
The strongest Uchiha

Max was a lonely 19 year old child who lived alone, his parents died when he was young and he had no one that he could call a friend, the only thing that kept him going was his love for Naruto, specifically his love for the Uchiha and their powers, he always wanted to be someone like Madara Uchiha, fighting by himself against a large army, one day Max’s apartment caught on fire due to faulty wiring, he died but god took pity on his life and allowed Max to be reborn into the world of Naruto, he also gifted max with talent and a large amount of chakra that could even rival that of a tailed beast, this is the story of the strongest Uchiha born with incredible talent and almost infinite chakra

Anonymous67 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Council meeting

After the test Itsu, the hokage and Kakashi returned to the hokages office. In front of Itsu on the desk was his brand new headband with the symbol for the hidden leaf village and also his brand new jounin vest, Itsu looked at the jounin vest with slight discomfort as he wasn't a fan of the design and didn't want to wear it if he didn't have to.

The third spotting Itsu's gave chuckled and spoke, "Don't worry and other benefit of your rank is that you are not required to wear the vest, you must at least wear the head band though" after hearing that Itsu let out a small sigh of relief, he never liked the design for the vest so he was glad he didn't need to wear one, Itsu put on his new shinobi headband around his forehead, he felt the added weight from the headband, it would take some time to get used to it but it's nothing too bad.

"Now that your new rank has been made official a few of the council members would like to meet you" Itsu nodded in understanding, "When will this meeting be?" the third looked at Itsu and smile. "It will begin now" Itsu narrowed his eyes at the third, "I'm assuming you already planned this in advance assuming I would pass?" the third didn't reply but his friendly demeanour changed from a friendly one to a serious one, "Itsu I want to tell you in advance that in this meeting both me and Kakashi will be giving a complete analysis of your skill and abilities, this includes your ability to use wood style, I can't predict how the council members will react but be prepared for questions, once they know of your skills and your ability to use wood style many will try and manipulate you"

Itsu didn't respond and merely continued to listen, "Many will also most likely try and set you up with their daughters in hopes of not only getting the sharingan into their family but also your ability to use wood style, I know that your are smart for your age but I'm warning you that those men and women in the council can be quite crafty and manipulative, you will be seen as a great asset to the village and a big threat to the ninja villages outside the village who will try to either get you to join their side or kill you so you aren't a threat to them, sooner or later news of your abilities will leak to the other hidden villages and that will only cause more trouble for you."

Itsu nodded, he knew that sooner or later something like this would happen and he wasn't really worried, "I understand, you don't need to worry about me I am more than capable of taking care of myself" the third didn't say anything but got up from his desk and signalled for him and Kakashi to follow him, after waking threw the building for about a minute the third led them to a big room with seats on both sides of the room, on the left was the shinobi council made up from the heads of various shinobi clans within the village and on the right side were the civilian council made from different merchants and normal villagers. Then in the middle is where the hokage himself sits, Itsu look to his right and at the very end of the shinobi council table sat Danzo who looked at Itsu with fire in his one visible eye.

Before the hokage could speak one of the women from the civilian council side looked at Itsu and spoke with the best innocent smile and voice she could do, "Congratulations, I can see from your shinobi headband that you've been promoted, such incredible talent and at such a young age, I have a daughter in the academy and I'm su-" before she could finish the hokage interrupted, "This is not a social visit may I remind you this is a council meeting and we are here to discuss the very serious matter of elite jounin Itsu's skills, not some picnic"

The women gulped and stopped talking, the intense glare she was getting from the hokage was enough for her to stop at least for now. Once that was finished the hokage looked towards Kakashi and spoke, "Kakashi if you would please give your evaluation of elite jounin Itsu" Kakashi nodded and spoke "Itsu Uchiha is an incredibly skilled shinobi with a incredibly varied arsenal of abilities , his taijutsu speed and strength are nothing to look down upon he was able to overpower me physically and not only that but he used a jutsu I have never heard or seen of before, it required a large amount of chakra, the justu was called ash style: engulfing cloud jutsu and from my evaluation it is at the very least a B rank jutsu."

When Kakashi spoke of the jutsu that Itsu created there were murmurs around the room as creating a B rank jutsu at the age of 7 is incredible, "Not only was he always one step ahead of me but he caught me off guard by his use of the flying thunder god technique" this caused uproar among the civilian council while the shinobi council had surprised looks on their faces but kept quite, one of the members of the civilian council got up from his seat and looked at Itsu, "Is it true can you really use the late youdamine hokage's teleportation technique?" after that question everyone looked towards Itsu for an answer, "Instead of talking about it how about I just show you, catch hokage-sama " before anyone could react Itsu picked up one of his kunai and threw it to the hokage with barely any force behind the throw, the hokage caught the kunai and Itsu teleported to it now standing beside the hokage.

Many in the council couldn't believe their eyes, the forth hokage who was feared across nations for his deadly teleporting technique and many believed he could possibly the strongest hokage had his signature technique copied by a child. The third hokage sighed "Itsu I would appreciate it if you kept the theatrics to a minimum" Itsu didn't respond but merely took back his kunai and teleported to the spot he was standing on earlier.

The only council member not experienced shock was Fugaku as he already knew of Itsu's ability to teleport like the fourth hokage. "Incredible simply incredible" Spoke one of the civilian council members, "So troublesome" spoke Shikaku Nara as he sighed and shook his head, he would much rather be at home than in this meeting. Fugaku had a look of pride on his face as he was one of fellow clansmen amaze everyone in the council meeting. "Kakashi if you would please continue your report" Kakashi nodded at the order from the hokage and continued speaking, "Before I could even get the chance to use my sharingan and try to continue the fight I was incapacitated by-" Kakashi's speech was interrupted by the hokage, "by woodstyle"

There was silence, no one spoke, everyone looked between the hokage, Kakashi and Itsu to see if it was some kind of joke and if they were lying, this time the first to speak up was Danzo, "How is that possible, the only person to ever by able to naturally use wood style was the first hokage, no senju has ever managed to awaken it yet here you stand a Uchiha claiming today that you are a natural user and I find that down right impossible" there were murmurs of agreement inside the council room and Danzo was about to continue speaking but was interrupted by Itsu, "Wood style: wood clone justu" suddenly 3 wood clones came out of Itsu and stood next to him, all three clones turned and look at Danzo. "How's this for impossible Danzo? Maybe you really are too old to still be in the shinobi business"

Many in the room tried to hold back their smiles and laughter, especially the hokage who had to tip his had down so no one could see the smile on his face, Danzo seeing he couldn't do anything decided to keep quite, he was less than happy that he has been embarrassed by Itsu on two different occasions and he couldn't do anything about it. After a few seconds everyone in the room regained their composure and looked at Itsu "This is an S class secret anyone caught taking about Itsu's abilities to use wood style outside of this room will be out to death without trial"

Everyone in the room nodded, Danzo gave a reluctant nod, this time it was Hiashi Hyuga who spoke out, "You truly are amazing, I'm just glad you were born as a ninja of konoha and not anywhere else and I'm also glad to have my daughter as one of your friends" everyone agreed with his statement, having a ninja like Itsu in their village will be an incredible boost in manpower, but many were also jealous of the statement of his daughter being close to Itsu, many were formulating plans to get their daughters closer to Itsu in hopes of having him marry one of them. "Now then if no one has anything further to say then I believe this meeting is concluded" Everyone nodded in agreement, everyone left the room, some civilian council members went directly over to Itsu to try and talk about their daughters and how pretty they were to him while the only ones remaining in the room were Danzo and the third hokage.