
The strongest in the Omniverse

Upon death, our mc finds himself chosen to become some powerful being with an important task. There seem to be others like him, and many might even have systems. These powerful beings seemed to have almost been killed by beings, not of this world, their death would mean the end of the world, so they have to pass on their roles. Follow Mc, on a journey to become the strongest there is.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

young masters

"You have been accepted into the mage academy, this latter would teleport you and everything you are holding within 3 hours to the mage academy. please keep the latter on your body at all times," Sora opened the latter, but instead of seeing words, the latter spoke to him.

hearing the words, Sora went on to go quickly say goodbye to the only person he considered family within the slums. The old woman that took him in, Sora might never return here. So he had to give goodbye to the only person he had ever considered a mother.. at least a good one.

3 hours later, Sora was teleported before two huge castle gates. Sora was taken aback by the size of the place, it was so huge and have of such a powerful aura that it made him unable to speak for a moment.

but the gates opened with a shake, and a moment later Sora stepped through the gates, arriving within the academy. he walked along the road, heading towards the huge building which was quite far away from the entrance.

But as he took a few steps, a flash of light went on behind him, followed by a carriage appearing. the two horses which pulled the carriage let out cries, seemly scared by what just happened. A person driving the carriage quickly calmed them down before having them go forward,

Sora stepped to the side and simply watched the carriage go by him, with those inside looking out, their eyes quickly locking with his. it was a young man, and he instantly grew unhappy seeing Sora and his dirty ripped clothing.

"Stop the carriage," He ordered, followed by the carriage quickly coming to a stop before a boy around 12 years old stepped out, his eyes sizing Sora up and down, the disdain and disgust growing, even more, the closer he looked at Sora.

"what dumpster did you crawl out of?" he said with a disgusted look,

"My apologies, but I seemed to have forgotten your mother's name. crawling out of her left me in... such an unpleasant sight. luckily it was wide enough." Sora said softly, making the young man freeze

he shook his head, not sure that he heard Sora's words correctly. but after a moment of pure shock, he exploded into rage and quickly locked onto Sora. his rage only increased even more when he saw Sora walking away,

"You dare!" He roared in rage, a ball of flame gathered at his palm before he shot it forward toward Sora. Sora dodged the attack without the need of looking back, this was just a kid, sure he might have more spells and knew more about magic than the guy with the scar he faced, but he was only a brat in the end.

He was weaker than the man with the scar. one should know that the average grown man would have the stat of 5 in strength or other things. Sora with his stat of 3 showed how powerful he was for a 5-year-old, this put him on equal footing with the likes of this young man if he didn't use magic to enhance his strength.

The young man was even more enraged with Sora dodging his attack, with a step, magical energy gathered at his feet before shooting him forward with a great burst of speed. at high speed, he quickly arrived before Sora whose back was turned towards him,

Just when his fist was about to connect with Sora, Sora's body suddenly moved, and his hand caught his fist and flipped him, slamming him heavily on his back. the kid's pained cry sounded out, followed by Sora's leg stepping on his arm,

"Kid, you are about to get rubbed. coughed up everything you have or else your fingers would be needing healing." Sora said calmly

"to so easily be proved by a few simple words, and giving me a reason to act out of self-defense. you are lucky you are a kid or else I would have broken some bones to show I mean business." Sora said calmly while putting force into his foot, leading the kid to cry in pain before he panicked to pull out a bag that held his money

Sora took the bag, before kneeling to pat the kid's checks slightly, scaring the kids while looking at Sora's eyes.

"I'm guessing you would get some friends to come and get revenge, so be it. just make sure the person you get is stronger than you, and make sure you are far away... I might have to show others I mean the game by breaking your legs. do you think magic can heal a shattered kneecap? a kid like you with a big background is sure to cough up someone to have someone heal you, no biggy right?" Sora said softly, before shaking and just walking away.

But like last time, a flash of light appeared, and another carriage appeared. Sora didn't bother to look back, he got all needed. money was his main goal and he got it. he was not sure if money would be a big deal here, but if he could use the money to bug for information then that would be for the best.

Sora was sure there were people like him here, people from low backgrounds who would do anything for money. Sora would gather them to his side. that would not be hard, once he finds out how to awaken his magic then they would all be attracted to him.

{Congratulations host, you have leveled up to level 2... you do know you could have leveled up to level 3 long ago if you simply killed?} the system asked, which was rare as it was normally quiet, as if in a sleep state.

'Life is priceless, I'm not trigger happy or anything like that. I know the value of life, now you mind answering a few of my questions?' Sora asked calmly,

{sigh, this place you entered is filled with a high amount of magical energy which I absorb, so I don't need to be in rest mode as much. ask away.} the system said calmly

'the first question is simple, what are you? the second question is, where am I? The third question is how do I awaken magical energy? I was thrown into a new world without any knowledge of what to do, and you have been super useless with all.' Sora thought calmly

{I'm the remaining will of War. but as you might have noticed, I'm not truly him. he was in a super weakened state, so when he gave you his power, you couldn't instantly gain all of his ability and start working on becoming strong enough to take over his role. so, most of his body gathered to form me, the system. As you slowly grow stronger, leveling up bit by bit, you would gain more abilities. once you have everything, my existence shall not fade away, but shall fuse you, giving you everything to set you on the path of becoming a War.} the system said to which Sora eye brow narrows

{You don't even trust me? no need to worry, if you focus your will, you can sense my existence and destroy me. in doing so, all of the powers shall enter you, as if you would be able to withstand all that, well, thats up to your strength.} the system said to which Sora did just that, and after a moment, he indeed sensed the system

