
The Strongest Overlord's Revenge

...when you are betrayed, you feel the need for revenge. When your loved one turn and stabs you in the back, you seek revenge. As an overlord Yfir Lord was the first, the first one to harness the power that many tried to conquer before, having hundreds of disciples he taught all of them an element. He was at the pinnacle of mankind. But it all came down in just one night. His sanctuary was attacked. His students, his lover, the people he protected, they all came for him, all with the intent to kill. He was a benevolent person, at that moment killiing them all was as simple as breathing. Yet he ran, and ran, and ran. Diving and sinking himself into the ocean, his last place to hide. 3000 years later He emerges from the ocean. Stronger than ever. Yet he could sense all around him auras as powerful as him, and he knew who they were... "Time to begin the massacre...:)"

Sofos · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 3.2


A crater was formed where she aimed. Yet Yfir wasn't there anymore. She felt a sudden chill, as she looked back. There he stood, as silent as a ghost, as fast as light, more terrifying than even your darkest nightmares. Just being around him the little girl started to suffocate. "Is this where I die?" She thought.

The little girls name was Apogonos. She was from a long line of female warriors. Their first ruler appeared 3000 years ago, and vanquished a devil haunting their world. The first ruler of their clan was named Idti(Sunset). She was the strongest out of all of them, but human nonetheless. Her clan members always said that Apogonos had the same look as their first ruler Idti.

The instant Yfir sensed magic. He stopped time. It was a reflex born from suspicion, yet when he saw his attacker. His heart turned to a void. For a second he couldn't control his powers, whatever little magic he had was still very destructive losing control of could decimate the city. Breathing heavily he was able to finally calm down. Looking at him, from the roof of the building was his wife. But he knew she had died, no normal human being could survive so long. Yet she looked so much like her. Putting his power back in check he instantly teleported behind her. Looking at her with malicious intent. He let go a bit.

His power was dense enough to suffocate the normal human being, just being next to him mages and spellcasters would faint. Yet she was able to hold on longer that he thought. "Interesting, such talent is expected from my descendants..."

Leaving her on the roof, half dead. He went back to class.

He spent 8 years in school. Memorizing everything that had happened up to now. It seemed that people called him a devil, writing: this devil took the lives of everyone he met. Soon he was vanquished by the mighty heroes. Idti, Akull and his fellow students.

In the course of eight years he was able to track down 259 of his 500 students. Each of them meeting their cruel end. The face of each one of them, looking at him with fear, was euphoric for Yfir. They seemed to reach a level of transcendence (the ability to control their rule to the fullest), yet we're like lambs to the slaughter.

Thinking back all he did was care for his students and wife. But they saw him as a devil, the notion was unforgivable. All that was left were the remaining 241 students, they were stronger, quicker to grasp the meanings of their rule.

"Only 238 left..." Yfir said, carrying three heads. One male two female, throwing the into the river.

"Let's hurry finish this...:))"