
Chapter 6 Elopement

Bai Yueyue returned to her residence and excitedly shared her fighting experience with Amanda.

"Bai Yueyue, you are super god of war. It's so easy for you to earn 40 thousand star coins!" Amanda couldn't help admiring Bai Yueyue more.

"Honey, you can enjoy a good life with me from now on!" Bai Yueyue asked Amanda out to go shopping.

"Amanda, look at the silver light with a long tail in the sky. Is it a meteor?" As she spoke, something like a meteor sped up and fell to the ground. "Bang!" it hit the ground and was covered by blue light waves.

"It's a heavy mech. Let's go and have a look." As Amanda spoke, she and Bai Yueyue came to the scene of the accident. The blue light wave faded away, and the white mech on the ground was smashed into pieces. Beside them lay an unconscious man, who looked seriously injured.

"This mech looks like a Phoenix. Why do I feel familiar with this mech when I see it?" Bai Yueyue thought to herself, "and this man is so beautiful. He is the most beautiful man I have ever seen."

"Amanda, don't stand still. Help him."

"He fell from the sky in a straight line and was seriously injured. How can we two save him?" Amanda was not interested in saving the man she met by chance, but in the broken mech. "How about taking down his armor and selling it for money? It seems to be worth a lot."

"No way! Haven't you heard that saving one life is better than building a seven-storied pagoda?" Bai Yueyue just wanted to save this beautiful man, and also help him repair the armor.

"What pagoda?" Amanda was confused. "If you want to save him, all the money you made today will be in vain!"

"We can earn more later if we lose this money. If a person dies, he will lose everything he has. This person has such a high-level armor, so his identity must be unusual. Maybe he will thank us when he wakes up!" Bai Yueyue successfully convinced Amanda. Then the two of them took action separately. Amanda took the unconscious man to the hospital. Bai Yueyue remained and guarded the armor in case someone came to rob the wreckage.

After Amanda left, Bai Yueyue stared at the Phoenix armor on the ground, lost in thought, and some chaotic scenes flashed through her mind.

"What's wrong? Since I was injected with the experimental lotions, not only has my body changed but also my brain seems to be changing. It's just like..." Bai Yueyue was stunned, and she suddenly understood. "My brain has also evolved like my body. Now I feel like a high-speed computer, sorting out the memory fragments I have forgotten."

When Phoenix armor crashed to the ground, Salley was questioning the situation at the landing point of Planet A3128. And he received a distress signal from the mech.

"How is that possible? The Phoenix armor was shot down? It's one of the four best armors you designed, not to mention the master is..." Maha looked at the Salley in surprise.

"The signal is very strong. So it's not far away. I'll go and have a look. You stay here and continue to inquire where that woman is." Salley left Maha and rushed towards the direction of Bai Yueyue according to the signal.

At this moment, Bai Yueyue squatted on the ground and concentrated on observing the Phoenix armor. "The design of this kind of mechanical device is too amazing. Although it is a man-made machine, it is also like a real living life." She murmured, "The most incomprehensible thing is what its fuel is."

"It's human blood." Salley, who was standing aside, said, "This is the intelligent product of us advanced aliens. How can a rube coming from small planets like you understand it?" It is exactly she that the crazy woman I've been looking for for a few days? I finally caught you! He must teach her a lesson.

Sitting in the halo of dusk not far away, the woman held the broken wings of the Phoenix armor with her thin and little hands. When she inadvertently looked back, her long brown hair hanging on her chest like a waterfall. The soft but rigid lines made Salley's heart skip a beat.

Bai Yueyue turned around and saw a man with a mask. His golden hair fluttered wantonly in the air, and his blue eyes through the mask, as if there was gravity, tried to suck in Bai Yueyue.

"Who are you?" Bai Yueyue asked warily. Judging from his expensive clothes, he didn't belong to the slum here.

"Let me see how my armor is broken." Salley replied coldly. There was no need for him to introduce his identity to the crazy woman.

"Your armor? It is obvious that the armor fell with its master just now."

"To be exact, I created it." Salley raised one of his eyebrows and showed off.

"Then you must know how to fix it!" Bai Yueyue was overjoyed. She did want to see the scene when the top-level armor was fighting.

"Come with me." Salley took out the Tyron Stone and scanned the Phoenix armor on the ground. Before Bai Yueyue could see it clearly, the armor was put away into the machine by the Tyron Stone.

Only then did Bai Yueyue realize that the Tyron Stone could control the armor. Did this man have something to do with the reckless guy last time? When she recalled the Parallel Interstellar Station, the picture of her and that guy kissing continued to enlarge in her mind. Bai Yueyue pounded her head hard and unconsciously followed Salley.

The moment Salley took Bai Yueyue to his private airship, the airship took off automatically.

Maha, who was looking around for Salley, looked up at the sky and anxiously chased after him, shouting, "Boss! Why are you leaving alone? Bring me with you!"

Standing in front of the window of the airship, Bai Yueyue looked at the stars that were very close to her. They quickly flew into the passage in colorful lights from the dark, and then into a space with blue light. The speed of the airship gradually dropped.

"This woman has a nice appearance, but she doesn't seem to be smart enough to get on a stranger's airship without asking?" Looking at the absent-minded Bai Yueyue, Salley's heart softened when he thought of his next revenge plan.

"What's this place?" Bai Yueyue finally came to her senses.

"The material market. It can help you fix your armor." After the airship landed, Salley walked in expertly. Only when Bai Yueyue sped up could she catch up with him and had no time to check the surrounding environment.