37 A Night Of Love And Unity

Inside the magnificent castle, the Kaius family retreated to a more intimate setting, continuing their joyous festivities in the comfort of their own home. The grand hall transformed into a cozy gathering space, adorned with soft candlelight and a crackling fireplace that cast a warm, golden glow across the room.

As the last of the departing guests bid their farewells, the noise gradually subsided, and the castle settled into a peaceful stillness. Yet, the echoes of children's playful voices lingered in the air, drifting through the open doors.

With slow, deliberate footsteps, a new figure entered the hall, capturing the attention of the remaining family members. It was Isabella, a red-haired woman, cradling a precious bundle in her arms. She approached the family, her voice soft and gentle as she introduced their newest member.


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