
The strongest Uchiha

Max was a lonely 19 year old child who lived alone, his parents died when he was young and he had no one that he could call a friend, the only thing that kept him going was his love for Naruto, specifically his love for the Uchiha and their powers, he always wanted to be someone like Madara Uchiha, fighting by himself against a large army, one day Max’s apartment caught on fire due to faulty wiring, he died but god took pity on his life and allowed Max to be reborn into the world of Naruto, he also gifted max with talent and a large amount of chakra that could even rival that of a tailed beast, this is the story of the strongest Uchiha born with incredible talent and almost infinite chakra

Anonymous67 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

First day of training/2

As the third and Itsu continue to spar the third becomes more and more concerned about how much Itsu reminds him of Madara, the way Itsu speaks, his intelligence, his talent, the atmosphere he creates around himself and the smile he wears on his face as he fights strong opponents.

The third looks down and all the can see is a large grin on Itsu's face as he continues to try and land a hit on him and while he looks at him all he could think about is Madara, the third quickly gets snapped out of his thought process by the young Uchiha. "Stop looking down on me because I'm a child, don't be afraid to attack me as well, I can take it"

After a brief moment of hesitation the third decided to stop trying to hold Itsu by the same standards of children his age, Itsu was far beyond anyone his age and just his taijutsu technique alone was already around high jounin or low Kage level, even if his physical capabilities were only around the level of a genin it would only be a matter of time before he got stronger.

The third took a leap back, he took an offensive stance and looked at Itsu. "Be prepared I will take this spare seriously starting now, I won't use my full physical strength but don't underestimate me, I may be old but there is a reason that I've managed to remain hokage"

Itsu just nodded in response, after that the third launched himself at Itsu, he sent a punch directly to Itsu's stomach trying to incapacitate him, Itsu saw the attack coming but he didn't panic, he calmly evaded the attack and launched his own attack, aiming a kick towards the thirds chest.

The hokage caught Itsu's foot and was about to try and pull him off balance but instead Itsu twisted his foot in the hokages hand slightly loosening his hold and used this opportunity to put his weight into his left foot that was caught by the hokages right hand, he then use his right leg to send a kick towards the hokages face, the third only had a small amount of time to react, he let go of Itsu's leg and took a step back to avoid Itsu's attack.

The third himself and all the anbu watching this fight were greatly shocked that a child managed to push a kage back, but they weren't the only ones watching this. There were some members of root, Danzo's subordinates watching the fight, after watching the fight they immediately left to report the situation to him, Danzo feared the Uchiha and after having caught wind of a Uchiha prodigy being personally trained by the third he sent some of his agents to investigate.

Itsu already knew that those agents were there though, the day he was born Itsu always had an acute sense for chakra, currently Itsu's sense covered approximately half the village and over time it would naturally increase, Itsu wasn't currently worried about Danzo since he had a plan on how to deal with him, currently Danzo can't even touch him because not only was the third looking over him but he was also being trained by the clan head and a potential candidate for head of the Uchiha clan and the news of him being trained by the third and Fugaku was being announced today.

So in the short term Danzo can't even touch him, he would need time to think of a way to either make him join his organisation or eliminate so he couldn't become a threat for him but that would take years and by that time Itsu was confident that he would become too strong for Danzo to handle.


( 2 hours later )

After hours of continuous sparing both Itsu and the third were very tired, Itsu sat on the floor and took out the sandwiches his mother had given him, he began to eat but out of the corner of his eye he saw the third looking intently at him, "Do you want one sir?" Itsu took out a sandwich and offered it to the third, the third accepted with a smile on his face and sat next to Itsu.

"You can just call me Hiruzen when we are alone, no need for all the formalities", Itsu nodded in response not saying anything. They continued to eat in silence before the third asked a question "So what are your goals, you have a large amount of talent and if you put your mind to it you could achieve a great deal of things, but what do you want to accomplish?"

