
The Challenges of Mani with Alcoholism and Smoking :

So to begin, Mani is a friend of mine who had his time and difficulties with overcoming his addiction to Alcoholism and smoking. And in this sort chapter we'll know about the Troubles he had and how he overcame them and how is his life after quitting those habits.

(Note : the following is based on My chit-chat with Mani )

As we already know that Mani was an Alcoholic and a smoker but what we dont know is the story behind his Addiction. To begin,

He told me that he starting Drinking due to Some reason ( Undisclosed ) which were giving him tough times. He was going through a difficult time and He says that Drinking and Smoking Helped him To pass through that time ( my thoughts : I wonder ). In his words "Drinking and Smoking were the One thing which made him Happy during those time" but as Time moved fast he got addicted and the things which made him happy were now the reason for his troubles. (Now we all know what these Things Brings. so let's not write them and move on)

The Beginning of new Phase :

As he matured he realized the goods and the bads and what's right and wrong for him. one day He decided to quit and Start a new phase of his life. He tells In the start it was hard so but he was determined and focused. He quotes " If the dertimination and Focus sits Right you can achieve every goal " And his Goal was to be drug Free. Whenever His body wanted a sip he thought of the things he can be and what's at stake. He knew if he takes a sip now he will take two sips Later and His fight will be lost. During that time He kept himself busy with other things So he could not focus or remember The Drinking and smoking and Time as it is went by months passed And his Battle was won, his struggles paid off. And Now he is A drug free Person. ( I'm proud of him , Now i say this if anyone know him now they won't believe that once he was an addict and nobody would believe )

Note : Determination and hardwork always pays off.