
The Strongest Of Skeleton Island

His father was killed by pirates. Her mother died in a storm. All of that is just to save Oliver's life. Oliver was found and raised by a cursed old man trapped on Skeleton Island. Eighteen years later, Oliver is ordered out of the island to become the most powerful in the martial world to get his grandfather out of the Cursed Island. Armed with the Lightning Sword, can Oliver become the strongest in the universe of the martial world? *** Hi, this is my first martial arts story. Hope you like it, guys!!!

Knisa · Action
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Master Edmund the Hot Worm

The tall man looked back. He hopes the other college elders will come to his aid to face Oliver who has power far above him.

Oliver smiled when he found his opponent was starting to feel afraid. Suddenly he thought that if he killed all the residents of the college, then who would recognize him as the strongest warrior?

"I didn't come here to fight against you. It is enough for those of you who are in this college to acknowledge me and submit to me, then I will not touch you."

"Very arrogant!"

There was a loud noise from behind dozens of Black Centipede College members who had gathered and followed by the presence of three old men who passed and jumped on the heads of dozens of members of the college.

The three old men landed a few steps in front of Oliver with glares filled with hatred. They hated that the name Black Centipede College was so trivialized by a young man like Oliver.

"Your mouth is too arrogant and needs to be taught a lesson, young man! Don't think that because you can kill a few of our members it means the defeat of this college!" said one of the three old men who had just appeared in front of Oliver.

"I was kind enough not to kill you all, but it turns out that the offer I made you rejected outright." Oliver smiled with a sneer as he lifted the branch in his hand and pointed at the three old men in front of him.

"So don't blame me if there is a flood of blood in this place!" Oliver continued his words in a very intimidating tone.

"Bastard! That arrogant mouth of yours needs to be torn out!" One of the tall-thin old men got emotional and then raised his hand to slap Oliver.

Without difficulty, Oliver took one step back until the old man's hand passed smoothly in front of his face.

"It turns out that you can quickly dodge my attacks." The tall-thin old man made an annoyed comment.

"You two stay out of it! Let me beat him up myself!" he said to his two friends.

The other two old men took a few steps back. They seemed to have deliberately allowed their friend to test Oliver's abilities first.

"Don't call me Master Edmund if I can't beat you up!" shouted the tall-thin man while proud of his name.

Master Edmund immediately hit Oliver with his attacks which were quite fast and filled. Even though his opponent was tall and thin like a coconut tree, Oliver could feel that the attacks aimed at him contained quite high internal energy.

Oliver kept dodging attacks while observing the opponent's movements without once counterattacking him. The goal is to find gaps in the opponent's defense that can be penetrated.

Master Edmund was furious. He felt played by a young man who was more worthy of being his grandson. Not wanting to be embarrassed in front of the Black Centipede College members, Master Edmund increased his speed and continued to move nimbly trying to break through Oliver's defense.

"Don't just dodge, Bastard. Attack me!" Master Edmund snapped, who was already burning with emotion.

"I don't dare to hit you, old man. But to be honest, I'm afraid my punch will make your old bones fall out," replied Oliver, sarcastically Master Edmund's body, which was indeed very thin.

Master Edmund's two friends laughed loudly in response to Oliver's words. Even one of the two of them couldn't help but let out a sound.

"I told you, didn't I? You need to eat a lot so you don't end up like a sun-baked worm!"

Master Edmund snorted furiously. When he got the chance to pause the fight, he turned to his two friends.

"Shut up, you stupid buffalo! Once again you speak, I'll block your mouth with my fist!"

Oliver laughed softly seeing his two opponents fighting each other.

"Haha, stupid buffalo against hot worms. If I combine them, your name will be Hot Dumb Buffalo Worms!"

Master Edmund's face which was filled with wrinkles instantly flushed with emotion.

"Bastard, you dare insult me, huh! Take my attack!" he shouted before moving back to attack Oliver.

"You should have attacked your friend, Old Man, he was the one who insulted you first. I was just going along with him." Oliver continues to play on Master Edmund's emotions. He dodged by ducking downwards, dodging the punch aimed at his head.