Itsu thought about the thirds question before responding in a calm indifferent tone "I simply wish to be the strongest, past, present and future I want to be the strongest to have ever lived and ever will live"

After hearing Itsu's dream Hiruzen let out a small chuckle, "That dream really isn't that simple, but who knows maybe you really might be the strongest shinobi" after the both finished eating Itsu thought for a moment and decided to ask a question of his own "I wish to ask for a favour", after hearing that the third gestured for Itsu to continued speaking. "Well first of all I would like more material to make more kunai with the thunder god seal on them and secondly I've been thinking of ways to increase my clans reputation and I've realised that the best way would be to become the youngest jounin ever in the village"

Hiruzen thought about Itsu's request, "For the first request it would be easy to get you the needed materials but the second request is slightly harder" hearing that Itsu responded "I didn't mean now, I think by the time I'm 8 years old I will be ready to become a jounin, the youngest ever was Kakashi at the age of 10 so becoming one at 8 is a good objective"

It didn't take long for Hiruzen to come to a decision. "Okay with your talent it should be possible, when your 8 I will give you a test to see if you're ready and if you pass then I will give you the rank of jounin, but if I'm going to do that for you then I have something I need from you, first I would like you to look after Naruto Uzuimaki as you know he is hated amongst most villagers and all he really needs right now is a friend, I would like you to be his friend and train him a little"

Itsu thought about it for a while and came to the conclusion it's not a bad deal after all he did steal the girl that was meant to be his wife so being his friend was the least he could do, so in exchange for Hinata Naruto gained a friend.

"Ok I agree to this deal I have nothing against him and I owe Naruto any way so I'll just consider this repaying my debt to him" After hearing that Hiruzen was interested in why Itsu owes him, "Why do owe him?" Itsu looked the third in the eye and responded with a mischievous smile, "Wouldn't you like to know?" after saying that the third sighed and allowed Itsu to leave since he had other things to do.

Itsu got up from the ground said his goodbyes to the third and teleported back to his room, after appearing in his room he made a wood clone to go train with Fugako, wood clones are sturdy and can take a lot of hits before they dissipate so even if his clone gets his ass beat he wouldn't dispel, he wasn't bothered to train with Fugako since he just finished training with the third, in retrospect he should have just used a clone to train with the third, but you learn through your mistakes so from now own Itsu would just send his clones for his training.

Itsu them made 50 wood clones to train in chakra control, he made 50 more to train fighting against each other while using their sharingans. Itsu then left through his window and decided to first visit Hinata and spend some time with her and then visit Naruto since it was still pretty early in the morning and he would probably sleep till the afternoon.

It didn't take him long to arrive at the Hyuga compound, he walked up to one of the guards and spoke, "I'm here to meet Hinata Hyuga, could you please inform her I'm here, my name is Itsu Uchiha" the guard didn't respond but just walked into the compound to inform Hinata and her father about the boy.

After about a 5 minute wait Hinata walked out of the compound and what greeted her was a dazzling smile from the young Uchiha, smoke was coming out her head and she looked as if she was going to faint, "Hello my name is Hiashi Hyuga and I wish to know why you wish to meet my daughter"

Itsu kept his smile on his face and spoke calmly to the head of the Hyuga clan, "I merely wish to spend some time with Hinata, my name is Itsu and me and your beautiful daughter are friends"

Hiashi didn't show any emotion in his face, he knew about Itsu, nearly everyone had now heard about the young Uchiha prodigy being trained by the hokage and also groomed as a potential inheritor as the head of his clan. Hiashi didn't see anything wrong with his daughter becoming friends with someone with such large potential as Itsu.

"Please come in, I will ask some servants to bring you tea and you and Hinata could talk", Hinata was stunned, she didn't expect her father to be so considerate to Itsu, she thought it was unlike him to be so nice to a stranger, Itsu on the other hand didn't care and just walked into the compound and followed some servants to a room.

Hinata turned to her father, but before she could ask what was on her mind her father spoke up,"That boy is a prodigy unlike any ever seen before, he is being personally trained by the hokage and his clan head" Hinata was stunned, she didn't think that the boy who saved her from bullies would be so well know in the village.

It made her feel a bit sad, she felt as if she wasn't worthy of being his friend, she followed some servants to the same room that Itsu was brought to, she walked in to see the dark haired boy drinking tea while staring into the distance as if he was thinking deeply about something, seeing him like this brought a blush to her face, he noticed her arrival and gave another breath taking smile, Hinata looked down her entire face was red like a tomato and she sat down across from him without looking at his face since she didn't want him to see her in such an embarrassing state.

"U-um, so why d-did you want to see me Itsu?" Hinata asked while still looking down and once again playing with her fingers, "Well I just felt like it also is my face really that ugly that you can't even look me in the face while you talk to me" Itsu said while making a fake sad face, "Hinata immediately answered Itsu while trying desperately to look at his face, "N-no you're not ugly, I t-think you're actually very handsome" she couldn't stop stuttering and she was now playing with her fingers so hard that Itsu was worried she might somehow hurt herself.