
the birth

It was Friday morning when her labor pain started, she was rushed to the hospital for delivery stratling doctors as it was not the due date for her delivery. A normal healthy pregnancy was disturbed due to something which even doctors weren't able to make out. After tossing for whole lot of 5 hours she gave birth to two little cute princess. They were as white as milk, staring everyone with big clear eyes. the one who sees them would go into. a deep sea of thoughts.

Few days passed by and came their naming ceremony. The elder one was named as Anushka and the younger one was named as vrusihka. Both the sisters were calm giggling while guests were in awe as if they were little adults trapped in a child's body.

Their parents were running small businesses which was enough for their daily needs, but since their birth their fate changed dramatically as they started garnering more and more profitable projects which led to them becoming one of the well known wealthy family of the town.