
Fail To Get The Fruit?

The beast was walking near to the cooked meat. Kane's plan was failed as the meat hooked the wrong target.

Taking a look on the beast, its body was cover with hard brown skin, the size of this creature was the same as the Hammer Gorilla Kane faced before. Sharp claws were on its hand, feet were large and heavy, thus made the ground tremble vigorously.

While when it came to comparing with the Ground Rhino, the mass was much lighter than the Ground Rhino. When this beast smelled the aroma of the cooked meat, it rushed towards the meat without wondering that is this a trap or not. It clearly showed that the intelligence of this beast was not high.

The beast showed a hungry face, rushed very fast as if it had already a long time couldn't hunt down any prey in the forest. At the same time, the Ground Rhino was empty stomach as well, but it controlled itself not to leave away from the Golden Mush Fruit.

"Hurry, Cecelia! Hide yourself in the book. "

Kane asked Cecelia herself immediately. As Cecelia didn't know what Kane was going to do, she just followed his construction, silently observed him in the book realm.

Just five more feet for the beast to get near the hook, Kane immediately pulled the hook back and threw it to the middle between the Ground Rhino and the beast.

Just like he mentioned before, he didn't have any sure success plan, it all depended on his luck and how he acted to his current condition.

He was with the thought of the beast and the Ground Rhino would have a fight for the food. In this opinion, the Ground Rhino couldn't endure itself once it saw other creatures was drawing close the meat.

Would things go on as his thought? Nobody could give him an answer.

Due to hungry, the beast walked closer, opened its mouth and ready to eat the cooked meat. It even didn't care that the Ground Rhino was sitting there and staring at it.

Eventually, the Ground Rhino couldn't endure anymore, stood up and rushed toward the beast. It roared fiercely in order to scare the beast to make the beast away from the meat.

" It looks like I successfully to make the Ground Rhino away from the fruit. What is my next move? " Kane muttered. Kept opening his big eyes staring as he was fearful of losing any opportunity to steal the fruit.

The Ground Rhino ran with great momentum and collide the beast. The beast stepped backward, it showed that the beast was at the lower hand during the fight with Ground Rhino.

The beast then used its claw to smash the Ground Rhino, while the Ground Rhino turned its body, used its shell to block the attack. Later, the Ground Rhino swept its tail to attack the beast.

The beast was being pushed backward, lost its stability and fell to the ground.

" Roughly 40 seconds has passed. " Cecelia told Kane. This voice echoed in his mind, only Kane could hear this voice.

" Well, the Ground Rhino finally falls into my trap. Once it eats the meat, I will use these flower buds to make it lose its vision. " Kane's alertness was highly raised to the point all his mind focused at the Ground Rhino.

Waiting for the moment it consumed the meat that mixed some paralyzed herb, his breath tuned faster, he found hard to control his breath to make himself calm. Anxiety was overwhelming his heart, this was the most critical moment. Once he failed, he probably lost all his hope to get the Golden Mush Fruit.

" It is time now! " The Ground Rhino was paralyzed, its body became still and sturdy as if it could move any part of its body. Kane threw those flower buds forcefully to its eyes and cast a fireball.

" Fire Ball! "

A fireball dash towards the direction of the flower buds. Due to the mass of the flower buds was light to the point of easy to be blown by the wind, the flower buds in fast to the front of the Ground Rhino's eyes. The fireball was followed on their back.

Kane kept staring to the fireball, kept blessing that the fireball could move faster to make the flower buds produce explosive effects and release its flower pollen.

All of a sudden, the phenomenon in front of him shook his heart vigorously. His eyes were sharp and allowed the small in this process. Before the fireball reached those flower buds, the paralyzing effect disappeared and the Ground Rhino regained its mobility.

The flower buds experienced a certain amount of heat, exploded and release the pollen stored inside them.

At that critical moment of the flower buds producing explosive effects, from his observation, the Ground Rhino turned its head to the one right side and away from the flower buds.

" How can this be?! " Sense of frustrating overwhelmed his heart, he almost wanted to scream out loud to express his emotion due to failing.

Missed? Failed?

Not yet! I cannot accept this. That must be another chance, look at them more carefully.

Kane regained his spirit quickly, kept observing the fight.

" Argh… " The Ground Rhino was moaning, its sound was full of suffering. Shaking its head vigorously, stomping on the ground with its four feet and made the ground trembling more. This made Kane felt like he would lose his stability at any time.

" Oh, yes! Today is really my day. " All those negative emotions had gone off. Looking at the beast, it took this golden chance to retaliate its opponent which had lost its vision temporarily.

Roughly one minute left for the sun to reach its highest position of the day.

With the aid of Kane, the beast fought at the upper hand. They had a physical fought fiercely, the beast even used its sharp teeth to bite on the Ground Rhino's head, made the Ground Rhino suffer a lot. Due to the toughness of the physical body, the Ground Rhino would not easily to be beaten up.

In fact, the Ground Rhino was just a bit late to turn around his head. Only a small amount of pollen was being blown into its eyes, it probably would regain its vision in a short time.

" It is about time. I must not waste this opportunity, I need to walk stealthily near to the fruit and get it. "

At this moment, Kane walked slowly and carefully to go near to the fruit. He was fear of being noticed by them, if he was noticed by the Ground Rhino, it surely rushed quickly back and crushed Kane.

The time was getting closer. The red color of the fruit became thicker as if the color of a burning flame.

Occasionally, Kane would look to the direction of that fighting. The Ground Rhino was still at the lower hand, but Kane could tell that the beast was not capable to beat the Ground Rhino.

Kane spoke with tension: " Is the fruit mature already? "

Cecelia: " Not yet. The color of the fruit was not thick enough. "

Kane muttered: " Hurry! Hurry! The Ground Rhino may regain its vision in no time. "

They collided their body with each other, the Ground Rhino slowly get the upper hand, many of its attacks heavily hit on the beast.

Finally, the sun rose to its highest position.

" Yes, I make it. I finally get this fruit. " Kane muttered.

" Don't just stand there. Hurry to retreat yourself. " Cecelia remained.

During the time Kane was ready to escape, he suddenly heard of pathetic moan from the beast, full of suffering and pain. The sound of spreading blood could be heard also.

Kane quickly turned his head to behind, his heart was shaken to the point his heartbeat almost stop. Much cold sweat fell down from his head, found his body was trembling also.

The Ground Rhino showed a crazily ugly face, the ugliness of its face was because it was full of fury. It spent a lot of time guarding the fruit, it almost could get this but be stolen by someone now.

Forcefully stomped on the ground and charged towards Kane without any hesitation.

" Oh no! Run! " Kane cried out. He ran as fast as his feet could take him for his life.

Although he finally got the fruit, but could he escape himself from the Ground Rhino.

Maybe he will throw away this fruit for his life?

Sorry guys, I got many things to do today.

Thus, I write this chapter in a rush, maybe got a lot of mistakes in this chapter.

Please remind me if you found any mistake, you can join the discord and tell me.

Thanks for reading and your support. (✿ヘᴥヘ)

CalciumLackcreators' thoughts