
The Strongest Multiverse Chat Group

After reincarnating, Jin waited patiently for his cheat. Finally, he managed it arrived. He was given a chat group. But the members of this chat group were... eccentric. [The Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerer has joined the chat] [The King of Heroes has joined the chat] [The King of the Beasts has joined the chat] [The Demon Emperor has joined the chat] [The Black Wizard has joined the chat] [The Father of Humanity has joined the chat]

ImProcrastinating · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

'Limitless Body Potential'

After Jin sent the videos, all of the group members quickly watched through all of them, not just the ones focused on them. Through this, they were able to get a better understanding of their fellow group members. Eventually, the silence of the group chat was broken.

[The King of Heroes: Oho. It seems that this group chat is not full of the average mongrels. You have piqued my interest.]

[The Demon Emperor: Indeed. The abilities of the members in the chat group are... quite surprising.]

[The Strongest Sorcerer: More importantly, you obviously have a goal in sending this information. So, 'Otherworldly Admin'... name your price.]

Seeing those words, Jin let out a small laugh. It wasn't as if he was hiding his ulterior motives, so someone was bound to bring it up some time.

[Otherwordly Admin (O): It's pretty simple. All I need are things that I deem as 'equal' in value. Depending on the information you want, the price can change. You can pay with anything. As long as it's valuable to me, all you need to do is send me a trade for the item, and I'll hand over the info. Now that that's out of the way, I have some stuff to do, so I'll log off for now.]

Finally somewhat resolving the chat group situation, Jin slumped in exhaustion, sighing. Juggling all those... interesting personalities was quite tiring. He didn't want to make an enemy out of a single one, just in case any of them manage to find his world. Because at the state he is right now... it wouldn't be too good.

Feeling rather hungry, he looked pensively at the Mapo Tofu that he got from his roll. 'I mean... it's the only food I have. Even if it's called Extremely Spicy Mapo Tofu, it can't be that spicy, right?'

Picking up a spoon, he began to dig in. And immediately regretted it. As soon as the food touched his tongue, it felt as if his whole mouth set on fire. And not just a normal fire. It felt like the whole sun was burning inside his mouth. It was a different type of excruciating pain than he felt when he got his eyes.

He bolted out of his room at speeds he thought were impossible, running straight to the sink. He didn't care if it was tap water or filtered water, he just needed something to relieve the pain. After drinking what seemed like gallons of water, the pain seemed to subside.

Finally calm, he began to remember something. When he 'bolted out of his room at speeds he thought were impossible', it wasn't an exaggeration. Those speeds were practically impossible for him before the lottery.

'That's weird... I thought Limitless Body Potential only provided potential. Why am I faster?' Jin's previous assumptions that the Limitless Body Potential only provided potential wasn't wrong, just somewhat incomplete.

While it was true that it only provided potential, it also came with what should be referred to as 'bodily talent'. The bodily potential did not only increase the upper limit of someone's body, which is the most common interpretation, but also their speed of training.

Potential refers to the capacity to develop or become something in the future. And even if someone were able to hypothetically reach the absolute peak of human ability, most of the time, it would be unachievable for most people, since it would require an abundant amount of time. That's why, with 'Limitless Body Potential', not only did it completely uncap the 'ceiling' or 'peak' of the user, it also gave them the talent to achieve it within a reasonable amount of time. Or else, it would not be truly 'potential' if they would not be able to achieve it within their lifetime. [1]

After a few minutes of thinking, Jin made a hypothesis roughly in line with what is explained above. However, he still needed to test it. So he decided to train. And where is the best place to train? The gym, of course.

In the modern-day, humans have managed to build much more efficient exercises and equipment to build muscle and otherwise train compared to olden times. You never see anime characters using gym equipment or modern exercises to train, but that's mostly because they have no access to those things.

If they were to have the proper equipment and knowledge of modern exercises that target specific muscle groups and/or work out the whole body, they would be able to improve at a much faster rate than they would just do basic workouts such as pushups every day. That's why, Jin, who has access to both modern workout methods, and bullshit-hax levels of potential, would be able to improve exponentially faster than most other people, fantasy or otherwise.

And so, Jin slapped on a baggy hoodie and some sweatpants and set out to the gym. After driving for a bit, he reached the local gym. Since he didn't have a membership, he filled out his information, paid the bill for the membership, and went in.

He already knew how to lift a little, since he was on the basketball team for a while before quitting after realizing he had nowhere near enough talent to even reach the toes of the Generation of Miracles. But that's a story for another time.

Anyways, to start, Jin decided to start with deadlifts. Put extremely simply, it was lifting the bar up using your glutes and quads, and dropping it, all while keeping a straight back to prevent spinal injury. Relatively simple.

Jin chose it, since he felt it would be a good benchmark for him, and since deadlifts usually allowed one to put on more weight than other lifts. To start, he put on two plates (45 lbs/20 kg each), on each side. This amounted to about 225 lbs or around 100 kg. While it may sound like a lot, it wasn't really that much considering the world record is 460.4 kg or 1,015 lbs.

Finding it to be quite easy, he kept putting on more plates. Once he hit about 495 lbs or 224 kg (5 plates each), without breaking a sweat, he was absolutely sure that his hypothesis was at least somewhat right. After all, before getting his cheats, he would not even be able to lift the 495 lbs even a little bit.

He kept on ramping it up more and more, before hitting 855 lbs/387kg (9 plates each). At this point, he began to feel a slight strain. However, after completing one rep, he felt the weight become lighter, and the difficulty began to lower every rep he completed.

At this point, he began to understand the horror of Limitless Body Potential. Seeing that there was a small crowd gathering behind him, he decided to stop there. After all, he didn't want to accidentally break the world record in front of multiple people.

Within the crowd, Jin noticed two incredibly distinct people. One, a tall tan-skinned man with blue hair, and one a pink-haired woman. Casually listening, he heard them arguing.

"That guy looks strong. I should ask him for a 1v1," the blue-haired man said to his pink-haired companion.

"Dai-chan! You can't just ask every random person you ask for a 1v1! He might not even play basketball!"

"Why not? Plus, why wouldn't he play basketball? It's the greatest sport after all."

"That's not the point! You can't ask everyone who seems remotely strong to play a game of basketball."

"Why not?" the blue-haired man once again replied obstinately.

"Whatever! Just go!" the pink-haired girl shouted in frustration.

Shrugging the blue-haired guy called 'Dai-chan' walked over to Jin.

"Hey, you play basketball right?"

"I guess... I played a little bit during my freshman year in high school."

"Alright. Let's 1v1 then!"

It's so goddamn hard for me to write believable dialogue for some of these people, so that's the main reason why the updates are so slow. The first exchange literally took 90% of the time it took to write this chapter.

Anyways, thanks for reading. Leave any comments, suggestions, critiques down below.

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