
The strongest in the Omniverse

Upon death, our mc finds himself chosen to become some powerful being with an important task. There seem to be others like him, and many might even have systems. These powerful beings seemed to have almost been killed by beings, not of this world, their death would mean the end of the world, so they have to pass on their roles. Follow Mc, on a journey to become the strongest there is.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

The Grand War 2

A few hours after the barrier was formed, Ellen and the others attacked. But the barrier set by Sora wasn't so simple, most magic was nullified before this barrier, and most attacks were sent flying back to the attacker or write absorbed.

To make things more annoying, the attacks from within the barrier affected them. Like this, the battle would be drowned out, something which Ellen's side didn't want.

But they were able to break through the barrier, all they needed was time. The strongest of the gods, the god-king joined forces with the other gods, unleashing a huge attack that hit the barrier. Too powerful to be sent backward, and too powerful to be absorbed, the barrier had cracks run up its body.

Ellen and the others were horrified seeing this attack, and forget the ability, but the whole galaxy was at risk of destruction

"you underestimate this human," The God King said watching as Sora reached out, having the barrier gathering to focus its power on blocking this attack, Sora was forced to have his hand bend slightly, but the barrier absorbed the attack, and with a flash, the barrier formed just in time as the army were about to lunch into the city.

With the barrier's newfound strength, the gods and the others were forced to step backward to think of other plans. So in the morning, they launched their next attack. But this time, Sora was on high alert.

For them to attack so easily, it meant they had a plan, and his worry was not misplaced. All of the powerhouses gathered, gathering their power into one large attack.

Sora quickly took control of the barrier and had it focused on one point. But that was simply an illusion, he was not sure if this would be their main attack, or what type of power this attack would be.

Sora watched as a huge ball shot toward the city, this attack far more powerful than the last attack. Sora frowned and quickly had all his power focused on taking this incoming attack.

But he quickly realized this was a mistake, the god of space and time appeared, and with a roar, a portal appeared before the huge ball of energy. Sora's pupils shrank, he quickly raised his hands to the sky, where the huge ball of energy shot out off

Sora shot down, slamming hard into the ground, the planet shook as if it would explode, but Sora managed to contain the explosion, which caused him to suffer great injuries. shooting into the sky, Sora was covered in blood, he wasn't mad, but impressed.

they knew Sora couldn't allow the planet to be destroyed, pretty much forcing Sora to take on the explosion, causing him to suffer great damage and drain him of his energy.

the other side's army rushed forward, from the god's army, the celestial spirit army, the giant army, and many more, they all rushed forward towards the city wall. Sora wanted to attack to kill a few of them, but Ellen and the other big shots wouldn't allow him to act, so they all attacked him.

The God King appeared before Sora, his fist burning with golden energy. Sora easily blocked the attack, but couldn't counter it as he was forced to block and dodge other attacks from the others. Sora was given no time to do anything like dodge or counter, all he could do was dodge and block.

this was a battle of 35 to 1, Sora was greatly outnumbered, but what scared all of them was that the fact Sora was quickly adapting to them. at this rate, Sora would catch an opening and kill him. this forced more big shots to shoot over, turning the 35 to 1 into a 50 to 1.

with this change, Sora no longer could block, instead, he was dodging to lessen the damage he would take. but Sora wasn't the only one facing overwhelming odds, down below the demon race army was fighting against an endless army.

their teamwork was great as they were able to hold them off, and thanks to the backup they were getting from the demon realm, the weapons on the walls were not put the waste. plus, the walls were not normal as it helped them block the enemy to some degree. but they were losing, sure they would be able to hold on for a few hours, only C-tier demons were coming out of the demon realm, what use were they other than firing those weapons?

then again, Sora had trained countless demons, and many of them were equipped with powerful weapons. they should be able to buy enough time for the B-tier demon then, then again what use would they be?


Sora slammed into the army attacking the city, a scene which shocked the 50 who were attacking as Sora placed himself to fall there. they quickly shot after Sora, but their people were turned against them, brainwashed and strengthened by Sora, and launched toward them.

