of here for the time being. I can't imagine how powerful Unicron was at his peak, that's even if there is a peak. Which means, I too won't have a peak but will just keep on climbing!" With a slight shiver at this realization, the young man shook his head to focus on the now.

The floor below him started to crumble as soon as he finished uttering his sentence, the young man just floated there. Then noise started to die down as everything around him was completely devoured and turned into a large purple mist that covered his sight and below him.

"Hmm, it is done. All the best to me now I guess." With a little nod of his head at this, he activated his power to start his jump. The purple mist started to light up and burn spontaneously at this, then a massive explosion that instantly went off and blinded the young man. For him things were bright and white for a second that he instinctively tried to cover his face, then the next second it was all black.

It was dark and quiet for a while, but his senses started to kick in one by one, his sense of touch was the first. He could tell that he was on a soft surface and laying on his back, and that he was bare chested a felt a slight breeze wave across his torso. Next was smell and hearing, the scent was slightly fresh as if it was just morning and he believed to be the scent from that earlier breeze and the sound was as if a town or city, where ever he might currently be seemed to be waking up.

Then his eyes snapped open, a stared at an unfamiliar celling, but it was unfamiliar for a second before the memories came to him.

"Well, this interesting." A small smile arched on the handsome youthful face of the new body. Lifting himself up from the small bed, he walked towards the window and saw the sun rise beyond the horizon just behind the tall buildings.

Looking up he saw a large city floating above the entire town below all on its own.

"Oh am going to be getting myself a cute little battle angel for myself it seems, haha! I have always dreamed of it, now as Hugo, things will end and continue differently, and in time I will bend this world to my very whims." The new Hugo let out a charming smile as he gazed off into the distance of the floating city of Zalem.

Finally landed! What new adventures await our MC!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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