
The Subscorp special

in honor of SubScorp week, i present to you all: this fuckin thing :)

MedicsBonesaw · Video Games
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subscorp week - Wednesday

a bit different than what most people would take this as, scorpion will be talking about satoshis childhood and the loss of his family, so it's a little sad, a little teeny itsy bitsy bit sad :)


Hanzo and Kuai had spend a long and wonderful day together, kuai had actually managed to convince Hanzo to go out and have fun with him, and now that the day was winding down Hanzo had brought them to an absolutely amazing place.

It was a small hill, a few trees scattered here and there, the warmth of the setting sun and pinkish red light as it left view made the whole place seem unreal. an angelic beauty.

"How come you've never taken me here before, han?" kuai chuckled, resting his head against Hanzos chest. They had chosen a spot under a tree to watch the day end, with Hanzo laying against the tree and kuai propped up against his side, even their legs overlapped as they held each other.

Hanzo took a breath, gently running his fingers through Kuais hair. "This is where harumi told me i was going to be a father, where she told me about my precious satoshi. i just- i was worried bringing you here too soon would open up old scars. forgive me."

caught a bit off guard at the sudden heaviness of the response, kuai stayed silent a moment. Eventually reaching to grab hanzos free hand, squeezing it gently. "No, Hanzo don't apologize- i understand, i didn't mean anything when i said that."

Hanzo stayed silent, just sighing. kuai frowned then pressed himself harder against Hanzo in an attempt to comfort him. "if it makes you feel any better, harumi might just have picked the prettiest place. it is like the eldergods themselves sculpted this land."

After a couple seconds of silence, Hanzo finally spoke, bringing his hand away from Kuais head to rest it on the cryromancers waist. "Actually, harumi didn't show me this place. my father did, when i was a young boy. he took me out to train, to meditate, or to just play. i had brought harumi here for a picnic, and that's when she told me."

Kuai nodded, expecting Hanzo to continue his story. After a short pause, he did. "I found it funny, the place that meant so much during my childhood was now there to witness the start of a new childhood. and.. and i made sure Satoshi got to enjoy that place just as much as i had those years ago."

"he was a very lucky boy, that sounds beautiful Hanzo." kuai nodded, squeezing hanzos hand again. Hanzo squeezed back, a little harder. "me and him went out here the night it happened. we were having fun, laughing and running-"

"Hanzo," kuai looked up at him, a worried expression on his face. "you don't have to tell me, if it hurts you too much. i am simply honored you brought me here."

Hanzo gave him a reassuring look and a kiss on the forehead, easing Kuais head back down against his chest. "It is okay. i need to share this i think, it needs to get out of my head."

kuai gave a small nod and closed his eyes, and Hanzo continued. "thank you, my snowflake. but, me and Satoshi were just having fun, he was so full of energy and curiosity. he climbed almost every tree here, greeted every bug he found-"

there was another pause before Hanzo sighed, most likely an attempt to keep his voice steady, kuai thought. "i remember, i was about to take him back home, but he had just found a little scorpion fighting ants. he was so innocent, he begged me to help the scorpion. so i sat Infront of it, and took Satoshi in my lap. we watched the scorpion, and i explained to him why the scorpion would be just fine."

Hanzo chuckled "After that he told me a scorpion was his favorite animal. i told him we could see more scorpions tomorrow, and that we needed to get back home. his mother was making his favorite, and she'd be mad if we let it get cold. i.. i tried to hard to protect him- there was too many of them. i fought so hard to protect my little scorpion, but i couldn't. and now this place will never be blessed with his laugh, or his smile, or the bright curiosity in his eyes as he explored, ever again."

Quiet fell between the two again, occasionally broken by a soft sniffle from hanzo. kuai scooted up a little so it was easier to pull Hanzo against him, so now hanzo was the one being held. the fiery grandmaster had no problem hiding his face gently against Kuais neck, holding him in a tight hug.

after a moment Hanzo mumbled against Kuais neck, his voice no longer stable. "i promise to do better. i won't let anything take you away from me. this won't be like last time."

Kuai just pressed a kiss against the side of hanzos head, hushing him gently. "i know. it's alright, it wasn't your fault my love. we will protect each other, scorpion. i promise."

Hanzo just nodded, drawing in a shakey breath, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to focus on the frozen feeling around him.

The two men stayed like that for a while. just comfortable in each other's arms, vulnerable and open, at peace, and safe.