
The Strongest Overlord's Revenge

...when you are betrayed, you feel the need for revenge. When your loved one turn and stabs you in the back, you seek revenge. As an overlord Yfir Lord was the first, the first one to harness the power that many tried to conquer before, having hundreds of disciples he taught all of them an element. He was at the pinnacle of mankind. But it all came down in just one night. His sanctuary was attacked. His students, his lover, the people he protected, they all came for him, all with the intent to kill. He was a benevolent person, at that moment killiing them all was as simple as breathing. Yet he ran, and ran, and ran. Diving and sinking himself into the ocean, his last place to hide. 3000 years later He emerges from the ocean. Stronger than ever. Yet he could sense all around him auras as powerful as him, and he knew who they were... "Time to begin the massacre...:)"

Sofos · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 2.1: In A New Place We Reside

"I guess now that I changed to a younger body, let's go to the nearest city" The thought of getting revenge was invigorating, fueling him with drive he had never felt before. "I sense my youngest disciple nearby...Let's start with him."

Outskirts of the capital of the Blizzard Kingdom-Glas.

The roads in the Blizzard Kingdom are treacherous filled with bandits, beast and most of all natural disasters. Such as storms and avalanches. Walking down these roads Yfir and Omorfia took it all in. The place was a snow wasteland. Everywhere you look white covered, everywhere you stepped white was underneath. Behind them the forest stood tall, like an impenetrable fortress. It seemed to cover an area of about 100km. The villagers called it the Beast's Den, not because it was riddled with bandits and monsters, but in the forest resided a beast the size of mountains, but in this forest such a beast can be easily concealed.

Walking for hours they finally saw the first signs of civilization, bandits. Each of them looked more of an ogre than a man. "Interesting, what a warm welcome...:)". In just a couple seconds the bandits stopped moving at all, Omorfia came up to them and saw that they fainted. "Sir, why were you so rough with them? They're just low level thugs." For what really happened was the pressure caused by Yfir was so dense, it was enough to choke and knockout people in just seconds, even kill them if need be.

After that realisation all Omorfia could feel was fear. How could Yfir do that without even her noticing. Being able to control your aura to affect only one point in space is unheard of.

Omorfia flinched as Yfir walked past, "Come on now, let's hurry get to that city.". As she gazed into the distance she could see the little town, and thinking to herself what an unlucky place to be chosen.

After an hour they finally arrived. The little town, was warm and cheerful, not what Omorfia was expecting. Yfir remained silent. Reminiscing of the days he was with his beloved "A pleasant but foolish memory...(-_-)". The little town was called Sigurd. The birthplace of his wife and the last place he had ever wanted to come back to.

Rage filled him. Remembering that not only his students, but his wife also betrayed him. Thinking back how else would they know where he resided. The only one who knew where he trained was his wife. He didn't want to believe it but deep down he new it was true.

"This wretched place should just dissappear..." Raising his hand in the air. He said "BEGONE."