Sora took this chance to allow his injuries to heal, while at the same time absorbing the War energy of this battlefield which was ticker than anything he had ever absorbed. Ankhseram black magic shot forward, killing everyone Sora brainwashed, only to bring them back to life the next moment but with them on their side once more.

Sora sighed seeing this before he stepped backward, his power exploded forward and a shield and spear appeared in each hand. Sora shot forward to clash with them, while golden armor and a red cape replaced his body.

No longer was he holding back, he shot off the ground, unleashing a powerful shock wave that destroyed the mind and souls of the enemy side, killing a few hundred thousand of them. this enraged them, so once more the battle between Sora and the 50 others began, all while Sora absorbed the war energy.

Sora was now going all out, the shield he created with the power to nullify any magic, and if it couldn't nullify the magic, it shall reflect the magic towards the caster, and if that wasn't enough, the shield shall absorb the energy and use it to either heal Sora or restore his energy. if that wasn't enough to top the attack, the shield had high resistance and could block all forms of attacks, 360 degrees around Sora without any blind shots.

the spear had the power to pierce through space and time, meaning its attack shall always appear before its target no matter the distance. It shall be even faster if Sora threw the spear, all forms of magic can be pierced through, and it shall bypass all defense

the armor had the power to help the person wearing it recover both energy and health faster. with this armor, one health shall recover faster by absorbing one energy, meaning that even with the worst of injuries like a destroyed heart or soul, so long as you have MP you shall recover.

Mp Shall recover faster only if your health is full. but that was not all it did as it increased his speed and Luck

Lastly the Cape, greatly increased his resistance stats, making it so most things that try to attack him would be far less effective.

Sora created all of this using magic, magic which he created, called War Magic. a few things went into war, and the power to create weapons was such a thing. Sora could create not only weapons but even armor.

but for the ability, Sora at first had no reason why the items he created were so overpowered, but the system explained this was simply a hint of War power.

Anyways, with Sora going all out now, he was able to fight back and not suffer so much under them. but he was pretty much-trying blows for blows. they were not stupid and found the weakness within this armor, he couldn't block and attack at the same time, allowing them to hold onto this weakness, and forcing Sora to have to take weaker attacks for the chance to land his attack.

the battle went on until sundown, here a break for the night was held. Sora was too tired to set up the barrier, so he had the new demons work on setting it up. Sora's level of energy control was high, so much so that he shouldn't run low on magical energy, but many things were draining him dry.

the weapons he created and give to the demon army, they cost part of his energy every time they are used. with standing that attack they all launched at him cost a lot of energy, and lastly healing quickly enough so that the damage he was suffering didn't add up leading to his death. then there was the fact that part of Sora's strength was with Irene and the others, helping them fight for freedom. all of this added together to Sora only having the energy for at most 35 hours straight of none stop battle.

anyways, the B-tier demons soon began to pass through the barrier. at which point, Sora had enough energy that he strengthened the barrier and went on to create more magical weapons. these weapons were different from the shields and spears he gave to the army of demons he trained, instead, they would need demons to deed enough energy and to fire it.

10,000 B-tier demons firing one of these cannons was enough to the cannon to show the power needed to kill a demon god. they would need a week for A-tier demons to arrive, until then they had to put in 10,000% of everything they had.

but the burden was lessened and Irene and the others awakened. Sora had hidden them since the battles begin, and now they had weakened and were currently kneeling before Sora. but they were not the only ones, as Sora was out number why would he ignore Zeref's army?

Zeref had a whole empire under his name, Sora had summoned his army and had helped in strengthening them. but since he didn't want to drain too much of his magical power, they would take longer to awaken than Irene and the others.

