
The strongest villain system

This novel is the Fan-fic of [Me, The Heavenly Destined Villain]. I believe those who have read online literature know that there is now a villainous type of novel that suppresses the protagonist, steals the protagonist's woman, chance, etc. I have recently become very addicted to such novels, which is why I got the idea of wanting to write my own. The last point is that I also started out with the intention of writing a pornographic book, but after reading online articles for a long time, I realized that those that move thousands or tens of thousands of words describing a sex scene are not so attractive to me when I look at them instead. Instead, it's those erotic online articles that have no details to describe and no explicit words, but they are very exciting to look at. I'd like to give it a try. -------------------------------------- This story will be permanently free on WN, so please go to patreon and support me in creating it, thank you very much. Here is the link to my patreon:patreon.com/a419510 Here's my Ko-fi link: https://ko-fi.com/a19510

Daoistmpp · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Resurrect Wu Bingchan's mother!

Wu Bingchan can't wait, pulling Qin Tian's hand and heading inside.

Qin Tian is actually a little excited, judging from Wu Bingchan's figure and appearance alone, her mother must be even more beautiful.

From the outside, the seemingly small spell formation actually hides a magical world inside.

The spiritual lake is like a sea with flying fish jumping out of the water, big trees are in the sky, birds are singing endlessly, and the concentration of spiritual energy is several times higher than outside.

A sea of colorful flowers, there is a simple wooden built autumn dry frame, the chair is also clearly painted with a child's graffiti ~

The wooden house is small but exquisite, you can see that every detail is carefully polished.

Wu Bingchan returned once again to this memory-filled, yet sad place.

Her mind recalled, as a child, her mother's company, together with doodles, together with the swing, and remembered her mother's dying eyes, and the cold corpse, can not help but tears flowing from the eyes.

Qin Tian did not say anything, at this time to say anything is pale and powerless, he touched Wu Bingchan's head, waiting for Wu Bingchan mood calmed down a bit, then said.

"It's okay, your mother will be in front of you soon, if she sees you crying, she'll be sad"

"Mmm," Wu Bingchan wiped her tears away and nodded her head good-naturedly.

No more thinking, Qin Tian and Wu Bingchan pushed the door into the small wooden house.

Its interior decoration is very simple, a wooden table, and a few wooden stools, and some necessary furniture, but all very delicate, elegant, although all wood, but also not mortal. Although no one has lived for a long time, but also did not fall a trace of dust.

Qin Tian looked around, although the environment is simple, but also can see the owner has carefully decorated, but is very homey feeling.

"Young master, that's mother's room over there."

"The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're doing.

At this time, Wu Bingchan pointed to a wooden room directly in front of her and said with a choked sob.

"Well, let's go in."

After gently stroking her head, Qin Tian took big steps in the direction of the wooden room, while Wu Bingchan followed him with small steps.

Wu Bingchan was looking forward to it just now, but now she suddenly became apprehensive again.

The people of the lower world are not like the upper world, Qin Tian and Wu Bingchan are also 16 years old, Wu Bingchan still has this 16-year-old should have the lively and childish, but Qin Tian no longer. At an even younger age than now, Qin Tian had already started to be groomed by his family to be the successor.

Killing people and taking power are already considered trivial to Qin Tian. It's okay in the Qin Clan, the Immortal Ancient Qin Clan is a big clan and teaches Qin Tian comprehensively.

But in the Heaven Scars Immortal Dynasty, Gong Xiaoyue is unconditionally spoiled, Qin Tian wants everything she will meet, including herself.

It is also good that Qin Tian is a person who has crossed over and has a mature mind, otherwise under this kind of coddling, there is really no telling what Qin Tian will become.

Seeing her apprehension, Qin Tian turned around and touched her head and said.

"Just wait outside, by the time I come out, you will be able to meet your mother."

Little fox Wu Bingchan was red-eyed and did not say anything, but only stood on tiptoe and kissed Qin Tian on his cheek.

Qin Tian also did not say anything more, pushed open the door of the wooden room, came inside, and then closed the door again, inside the wooden room, just a bed ~ there is nothing else.

Raising his eyes, he realized that there was a light pink nine-tailed charm fox lying on the bed, but there was no longer any life breath or spiritual energy fluctuations.

At this time she has been covered by a spell formation, careful observation, this is a simple condensation time spell formation, most of them are used to preserve the magic weapon spiritual treasure or something, not to let its spirituality volatile, also has the effect of preserving the flesh.

"This seems to be Wu Bingchan's handiwork." Qin Tian could see at a glance that this small formation was very different from the one outside the wooden house, so he thought it would not be laid by the big fox.

Go up and pick up the corpse of the nine-tailed Phantom Fox, only to find that on its back, there was a scar that was bone deep, and the surrounding fox fur was stained red with blood.

Qin Tian frowned slightly, this nine-tailed Phantom Fox cultivation reached the Condensing God realm in life, not to say how powerful, but in this lower realm is also a dominant party, how could it be injured like this?

"Ling Xiao, can you tell what she was injured by?" As an elder of the Heavenly Dan Pavilion, Ling Xiao's dan and medical skills were her greatest expertise.


Ling Xiao floated out from within the Extreme Soul Nurturing Divine Jade at Qin Tian's waist. Now that she had been in the Extreme Soul Nurturing Divine Jade for a few days, her soul body was already thick and full, and her body had also coalesced out.

Not surprisingly Ling Xiao's figure is very good, in line with Qin Tian's aesthetics.

Ling Xiao looked at the big fox's wound for a while, reached out his hand and wrapped his soul power around the big fox, and only after a long time did Ling Xiao put the big fox back in place.

"Young master,The nine tailed fox was wounded by a knife, and the wound was extremely deep, the man who used the knife was very strong, I detected a trace of very violent fiery spirit power residue on the wound, if this person appears nearby, I can use this spirit power residue to feel him"

Qin Tian nodded, although he also saw a little something, but not as thorough as Ling Xiao see.

"Young master, this fox life has dissipated, there is no possibility of resurrection, why don't I go and talk to Bing Chan, I believe she will understand"

In the past few days, Ling Xiao and Wu Bingchan have become acquainted and have become good friends who share everything and address each other as sisters.

"No need," Qin Tian waved his hand and continued, "I promised to revive her, and I will do so."

"System, please revive this Nine-tailed Fox."