
The Strongest. {A Naruto Fan-Fic}

"The whole world is against me. Now, it should be fair." - Tendō This is a stronger, the fanfic, rewrite. Im the original author, Soh, and I've come to breathe life back into this fic again. I made some mistakes in the first one but I can't correct them because my account was hacked so....here I am correcting them. Thanks for reading.

Sohioe · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Catastrophe. {1}

Tendo moved so fast that the missing-nin responsible for watching him couldn't even register his movements.


All that could be heard was a buzzing sound similar to that of a saw and the body of a missing-nin falling to the ground with half of his torso...well, missing.

Sora's eyes opened wide in surprise as he saw the enemy he was furiously battling die as if he wasn't a challenge at all. "Brother Tendo, you...", Sora muttered. Tendo turned his attention to the same group that was watching him before with his back turned and lightning crackling all over his body.

"Focus, Sora. We do this together."



Tendo blew up every tree branch he landed on as he zoomed through the forest with incredible speed looking for his next target. The two monks that came with Tendo glanced at him mid-fight and couldn't help but be shocked.

'Since when had brother Tendo gotten this strong?'

Over the past year, Tendo had trained relentlessly in both the Raishin Style and the Kaiwan Style, achieving a high level of proficiency with both. They both complimented each other as the Raishin Style required superhuman legs for its speed and the Kaiwan Style needed the whole body to be almost unbreakable for its techniques. All in all, training one inherently helped the other.



Tendo struck the head of a missing-nin, removing it while causing another part of it to explode at the same time. An annoyed look appeared on Tendo's face as he thought, 'Tch! I still haven't mastered it yet. It's too explosive. I need more piercing power!'

The lightning lance was a jutsu that Tendo created himself. It was modeled after the Lightning Flash, the main technique of the Raishin Style, and the Devil Lance, which was the main technique of the Kaiwan style.

The jutsu itself was done by sending lightning across the entire body to boost physical stats while focusing lightning on the user's right hand to drastically boost piercing power. When mastered, he intended the lightning around his body to be so focused that it only appears as a light blue hue regardless of its intensity.


Tendo rent another missing-nin asunder with the Lance, causing a bit of fear to rear its head in the hearts of the remaining Chunin. As Tendo flashed over to another missing-nin, kicked away his record, and grabbed him by the throat, he heard a frantic voice not that far away from him.

"Please! Spare our lives! We're not real shinobi's! We're just villagers that were forced to become diversions by the shinobi's you're looking for! They're planning to- Aghhh!"

A wind blade was suddenly fired out of a cluster of trees not far away from the battle towards the man and cleanly cut off his head. All the 'missing-nin' who were there before dropped their swords and started cowering as several men started making their way out of the bushes.


Tendo dropped the man who he was holding by the throat and turned his attention to his new enemies. Just from one look, Tendo could tell that these were the true targets they were sent here to kill.

'I knew it was too easy. Those guys were barely even fighting back. But on the bright side, if mere villagers managed to push Ichimitsu and Zenin like that, then these new guys should deal with them immediately. Looks like I'll have to go all out though. All-Seeing Eyes!'

Tendo's vision zoomed out considerably as he started viewing the entire section of the forest they were in a 3D format. It was as if he was playing a game.

'With my vision like this, I should be able to at least escape fatal injuries and at worst, escape.'

Tendo noticed that all the men had come out of hiding then one particularly imposing man walked out in front of them. He wore the clothing of a commoner but even his normal stance showed massive fighting experience.

"It's unfortunate that you four aren't too bad when it comes to battle. Especially you, Mr. I'm-So-Serious. I could've been back at the village playing with the girls there but instead, I have to take care of you nuisances. Alright boys, kill all of them, including the villagers, but leave my little friend over there to me. He's...special."

Immediately jumping into action, one of them flickered behind Zenin, drawing his sword without the latter being any wiser.

"Brother Tendo! R-"


Zenin's head flew off of his body and fell to the ground, its eyes filled with shock.


