
Chapter 5: Aphrodisiac_1

Translator: 549690339

"Wait in the car for me, don't go anywhere!" Lin Xinrui instructed Wang Chao, then walked towards the clubhouse.

Upon hearing this, Wang Chao grinned and said, "Boss, waiting for you is no problem, but you look a little disheveled right now. You're not looking your best, and even your clothes are a little messed up. Your bra is slightly askew. It's not good to talk business with clients like this. Let me fix you up a bit before you go."

Wang Chao earnestly persuaded Lin Xinrui while pretending to come forward and help her tidy up her bra.

Lin Xinrui is so angry that she wants to kick Wang Chao away!

She didn't stop, but hastily fixed her appearance and quickened her pace towards the club.


Upon arriving at the agreed Luxury Private Room, Lin Xinrui pushed the door open and entered.

However, the moment she saw the young man sitting on the sofa, her attractive face immediately fell:

"Qin Shou? Why is it you? Where's President Chen?"

The young man sitting on the sofa was not a stranger to Lin Xinrui.

His name was Qin Shou, a direct descendant of another business clan, the Qin family, in Yunhai. Like Bi Yuntao, he's a suitor of Lin Xinrui.

However, compared to Bi Yuntao, Lin Xinrui had a worse impression of Qin Shou.

Because Qin Shou is inherently a beast, belonging to the kind of person who can do anything except good deeds. The most shameful thing is that this guy enjoys humiliating and playing with women, A while ago, a female college student from a certain university chose to jump off a building and commit suicide because she had been drugged and sexual assaulted by him.

What a young and precious life, it passed away innocently because of this bastard!

So, For such scum, Lin Xinrui couldn't even be bothered to give him a second look.

But, from the moment Lin Xinrui walked in, Qin Shou kept staring at her with unabashed interest, swallowing saliva with a lecherous face, kust barely controlling the greed in his heart.

He chuckled and said, "Xinrui, sit, sit!"

"Where is the Longyue Group's President Chen? Why are you here?" Lin Xinrui's eyebrows furrowed tighter.

Today is the day President Chen of Longyue has arranged to discuss a big project cooperation, otherwise, she wouldn't have rushed over in such a hurry.

"President Chen had something come up at the last minute, but he has delegated full authority to me to negotiate this project. If there's any issue, we can communicate freely."

As he spoke, Qin Shou was rubbing his palms, sleazy as can be.

"I have nothing to discuss with you. If President Chen isn't present, I'll take my leave." Lin Xinrui didn't want to stay with Qin Shou any longer, and turned to leave.

"Xinrui, don't be so hasty." Qin Shou wasn't in a hurry and said leisurely, "Even if you don't consider your own interests, you should think about the Dong Fang Group. The significance this cooperation has for Dong Fang Group, I believe you understand it far better than me."

These words hit Lin Xinrui's soft spot, indeed, she placed great importance on this collaboration.

After weighing her options, Lin Xinrui turned around and sat far away from Qin Shou, saying sternly, "Qin Shou, we can talk about the collaboration, but I hope you won't play any tricks. Otherwise, I, Lin Xinrui, am not easy to deal with!"

"Xinrui, you know my feelings for you, how could I play any tricks in front of you? I have come here in good faith!"

With a smile on his face, Qin Shou picked up a bottle of red wine from the table and as he opened it he started to talk, "I knew you were coming, so I specially brought my treasured 1982 Chateau Lafite Rothschild red wine. This little bottle is worth close to two hundred thousand dollars, and it's priceless."

As he poured the red wine into the decanter, he started sharing the wine's history.

However, when he began to pour the wine into Lin Xinrui's glass, the corners of his mouth voluntarily curved into a sly smile of triumph.

"Xinrui, cheers!"

With that, Qin Shou clinked his glass against Lin Xinrui's.

Lin Xinrui picked up the wine glass and was about to drink it!

This scene filled Qin Shou with extreme elation!


As long as she drinks this glass of wine, I'll have Lin Xinrui!

The strongest and most potent aphrodisiac has already been added to the wine!

Hehe, I just can't wait to have her under me!

With these thoughts in mind, a shadow of lust appeared on Qin Shou's face!


Just at this most critical and dangerous moment, the door to the private room was kicked open!

Immediately after, Wang Chao rushed in, complaining, "Boss, what kind of place did you pick? It's like a maze. I went around in circles before finally finding this place. Oh, is there wine? I'm thirsty, let me have a drink."

Wang Chao directly snatched the red wine from Lin Xinrui's hand and downed it all at once.

That was not enough, After drinking one glass, Wang Chao seemed not satisfied, so he immediately picked up the entire bottle of red wine from the table.

Then he raised his head, and a whole bottle of red wine was poured into Wang Chao's stomach as if he were drinking boiled water.

After finishing the wine, Wang Chao still frowned, "What kind of thing is there that smells of sloppy water? Still not quench my thirst at all!!"

Looking at the empty utensils and wine glasses that Wang Chao drank from, Qin Shou twitched the corner of his mouth so hard that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Damn it! how did a 1982 Chateau Lafite Rothschild red wine taste sloppy water in your mouth?!!!

Do you know how expensive this is?

If thirsty, go f*** to drink Gatorade, why waste my red wine?!

If it was just a waste of several hundered thousand dollars, Qin Shou could accept it, after all, money was just a number to him.

But Wang Chao's action just ruined his plan to sexually assault Lin Xinrui, the huge anger directly went to his mind this gave Qin Shou the idea of ​​breaking Wang Chao into thousands of pieces!!!

On the surface, it seemed that he accidentally drank wine and saved Lin Xinrui. In fact, Wang Chao had already sensed something was wrong. He had just caught Master Qin's men downstairs, tortured him, and found out his true purpose. . Having become such a special soldier, he is still the most powerful mercenary organization at present, Wolf Pack. As the leader of it, Wang Chao is naturally very vigilant.

He seemed to have rushed into the room recklessly, but in fact, as soon as he smelled it, he could smell the problem in the wine!

Because he needed to keep his identity secret, Wang Chao didn't want his peaceful life in the city to be ruined after finally returning to the city, so he could only continue to pretend to be an ordinary driver. He couldn't tell Lin Xinrui that he found something wrong with the wine, so he could only pretend to be a reckless person and drink the wine!

As for the medicine?


Wang Chao shook his head disdainfully.

As the most powerful soldier and a legendary killer, the training he received since childhood was naturally include anti-toxic training. These poisons are like candy to him and have no effect at all.

Even if it is an aphrodisiac, it only makes his body warm up a little, and it will not lose his mind at all.

Of course, if Lin Xinrui drinks it and needs to sacrifice his body to save her desire, then he also will readily agree without hesitation.

No man can treat apatheticly and do nothing for a beautiful woman burning in the flame of sexual desire .