
Mysterious Stranger

 Looking around in his surroundings, Sebastian saw the mysterious man along with all the children, who survived the attack against the vampire. 

"Who are you?" Sebastian questioned.

"I'm Jack Goldburn of the Goldburn clan." The man replied.

"Relax, Sebastian. This man is our savior, "a kid replied.

"How can I relax when this man is unknown to us, Baron.." 

The two friends bickered until Jack interrupted them and suggested they go to the cafeteria for food. Sebastian was reluctant to agree but he was craving for food like when a dog sees a piece of meat.

When Sebastian left his room, he saw statues of werewolves in armor and more armor for humanoid figures. Sebastian was in awe at the pieces of armor as his village was the furthest away from the empire even the surrounding kingdoms so he didn't see much armor or expensive items.

Arriving at the cafeteria, Sebastian saw multiple tables with plates full of meat. Upon seeing the plates of meat, Sebastian immediately sat down and began to eat until the meat was all gone.

Giggling could be heard as Sebastian was eating multiple plates of meat until his hunger was satiated.

"When these kids said you'd eat a lot of meat, I didn't think they actually meant it." Jack said.

"You've gained a bit of my trust but don't think I won't find you suspicious." Sebastian replied.

"Only a bit? I suppose it's only natural as gaining someone's full trust requires a long time."

"Alright, let's get down to business. What do you want from us?"


"You saved us so I expect you to want something in return."

"You're a smart kid so I'll tell you what I want in return. I want all of you to join our military so we can eliminate the vampires."

"Vampires? I like that idea!" A kid shouted.

Mostly all the kids agreed to the idea of joining the military to eliminate vampires but only Sebastian and Baron didn't agree with them.

"Do you mean eliminate all vampires? Or the vampires that are just attacking? I don't want to be attacking innocent vampires just because of a war." Sebastian said.

"I agree with Sebastian. If it requires us to kill innocent vampires then count me out." Baron said.

"We won't be killing any innocents during the war unless they show aggression toward us. We'll be taking them and giving them temporary residency until the war is over." Jack reassured Baron and Sebastian.

"I'll only agree if I can become captain of my own squad division."

"Your own division?"

"Yes, if you can fulfill that condition then I'll join the war effort."

"That's simple enough but I'm putting all these kids in your squad division."

After Sebastian and Jack came to an agreement, Jack handed each kid an aptitude test to figure out their magical element. While they were testing their magical element, Jack's face was filled with joy as everyone was getting a high potential and a high aptitude to their element.

When it was Sebastian's turn, Jack's face went from joy to confusion as his element didn't show or show Sebastian having mana. This caused some of Sebastian's friends to realize that he might not get in and the other kids were happy.

"Hmmm… Maybe you specialize in another art…" Jack said as he pulled an ancient looking device out and hooked it up to Sebastian's body.

"This device will allow me to measure your 'aura' in your body."

The ancient looking device was turned on and stayed still for a while until Jack slammed his fist against it. The device didn't do anything, which resulted in Jack staring at Sebastian.

"It seems like you might not be able to join the military at all… I don't think anyone in history has been without mana or aura until now." Jack said.

"What? T-That can't be?" Sebastian started to panic.

"I'll allow you to stay here until the war is over but then you'll have to lea-"

Before Jack could finish his words, the device shot up in multiple colors: Red, White, Black, Blue and Gold. When Jack saw the device have multiple colors, he spat up blood and nearly fell over like he almost fainted.

"Five?! How do you have auras?!" Jack said, surprised.

"What the hell is aura? Is it strong?" Sebastian asked.

"Yes! There's only been one person with three auras but it's unheard of for a person having more than three let alone five."

Jack's laughter could be heard throughout the cafeteria as couldn't believe his eyes. Jack pulled out a scroll and opened a portal to another room, and a random stranger came from the portal.

"Clan Leader, I found a great batch of students to train that'll help us in the future, especially this kid named Sebastian." Jack spoke to the man while pointing toward Sebastian.

"That's fantastic news! What magical powers and aura does Sebastian wield?" The man asked.

"About that… he has no magical powers but he does have five auras."

"Great! No magical powers and five auras! Just what we need…. Wait! No Magical powers?!"

"Sir, we need all the power we can get and I think a user with five auras would be a great addition to our forces."

"Jack, may I remind you that auras aren't as strong as having magical powers. It would be a waste of resources to train the kid."

"Sir, this kid's potential to become a primordial werewolf is extremely high and these other kids might have the potential as well or at least climb the evolution tree to become a primordial werewolf."

"Enough! If you think he can rise to the top then prove so by making him a great warrior, whose name will be engraved in history." The Clan Leader gazed at Sebastian. "Boy, don't disappoint me."

Sebastian nodded his head and watched as the clan leader walked away. The serious atmosphere disappeared and everyone stared at Jack for answers.

