
The strongest student

Jay lost his parents early and grew up in the care of his grandmother. Jay is so excited to be a high school student that he thinks being a high school student is fun. but what he doesn't know is that his life as a high school student will not be easy.

JRL_novel · Action
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Chapter 8 - Jay and roy



Jay and roy


Jay - Grandma, I'm going to school!

lola teresita - okay, jay, be careful

"while going to school"

Jay - it's Roy Yun. royyy!!! royyy!!!

roy - oy jay, you're there, come on, let's go inside together

jay - Thank you Pala for joining me for lunch yesterday

roy - it's nothing (smiles). Jay, did you just eat lunch yesterday? Because I have never seen you eat lunch

jay - ah is that so (sad). since our first day at school, I didn't mean to make Jose angry. since then he has always taken my money.

roy - That's why, I thought you were on a diet because you were fat haha ​​(jokingly said).

jay - ehh

roy - haha ​​just kidding, but have you tried reporting to ma'am jen first?

jay - yes I tried once but it was not good then it got worse.

roy - why?.

jay - when I reported, maam Jen called us to the guidance office. I told everything to Ma'am what Jose did to me, but Ma'am only gave Jose a warning.

roy - then what happened?

jay - after that, Jose waited for me outside and then slapped me in the face and said that the next time I report again, that's not the only thing he's going to do to me.

roy - what will you do now?.

jay - I don't know, I can't fight him


jay - Let's go, we might be late.

roy - Let's go! Let's go!.

"while entering the room"

jay - Jose is not in his seat again.

roy - yes, that's the second day that Jose didn't come.

jay - Jose's wounds must have been severe, as well as his friends. They didn't come today

roy - what if jose doesn't go to school anymore!?.

jay - it's good that no one will take my money and food and no one will hurt me anymore.

roy - yes, that's better. (both laugh at the same time)

"in the hallway of 1st year"

Dan - step aside everyone!!! our boss will pass by!!!

baron - step aside!!!

JoJo - step aside, the representative of the 1st and 2nd year is here!!!

"Dan grabbed the 1st year student by the neck"

Dan - hey you! Do you know where Jose's room is?

student - there in the front!

Dan - okay thank you (pushed the student)

Boss, Jose's room is in the front

seth - is that so? Let's go.

"Seth's group has reached the room, and pushed the door"

Dan - is Jose here?

"The students just stared at him"

Dan - I said, is Jose here!!! (said out loud).

students inside - Jose has been gone for a few days, not attending.

"Dan left the room"

Dan - boss, they say Jose is not here and Jose hasn't come in for a few days

Seth - Is that so, he's worried too much about his defeat. Come on, let's go, Jose isn't here

 "Seth's group left"


student1 - second years are scary

student2 - yes, it's scary. Just look at them like you're going to pee in fear, especially the one they call boss.

student3 - Their presences are strange

 (the students are whispering and talking about Seth)

jay - is he the one who beat Jose?.

roy - maybe, maybe he is

jay - he's so tall that's why Jose lost to him. and his aura we can say he is really strong.