{second, I don't know where you are at. but seeing your past, you should slowly piece together this world if it's a world related to what you watched back on Earth. you should take War words at face value, indeed to him, this might be just a universe, but if you look at the many multiverses which filled this so-called universe, your head would explode as they are endless. Anime, Marvel, DC, Cartoons, you named them they are somewhere out there.} the system said making Sora's eyes widen slightly in shock

{as for how you can awaken your magical energy, there are 2 ways. the first is to reach level 5, and the second way is to forcefully awaken it through emotions. As you know, you get XP from defeating people, or from leveling up an ability. the academy would be useless to you so long as you don't have magical power, in a way, it might limit your growth unless they allow killing.} the system said making Sora's eyes narrow for a moment

Sora's instincts suddenly went off, sending warning bells. he, of course, didn't let his guard know that another carriage had suddenly arrived, with a flash, Sora spun his body, and he dodged a sword aimed towards his back. Sora's eyes locked with a silver-haired woman who looked at him in shock, not expecting he would have dodged that attack.

Sora moved, and at great speed, his leg slammed into the woman's stomach, causing her pupils to disappear for a split instinct before she dropped to the ground, struggling for air before she threw up.

"So, that would have killed me," Sora said calmly while picking up the sword, and placing it before the woman's neck, causing her body to shake in horror. She looked at Sora, but all she saw were Sora's cold eyes, the ground under her suddenly became wet,

Sora had just leveled up, and currently, his stats were 5. All were a 5. With a speed and strength of 5, that kick would have knocked her out if she was a normal human... no, it would have crippled her for life

"Unlike others, I don't care if you are a woman, man, child, or someone grandma. the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed." Sora said coldly while picking her up by her air, forcing her to look him in the eyes

"Are you ready to be killed?" Sora asked, his voice sounding like the call of the gram reader, causing her to shake in horror and fear.

"N-no, m-my y-young m-master told me... please, I'm only 19 years old, and I have barely lived my life. I'm sorry," she cried while tripping over her own words, Sora's eyes emotionally looked at her, making her cries louder.

"Luckily for you, I needed someone. I shall not become your master, understood? Or should I return you with one less arm and leg? you could say your safety would cost an arm and leg." Sora said calmly, causing her cries to sound even louder, but he shook her head, saying say.

Sora dropped her to the ground, and he looked towards the two young monsters who were looking at this scene with horror. the newcomer quickly rushed towards his carriage in horror, while ordering the carriage driver to run over Sora. As for the other young master who Sora stole from, Sora's words were ringing through his eyes

"an example... I believe that was the promise." Sora said calmly while jumping towards the carriage which was rushing towards him. at the last moment, Sora suddenly jumped, the carriage driver watched on in horror as Sora kicked him away,

Sora moved and went on to pull out the young master who had entered the carriage. but this young master was young, being a 9-year-old kid. this kid seemed to have a higher standing than the first kid Sora rubbed, which would explain how he could have a guard or something, or maybe there was something Sora was missing.

Sora jumped off the carriage, which continue running forward, almost running over the woman, who rolled out of the way at the last moment.

"wait, if you touch me, you would be making an enemy of the Mizunoken family," he yelled while crawling backward, his eyes looking at the sword in Sora's eyes.

"before I move on, explain a few things to me. why are you all suddenly popping up, and why did he not have a guard?" Sora asked calmly before he looked at the entrances where a rare light suddenly appeared, followed by another carriage appearing,

"We have been accepted into the academy, so we are all arriving to take the exam to see if we would be accepted... I didn't have a guard because only those with the capability to be mages could come with us. we have all been given a carriage..." the young man said making Sora's eyebrow raise for a moment,

"What do you mean you were all given a carriage?" Sora asked with a frown

"the latter transformed into a carriage, and everyone that would be within that carriage within a horror would be teleported here. but there was a limit, only living things with the potential to be mages could come, like us." He said to which Sora nodded while walking towards him

"so, tell me, why did she attack me?" Sora asked calmly as he looked at the 9-year-old from the Mizunoken family. the 9-year-old put on a brave front, and spoke

"Since we all had a carriage and you didn't, it was clear that you were an outsider who shouldn't be here. the fact you even attacked someone, while being a low life, me giving you a quick death as being nice," he said with a slightly shaky voice he was trying to hide

"I see... so do your family own this place or have any huge influence here?" Sora asked calmly, to which the kid shook his head slowly. Sora nodded slightly at his words before he lifted his leg, and brought it down on the kid's arm. the kid's pained screams filled the area, but Sora ignored him while walking over to the other guy.

"I'm sorry, I promise I will never cross your path again. money? I can have my father give you a lot of it..." The young man crawled backward, fearfully looking at Sora who was walking toward him

"I'm a man of my word, when you are all healed up, spread the news so everyone can just leave me alone," Sora said calmly, followed by the sound of two knees shattering. the young man cried in pain, but Sora ignored him and went back to the kid who shit himself seeing Sora walking back towards him

Sora had him cough up all his money before he went on with his day. but he didn't get far before the carriage stopped, and a kid stepped,

"you... how could you be so cruel? I will not allow such cruel and evil acts to take place at this academy. say your name, so I can report you" A little girl with long scarlet red hair said, while looking at the two kids before looking at Sora.

"I have no time to waste on someone who takes no time to know what happened, you would be wise not to attack... as for you, follow me, and let's go get you clean up unless there is a spell for that," Sora said calmly, to which the silver-haired woman quickly picked herself up, and ignoring the smell she was giving off, she fearfully followed Sora

the scarlet-haired woman gritted her teeth, but she quickly went to check up on the kids and see if they were alright...