Sora flew into a fit of rage and started attacking the missing-nin wantonly with no regard for his health. Although Zenin was one of the monks that treated Sora badly, to him, he still didn't deserve to die. To him, the monks were his family.

The leader of the missing-nin flickered in front of Tendo and stood there with his clothing flowing in the wind. A warm smile appeared on his face as he said, "Boy, why don't you join us? I've been watching you fight for quite a while. I know the eyes of a true criminal when I see one."

The man pointed at Zenin's head and continued as his smile became wider.

"Look, your friend just had his head cut off and you didn't even show any kind of emotion; no pain, no sadness. Could it be that you brought them here to die? Maybe you secretly hate them?"

Tendo's nonchalant expression didn't even change at the man's provocation as he calmly responded, "Your words are useless. Come at me and I'll gladly give you the death you seek so much."

The man's smile left his face as a slightly angered expression took its place.

"Big words coming from someone completely outnumbered. It seems like I was right; you do have some kind of plan here."

The man decided to be cautious and use a long-range jutsu instead of rushing in. He couldn't take any chances with his life as he didn't know what Tendo had up his sleeve.

'Wind Release: Breakthrough!'

The man jumped back and expelled a large gust of wind through his mouth, cutting up all the trees in his path. Tendo, having a lightning-based chakra nature, already knew that wind was his natural weakness. So he deactivated his technique, formed a half ram seal, and muttered silently, "Welcoming approach: One Palm To Cleanse All."

The Kannon spirit appeared behind Tendo as a large golden palm shot out, protecting him from the blast while pushing through towards the man.

'What kind of jutsu is that?!'

The man immediately started retreating even further but Tendo immediately used another Jutsu. He couldn't afford to waste any time.

'Welcoming Approach: Kannon Embraces All.'

The spirit formed two outstretched hands that sent out golden chains which wrapped around the man and pulled him in with incredible force.

'No! I was too distracted by how unorthodox this jutsu was! I can't die like this!'

The man pulled his arm back and a revolving blade of wind resembling a typhoon formed over it.

'Wind Release: Whirlwind Fist!'

Using the force that the spirit was pulling him in with, the man punched towards Tendo, doubling the attack power of the jutsu had it just been behind the power of a normal punch.

As the man got closer, Tendo released the spirit, greatly confusing his opponent. He wondered whether Tendo was this inexperienced or was he just a fool?

'Let's make this convincing, shall we?'

Tendo punched directly towards the jutsu the man sent out with no protection covering his arm. He even used his left arm, which was his non-dominant side, to launch the attack. The man could already taste victory when he saw this.


A large shockwave occurred as the jutsu pierced Tendo's arms and subsequently cut into nothing, leaving no trace to be found. The man, noticing Tendo holding his bloody stub, laughed and said triumphantly, "All that talk and that was all you can do? Foolish brat. I should've just killed you immediately before you ruined my favorite robes."


{A/N: Before you say "fuck you, author, losing an arm is annoying and it feels forced." Spoiler: Yes, it was forced. That's the point. This whole situation was orchestrated to force Sora into a transformation just in case you haven't been paying attention. Now, back to the show.}


Tendo ignored the man and screamed to the top of his lungs, saying, "SORA! RUN AWAY! I'll HOLD THEM OFF UNTIL YOU GET TO SAFETY! HURRY!"

Sora, who had just barely managed to kill the ninja he was just fighting, turned his head when he heard the voice of his dear friend, no, brother.

"B-brother T-tendo...? Your A-arm?"

Tears of rage immediately started flowing from Sora's eyes as they turned red, revealing a cat-like pupil.


Red chakra started flowing out of Sora's stomach, encasing him inside as two tails sprang out behind him. But, he wasnt done. Sora started screaming again as a third tail popped up, then a small dome of red chakra surrounded him, protecting him as he prepared to transition to the fourth tail.

'Success! He's transforming! But...wait, I'm too close to the impending explosion, aren't I?'