
The Strongest Naruto

A rerun of Naruto. the only difference is Naruto's personality and some slight difference in plot...

JustaLazyGuy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 35 - Chuunin Exam(6)

Chapter 35 - Chuunin Exam(6)




A woman wearing a hat suddenly appeared behind Anko that sent goosebumps course through his body. He thought in shock 'When did he get there?' With a solemn look, he observed the woman, if there was someone to look out for it was this woman.

The woman laughed a bit with her tongue out and said to Anko "Here's your kunai, Instructor."

This also sent goosebumps to course into Anko's body, she now understood why Naruto was looking her way in shock. She turned her sight to the genin ninja and said with a smile and a kunai at hand in case the genin attacks "Thanks, but you shouldn't sneak up behind me.. Unless you want to die."

"Hehehe~ Understood~ Instructor~" The woman with a playful voice, creepily replied returning to where most of the genins were flocking

The genins received goosebumps as well thinking they will be fighting against two monsters like these two that displayed exceptional abilities that can compete with a jounin… Scary…

Anko sighed for fighting against the monsters of the genin ninjas and continued with the exam "Now, before we start the second test, there's something I have to pass out to you guys." She smiled as she gave a printout to everyone.

The genins all tilted their heads as they received the papers, Anko continued "You must sign these agreement forms. There will be deaths in this one and if I don't have you sign these, it will all be my responsibility."


Anko ignored their reactions and continued "I'm going to explain the second test, then you can sign it afterwards, and then each team will check in at that booth behind me."

"Simply put you will attempt the ultimate survival in the second test. First I'll explain the area in which the exam will take place. It will take place in practice arena No.44 and around that arena are 44 locked gates. Forest, River and a tower in the center. From the gates to the tower is about 10 km."

"During the survival here, you will be asked to complete a certain task. Using your many weapons and jutsu, you will compete in a scroll battle! There are no rules!"

"Scroll Battle?"

"Yes." Anko nodded as he brought out a scroll with a sign "Heaven" and sign "Earth."

"There are 78 people here meaning 26 teams… Half will get the heaven scroll meanwhile the other half will get the earth scroll."

"To pass this test you must make it to the tower with both scrolls."

"So, 13 teams will lose their scroll and half of the team will definitely fail.."

Anko nodded and continued to explain "But there's a limit. This second test will last 120 hours. Exactly 5 days."

"Five days???!"

"What about dinner???!"

Anko snorted and replied "You're on your own. The forest is full of food. Just watch out for man-eating beasts, poisonous insects, poisonous plants… and 13 teams passing is not likely. As the days go on, the distance to the goal will become farther and farther, the time to rest will become shorter. The area is crawling with enemies, you won't get much sleep."

"So not only will some fail by losing the scroll, but some will die from the harshness of course."

"Now, I'll talk about what will disqualify you. First, those that don't make it to the tower, with both scrolls, within the time limit.

Second, those who lose a teammate or those who have a teammate killed. As a rule, there is no quitting allowed in the middle, you will be in the forest for 5 days. And one more rule, you must not look inside the scroll."

"What happens if you do?" A genin asked

Anko smiled and answered "That will be a surprise for anyone who do. As a chuunin, of course, you will sometimes be asked to handle classified information. This is to test your trustworthiness. Well… that's it for the explanation. Exchange the 3 forms for your scroll, then choose a gate to get ready for the start."

"A final word of advice… Don't die."

After 30 minutes…

"The second test of the chuunin exam… Start!"

The genins all scattered in all directions.

Naruto who was travelling with Sakura and Sasuke summoned 100 genin clones and had them scatter around the practice arena.

Sakura and Sasuke saw that and Sasuke asked "What was that for?"

Naruto yawned and answered with dissatisfaction "Are you stupid? Sasuke-kun? What are huge amounts of shadow clones with miniscule chakra used for? Of course for scouting."

Sasuke knew it was for that but still asked just in case so he snorted "I know that. I thought there was something else."

"Oh…" Naruto explained as he followed them. "Anyway, My clones are all over the place that'll release themselves in case of ninjas going in our direction to inform us. There's an enemy going this way from that direction, it's that lady that gave the instructor her kunai back. Be careful, that lady is strong."

"What? That guy is heading this way? Let me fight her." Sasuke said in excitement.