Sighing, Jack led them to their bedrooms and declared the mansion as their homes. Everyone was confused by the sudden declaration but felt happy as their revenge against the vampire would be granted.

"Baron, what are your thoughts about our situation?" Sebastian asked.

"Hmm… It's a bit suspicious that Jack allowed us to live here but it's the only thing that's keeping us alive instead of being left to starve in the open world." Baron replied.

"True… I've been meaning to ask but how long was I out for?" 

"Six days including the time you were first knocked out unconscious."

"Six days?! What has happened since then?"

"Several villages were attacked and no survivors from them were found. The Emperor has made moves to defend our territory but so far, the Emperor hasn't done anything about the lives that had been lost."

Processing the information, Sebastian told Baron to leave, which Baron agreed to. As Sebastian was thinking about his father's words, a sudden voice whispered in his head.

'Hello, Sebastian.' The voice spoke.

"Who's there?!" Sebastian quickly replied and turned around.

'My name is… It's not important but I do know you seek power to avenge your family and friends. I can grant you that power but you'll have to work hard to cultivate that power into something powerful. Will you accept my deal?" 

"Ha! Why would I accept power from a random voice, I don't know or can't see? I'd much rather obtain power through training than accept it from you."

'Calm down. You may be accepting the power but you'll still be weak… think of it as a gift from me to you.'

"A gift? By cultivating that gift, will I get stronger?" It didn't take long for him to be swayed

'Yes… It's just a little push for you to achieve greatness but you will owe me one favor from you.'

"A favor? This seems too good to be true but I don't have magical powers so I think we may have a deal… "

'Great…' The voice disappeared and Sebastian felt an invisible force invade his body.

Sebastian felt the invisible force move around in his body before stopping at his heart. He didn't think much of the strange feeling until he started to cough up blood.

"You… Bastard!..." Sebastian shouted before collapsing on the ground.

'Relax, this will only hurt a bit and you'll be good as new… my time here is up so I shall take my leave.'

Sebastian felt a burning pain throughout his body and let out a bloodcurdling scream that was heard by all the kids. Everyone arrived in Sebastian's room and immediately were hit with a special scent that made them want to attack Sebastian. 

Jack came rushing into Sebastian's room and shouted at everyone to leave quickly. Jack took Sebastian away until he arrived at a black stone wall with a torch beside it. Pulling down the switch, Jack arrived in a secret underground basement.

This basement was heavily damaged as the walls and pillars had scratch marks engraved in them including teeth markings. Jack set Sebastian on an altar and started to chant in an ancient language until magical runes appeared around the altar. 

These ancient runes made a barrier erect from the ground and surrounded Sebastian's body. Jack placed a scroll down and opened the portal again and the Clan Leader came through the portal.

"Damn it! I didn't think your assumption about the kid being able to turn into a Primordial Werewolf was right… Fine, we'll spend some resources but don't expect a lot of resources to be spent on him."

"Thank you, Clan Leader! I won't disappoint you and can I get permission to teach some of our techniques to him?"

"I'll allow it but only if you can keep him under control because I seen what emotions can do to a person when they have the power to easily destroy a village or a kingdom."

"Will do!"

As the clan leader was about to leave through the portal, the barrier around Sebastian started to crack until it was no more. The moment the barrier broke, the clan leader's body lit up blue and red, and surrounded Sebastian's body.

"This power… it can't be! Why does he wield that cursed weapon?!" The Clan Leader asked, bewildered

"Murasame…" Jack whispered in disbelief.

"We've got to seal his power or else that sword will kill everyone here!" 

"The Sun God Seal?"


Many bright yellow runes appeared out of thin air and slowly got closer to Sebastian's body. Once the runes were within a certain distance of Sebastian's body, the runes transformed into chains and wrapped around Sebastian's right arm. The sword disappeared and it was sealed within Sebastian's right arm, and a sudden surge of power erupted from his body.

"Pay perfect attention to this kid… that power isn't meant to be underestimated." The clan leader said with sweat going down his face.

"Murasama, a sword that was once an extremely powerful demon but was sealed by a Valkyrie that caused the demon to turn into a demonic sword with the Valkyrie's soul seal as well."

"That's right, wielders of such a sword were naturally killed on sight or imprisoned to prevent another wielder… I entrust you with this kid and his powers."

"I won't let you down, Clan Leader!"

As the clan leader left, Jack was preparing another runic barrier to seal Sebastian's body until his evolution was done. Once Jack was done with the barrier, Sebastian woke up and a power erupted from his body that caused the barrier to nearly break.

"Sheesh, to think that becoming a primordial werewolf was a complicated process."

Sebastian's body started to transform until he was a full-sized werewolf but unlike normal werewolves, his fur kept changing color between silver white and pitch black. His eyes changed different colors, red and blue, and the power coursing through Sebastian's body was enough to make Jack sweat.

"I'll be leaving, Sebastian! I'll see you in one week when your evolution is done." Jack spoke, climbing up the stairs and closing the hidden door behind him.

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