High emotions made Master Edmund forget himself and forget his defense when attacking. That chance

Oliver took advantage of this by providing counterattacks quickly. He channeled his inner strength to increase his speed.

A kick was fired by Oliver toward the open solar plexus of the opponent, but the tall-thin old man was able to dodge the attack by pulling his body aside. A split second later he gave another kick that threatened Oliver's head.

In the position below, Oliver is doing parry. With both hands, he blocked the opponent's kick and quickly attacked Master Edmund's wide-spread left leg.



Master Edmund's tall thin body was slammed hard to the ground face-first when his left leg was swept away by Oliver's powerful kick. His face was filled with dust to the point that it looked even worse.

Coupled with the blood coming out of both nostrils which made the old man's face even more unrecognizable.

"Let us help you, Master Edmund!" said one of Master Edmund's friends.

"Shut up, Olek! I haven't finished playing with this little cockroach!" said Master Edmund before turning his gaze to Oliver who chuckled lightly at him.

"What are you laughing at, asshole?" snapped Master Edmund.

"Your face looks even more terrible, Old Fart. Try to find a mirror and look in the mirror, surely you will be afraid of your face," sneered Oliver.

Master Edmund wiped his dust-covered face with the back of his hand. After that, he pumped up his inner strength and then shot back to attack.

The speed of the tall-thin old man increased and made Oliver a little troubled.

"You die!" Master Edmund shouted as he threw a punch after seeing an open gap in the back of Oliver's defense.


Oliver's back was hit hard enough to push the handsome young man forward. But Oliver felt no pain because Master Edmund's punch instead hit the Lightning Sword hanging behind his back.

"Bastard!" Master Edmund swore loudly while holding his hand which was sore from hitting his opponent's sword. The old man then channeled his inner strength to relieve the pain in his hand.

"Ouch... It must be really painful. What a pity, haha!" Oliver laughed at the look on Master Edmund's face that implied pain.

Ignoring Oliver's ridicule, Master Edmund returned to attack with his best speed. He didn't want to be embarrassed by a young man in front of his two friends and members of the Black Centipede College.

"Centipede Poison Sting!" Master Edmund dashed forward and unleashed one of his strongest moves.

Oliver, who didn't have time to dodge, then tried to hold back the attack. He thrust his palm forward and blocked Master Edmund's attack aimed at him.

[Blaaar!!! Blaaar!!!]

The clash of energies from the two warriors caused repeated explosions. Master Edmund's two friends even put out their inner strength to withstand the pressure that was directed at them both.

Meanwhile, some members of the Black Centipede College who were not ready to be made bounced off and then lay dead with black bodies.

Dust billowed thickly from the clash of the two energies. Oliver was pushed several steps back. His palm felt a slight tingling sensation from the opponent's energy pressure.

Meanwhile, Master Edmund was pushed back even further until his back almost hit the wall of the college.

Oliver squinted to see several college members lying on the ground with blackened bodies. He realized that Master Edmund's poison power had enough power that it could kill in no time.

On the other hand, Master Edmund managed his heavy breathing. His eyes were fixed on Oliver who was still standing firm.

"Damn it, why isn't that young man affected by the poison I used?" he said softly while holding his chest a little sore.

Seeing that his opponent was in a bad state, Oliver didn't want to waste the opportunities he had, he moved so fast and fired a punch aiming at Master Edmund's head.

"You die, old fart!"


A loud explosion was heard along with the landing of Oliver's punch which hit the dividing wall behind Master Edmund's body until it collapsed.

The handsome young man glared in disbelief when his attack was missed. He then turned to Master Olek who had saved Master Edmund's life from death.

"Too bad you saved him. Even though I wanted to see how his old bones fall out and fall to the ground," Oliver sneered.

Master Olek did not respond to Oliver's words, he was busy channeling his inner strength to restore Master Edmund's body which was starting to weaken.

"You underestimate your opponent too much, Master. Luckily I was still able to save your life. You rest now, let me deal with him," said Master Olek before seating Master Edmund.