
Chapter 6: Working like a Machine

When John was done, he went back to the reception and told the receptionist that he was done. With her disgusted face she told him to wait at the back of the administration building. After a few minutes Mr Chitsa came to inspect his work. They walked around the whole area until they came back to where they started. With a satisfactory face Mr Chitsa handed John $100 and told him to come back after two weeks. 

Before he left he asked to use the bathroom because he was sweaty from the work he have done. Knowing that he was going to do physical work, John carried another set of clothes besides the work suit he was wearing. So after having a bath, he changed into clean clothes and started to look for the next piece work.

For a moment it felt as if he has a lot of money in his pocket because $100 was a lot of money for him. It was also $30 away from full rent. One would wonder why he doesn't just go for piece work everytime and be able to pay rent or have a living from this. First, it's not a guarantee that he is going to be given the job next time. Second, he aspire to have a good job for himself and own his own property, maybe have a name for himself. To be able to achieve something as a graduate, so he has to look for a accounting job and be able to do something for himself. Third, these part-time jobs are seasonal, for example, trimming trees and lawn is only available in the rain season but when winter comes there won't be any.

He could now afford a little bit of his rent because it was reduced so many times to cater for his challenges. And he was later removed from the spacial rooms inside the cottage to the one he was using when Sharon's parents wanted to give someone who could pay rent every month. Originally, his rent was $300 which is to much for him now.

Meanwhile, he was on his way to construction companies or rather a construction sites. If he is lucky he will be able to assist builders and engineers in their work. This was not an easy job because for one to get a job here, you have to be physically capable to do it. Here brawn work more than brains.

The work here is physically taxing and one have to work like a machine and if you make any delays, you will be kicked out. There would be over ten engineers working with over hundred people, a mixture of bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, steel-fixers and so many others. These people need at least two assistants to bring materials while they are working.

There were two factors that affected these people: target and time. According to the kingdom's labour laws, any work that is physically taxing or that can affect the health and wellness of individuals involved should only be done over a limited amount of time of three hours a day. Therefore when working at a construction site both the engineers and other construction workers will have limited time to do their job of which they will have a target.

However, even though it was hard work the income was good. The assistants will be paid per hour and it was at least $10 per hour and can reach up to $15 per hour. Which means each day you might have at least $30 per day and if you are lucky $45 per day.

The only problem was getting this part-time job because each team of construction workers has enough assistants before they start. They will have extra five or six in case someone got injured and need to be replaced.

It's not only assistants who work with limited time even builders and plumbers have only six hours to work per day. Only engineers have to be available for the whole day as they had to inspect their respective specialization area in all the two shifts.

After visiting more than five construction sites, John finally got taken for a three hour shift as an assistant to a brick layer. He only got this job because the person who has been working at the moment was slow for the brick layer and he wanted someone who could be more faster than that.

John quickly changed into his work suit and was also given a helmet, safety shoes and gloves.

Because he was the only assistants for this builder he had to bring both bricks and mortar so that his work will be as fast as he wanted. So at first, John was having a hard time to catch his breath but he soon got used to the pressure.

There were two lifts one for bricks and the other for mortar. Brickforce and other materials were brought once so there was no need for him to collect them. They were constructing a sixty-five floor building and they were now at the fifty-eight floor where they were closing the spaces for a brick wall. Thanks to the lifts, there was no need to climb up these floors with bricks and mortar, however, he has to put them at arms length from the builder. The brick layer's job was to lay bricks without much movement so that he can work faster.

The guys responsible for loading the bricks and mortar only waited for him to give the order. What he has to do was to take the mortar and bricks from the lift to the needed places. Normally, one assistant took care of mortar while the other will be in charge of bricks.

John was working as fast as he could, even the engineers and other construction workers were stupefied at the site in front of them. John created a system in his mind, he had put down the time it took to finish each load of mortar and each load of bricks, so when the mortar was about to be emptied he will come with the next load. The same goes with bricks.

'Is he a machine', that's what was in everyone's mind. He was keeping up with other who had two assistants even though he was one. Even though their eyes almost popped out of their sockets, John Moyo was minding his own business, doing his job effectively and efficiently.

Three hours ended in an instant. At every three hours, assistants will swap and during that time inspection will occur at each and every construction site. It was a 15 minutes break for the construction workers. So during this break time builders would chat and eat some snacks or something and proceed with work when the break is over.

Today John made the break time different, some forgot to bring out their lunch boxes. Everyone, especially the engineers were around him trying to understand how he was efficiently when working. But all John could say was... "I was struggling to keep up". He couldn't give out that information because they will no longer need him if he tell them. His method was good in such a way that he could remove the need for assistants if implemented. They will be replaced with machine that provide everything at the builders' palm.

He could have been faster but he was afraid that he will draw people's attention. There was also need for him to use the lift every time.

So, after John answered and dodged their questions he was given his envelope by the project manager alongside others. His phone number was taken by almost everyone available trying to take him when they come on their next shift. This piece work gave him $36.

He changed his work suit and went to look for another piece work.