Naruto nodded "Sure, but I don't know if you'll be able to handle it. In my opinion that guy is stronger than Kakashi-sensei."

"What? Really?" Sasuke asked in a solemn tone

Naruto nodded

Sasuke clenched his fist and said "Fight with me then."

Naruto signalled with his hand "No problem."

Sakura who was with them also said "I'll try my best to support you guys."

Sasuke nodded

Naruto asked them to stretch out their wrists and marked them with his personal marking.

[Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!] "Haaaa!" A genin clone of Naruto used all of his chakra in the jutsu to hit the genin ninja that was coming after them.

The lady smiled and weaved a one hand seal with her hand and said [Wind Style: Great Breakthrough!] "Ha!"

Another clone of Naruto was watching the fight to gain as much info about the opponent as possible, frowned at this sight thinking 'What a troublesome opponent. She's expert enough to only use one hand seal to use [Wind Style: Great Breakthrough]."


The clone released the jutsu to inform the real Naruto about this situation.

The two jutsu's collided and shockwaves of wind cuts and currents were sent all over the forest.

Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura looked at the direction of the shockwave and stopped at a branch of a tree for awhile

Naruto, who was warned about this, let out a dry laugh "We're in trouble… That lady is strong…"

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked in vigilance

"Well… that guy used c-rank jutsu with one hand seal and with one hand as well. Those wind shockwaves came from the fight between a clone of mine and that lady…"

Sasuke nodded with a pale face but noticed Naruto signal something with his eyes.

Sasuke who was in front of Naruto used [Body Flicker] To appear behind Naruto and towards the bushes [Fire Style: Great Fireball!] "Fuuu!!!!!!"

"Aghhhhhhhhh!" A groan of pain sounded from the bush as a ninja tried to back away but heard a voice behind him.

"Where are you going?"

It was Naruto that was smiling with [Wind Style: Chakra Blade] in his hand and slashed through the neck of the genin ninja that was coming after them. *slash*

His head was severed from his body.

Sasuke looked at Naruto with grievance for stealing his kill but saw Naruto chuckle as he said "On guard. That guy is coming."

Sasuke nodded and looked at the direction of Naruto's gaze.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

3 ninjas arrived at the top of the opposite tree. And the lady in the middle laughed that sent chills to their blood "Impressive scouting. Little boy."

Naruto replied "Thank you for the compliment."

After replying, Naruto immediately used [Wind Style: Great Breakthrough] "Haa!"

Sasuke who was on full alert saw Naruto's hand seal and as well used [Fire Style: Great Fireball] "Fuuu!"

Their jutsus fused that had power comparable to that of an A-rank jutsu and formed a tunnel of fire razing the ground like a horizontal hurricane towards the 3 ninjas' direction.

The two ninjas besides the lady in the middle stepped forward and weaved hand seals as well [Earth Style: Earth Wall]

The ground trembled and two walls made out of earth came out of the ground consecutively to brace for the incoming attack.

Crash! Shhhhhhhhh!

The tunnel of fire that was created from Naruto and Sasuke's jutsu drilled through the Earth Wall. but the 3 ninjas they were fighting had enough time now to dodge because of the earth wall.

"Did we get them?" Sasuke asked

"Why'd you have to raise a flag…" Naruto sighed and his eyes widened and let out a dry laugh as he got intel from his clone that was watching on the other side "Nope. They're pretty skilled ninjas so the time they had after they made the earth wall was more than enough for them to escape."

"Tsk!" Sasuke clicked his tongue in annoyance

Meanwhile, Sakura said in a depressed tone "I'm sorry, I can't help you out in the fight…"

Naruto chuckled and cheered Sakura up and replied "You don't have to worry, Sakura-chan. There are different types of ninjas and this is not your specialty. For now, let us take care of this and you take care of us if we ever get out of this alive. We'll surely be dead tired considering my evaluation of those 3 ninjas' strengths."

Sasuke nodded agreeing to Naruto's words

Sakura shook her head to get ahold of herself and replied resolutely "Yes! I'll do my best!"




(A/N: Ahem… I'm sorry I'm late but… how the hell was that 3 days?!?!?! It was more like 3 hours!!! So… I owe you 4 chapters today right? I'll write one and write the rest later. Leave a power stone if you like the story! Thanks!)