
The Strongest. {A Naruto Fan-Fic}

"The whole world is against me. Now, it should be fair." - Tendō This is a stronger, the fanfic, rewrite. Im the original author, Soh, and I've come to breathe life back into this fic again. I made some mistakes in the first one but I can't correct them because my account was hacked so....here I am correcting them. Thanks for reading.

Sohioe · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs


Jin was confused at his current predicament. The statue that he just collected had brought him into a space between dimensions to grant him his deepest desires?

What was this?

Did he have such a dream because he reads too much manga?

Or was this actually the attack of an enemy illusionist?

These were the thoughts that were going through the head of Jin.

"Okay statue, send me back. I don't know what kind of illusion technique I was trapped in but when I get out of here I will punish the one who cast it."

Jin was eerily calm as he spoke, his words were laced with killing intent and his Chi raged around his body with every breath. The statue didn't seem to be scared of this as it just responded, "Young one, I will tell you once more that I need you to be calm. Trying to attack me will not do anything. I am a concept, made for one sole purpose, and that is to grant your deepest desires because you fulfilled a certain condition. So what are they?"

Jin was getting even more skeptical as this being was going on and on about granting wishes. He wasn't sure if it was an attack from the enemy or if luck truly was on his side tonight so he decided to test it.

"Earlier, you said that to get these wishes, I fulfilled a certain condition. What was this condition?"

The statue went quiet for a bit then said, "You're a careful one young man. But the condition was simple, you just had to have killed over 2000 people with your own hands."

Jin raised an eyebrow when he heard this. He chuckled as he realized someone was actually keeping count of it. He had stopped worrying about it after the first person fell by his hands.

To Jin, such thoughts were useless.

"Alright statue, I'm impressed that you know so much. If I was still convinced that this was an illusion, I would've made sure the caster was dead. Now then, continue. I'm interested in this offer."

A bright light shone from the statue as if to emulate its happiness that Jin finally believed it. It was surprising that he actually did because Jin seemed like a shrewd and difficult man. But, it played along and said, "Good. Then tell me your wish."

Jin thought for a few minutes and responded in a skeptical tone, "Send me to the world of naruto with the ability to 'overclock' my mind and body. Also, give me the ability of the 'All-Seeing Eyes'. I believe you should know which ones I'm talking about."

The statue immediately noticed that Jin was being difficult with the lack of explanation on his wishes but since it was a mystical being, it knew exactly what Jin meant.

"Granted. But you still have a few more questions to answer. What Clan are you going to be born in? How will you look? What era would you be born in?"

Jin was amused at how thorough these questions were but it didn't take long before he came up with solutions to each one.

"Clan huh? I'll take Jugo's clan, whatever their names are. As for looks, make me look like Michikatsu Tsugikuni. Lastly, just send me to the era naruto and his comrades were born In."

And with that, Jin was done. Although he had said before that he believed the statue, he was still preparing for the enemy to spring out any time now and tell him this was all a big joke but a tiny part of him did hope that this was real.

"Granted. Now I'm obligated to give you two sets of martial arts so that you can train to protect yourself in this world. Although im sure that given your chosen profession, you don't need them. But, the rules are the rules, so choose."

Jin thought for a bit and almost laughed out loud at the fact that he was starting to take this seriously. It was honestly absurd.

"Alright, give me the Raishin Style and the Kaiwan Style. Those two and the Way Of Heaven Style would be my go-to beginning fighting styles in that world if I ever went there."

A bright light shone once again as the state responded, "Granted. Young one, know that your wishes will cause your current life to be forfeit. Meaning, right now you are already dead."

Jin looked at the statue like he was looking at a fool. He refused to believe that this statue held such powers but he soon realized that he was just in petty denial. The statue already showed that it was something that was beyond his abilities currently.

The statue then continued saying, "I will remove your soul from this world and send it to wherever you're being born in the new world. Young one, safe journey and have a good life."

And with that, the statue disappeared and Jin felt his consciousness fading rapidly with everything turning black. He didn't even have time to say anything before he dropped down on the floor in a heap.

[A while later]

Jin opened his eyes to find himself lying on a bed in a small room with red, ceramic architecture. A sharp intense headache immediately assaulted him as another set of pain raised its head in his chest area.

'This feels like...poison?'

A large chunk of memories rushed into Jin's head but he just closed his eyes and allowed everything to settle. Just from the first bit of memories, it was clear to Jin that the statue was telling the truth and he has indeed arrived in the world of naruto.

'But it seems like I've gotten into quite the predicament as soon as I've arrived. Let's see...'

Jin laid down for about a minute until all the memories settled in and started going through them. Immediately, he noticed how fast his thoughts were. What should have taken at least two minutes was done in less than a second. It didn't even feel like those were several years of memories.

'Alright, I've been reborn in the fire temple as someone named Tendō Mikazuchi. Guess that statue knew me better than I thought. I planned to use this name. My mother Toū was killed in battle a few years ago and my father killed himself because he was susceptible to fits of rage that would harm those around him. They both had unfortunate ends but such is the life of those who are weak.'

Tendo struggled up from his bed and stumbled towards a mirror in his room. He knew that he was in the body of a child as soon as he arrived but it was still a bit jarring to be that short.

Gradually, as he was walking towards the mirror, he noticed that the poison wasn't spreading fast at all. It had spread far enough that it had killed the past owner of the body but now, it seemed to slow down drastically.

'This must be a side-effect of having overclocking. I should just eject it out of my body now as there's no use keeping it in any longer.'

Tendo stopped moving and focused on every process that was currently happening inside his body. It only took him about a millisecond to find the cells that were keeping the poison at bay. Immediately, Tendo activated overclocking and forced the cells to attack the poison while using his blood circulation to eject it out of his pores.

Ten seconds is all it took for the poison to be completely removed.

'Although it's still painful and the damage is already done to my body, having control over these processes is more beneficial than I imagined. But, I have another threat to take care of...'

Tendo straightened up as he arrived in front of the mirror and took a good look at himself.

He had long spiky black hair that stopped at his upper back and was held in place by a ponytail. His skin was pale but not as much as it was in his past life and he had brown eyes that gave off a feeling of soullessness.

Even as Tendo felt happy that the statue got his looks right, he couldn't help but think about the threat that was looming over him. The one who was responsible for poisoning the past owner of his body.

'Kazuma. Heh, it's funny that I have to deal with someone else of the same name as my last kill. And it seems that this one only survived because whoever tried to kill him in the past failed to double-tap him, therefore causing his survival. Tch. I wouldn't make the same mistake.'


A/N: The 'Kazuma' similarity wasn't even planned lol. It just happened that our first murder target is named Kazuma. Crazy.