"There are many things in this world that chains a person down, hundreds of years I have set back to think deeply on this, and I have concluded a few things. the mind is one of the first things that keep us away from gaining freedom, the fact that a person can know what they are doing is wrong yet still do it, or the fact a person can lose all reason due to emotions, thats shows how little freedom we have." Sora said calmly while the 10 of them listened

"above the mind is the body, the flesh on ur body, the fact we need a heart, brain, and so on to live. thats more chains us, holding us back from freedom. freedom is breaking free of everything, and living by your own rules. death? ignore it. gravity, senses, and so on, ignore it. Living every day to the fullest, with a smile, freer than the wind. that freedom." Sora said calmly, to which they all nodded, bettering understanding of what they just went through.

their minds felt free, the past no longer held them down, the world seemed more beautiful than ever before, and all they wanted to do now was live. They felt like they could have their magical power do anything, the rules of magic could no longer hold them down.

"I was able to give you the basic of this freedom. the basic of the mind, but there are levels to this, which you would have to reach through deeper meditations, self-reflection, and enlightenment. until then, your strengths would be needed in this battle." Sora said calmly, to which they all nodded.

they were the Spriggan, there were 12 of them, but there were only 10 here. August was the leader and the strongest among them, his power only being rivaled by Irene. August had Merlin's ability, the power to copy and nullify any maic with some limitation when it came to holding magic

But Irene was not the stronger one, with her Sage Dragon Slayer Magic, which had evolved in quality with the transformation of her mind. She was talented in enchantment magic and could be said to rival Ellen. the other amongst them was,

Ajeel Ram, the Desert King. was skilled in Sand Magic, and could be said to be the most talented Sand user around. of course, his sand Magic evolved thanks to the transformations of his mind.

Bloodman, a demon created by Zeref. Despite not possessing Magic Power comparable to the rest of the Spriggan 12, Bloodman instead boasts an incredible amount of Curse Power, along with countless other magical power which all evolved with the improvement of his mind.

Brandish μ, she used a magic called Command T, which allows her to control the mass of things. in the past, this had the limitations of not shrinking things that had the power that transcend her own, but this limit was weakened slightly, allowing her to shrink pretty much anything if they do not resist. this means even someone like Sora, if caught off guard would be affected by her magic.

Dimaria Yesta, A cynical war empress that can majestically control time. she was blessed with great power by the God of Time, Chronos. an old god from time back before the rise of humans. her time magic no longer needed Chronos, and had broken free and evolved, thanks to the improvement to her magic

Invel Yura, a powerful ice magic, and many of the most talented Sora have come across in history. with the improvement to his mind, his ice magic only evolved even more,

Jacob Lessio garnered the epithet Assassin due to his expertise in the art of assassination, which only reached a higher level thanks to his improvements.

Larcade Dragneel had 3 main forms of magic. Pleasure, Larcade's primary Magic involves casting both "pleasure and pain" to its targets, only affecting those who have experienced the "forbidden" pleasures of life, and cannot be avoided by those people; those affected are struck with pleasure so intense that, if experienced for long enough, causes them to die as their very souls are lifted from their bodies.

Famished Soul. Larcade's next Magic targets yet another of human primary needs; upon activation, this Magic causes its target to feel immense hunger. It is most effective against a group of enemies as, after a short while of this Magic is in effect, they begin to view each other as illusions of food, unable to resist the urge to consume them. This Magic can be stopped either through the sheer will of its target, or the affected being physically harmed to come to their senses.

R.I.P. (Rest In Peace). arcade's third Magic deals with the primary need of one to sleep and once in effect, the target is unable to resist a sudden feeling of drowsiness. The final stage of this Magic is the moment its target closes their eyes, that is when they enter a state of slumber from which they cannot wake up.

these 3 magic all improved, reaching a new stage of deadliness, that Sora couldn't wait to see being put to use.

Neinhart. He relishes being able to gaze into his opposition's hearts to seed out their histories, manipulating them against their will. his magic was called Historia of the Dead, This Magic allows its user to look into the hearts of others, view and create a replica of the deceased of those in the individual's past that made a lasting impact upon them, be it as a result of hard-fought combat, love, or simply immense respect.

the replicas are not illusions, as the user gives "life" to the past Historias, with them retaining their personalities, memories, as well as any Magic and abilities they possessed from their lifetime. today least, this magic has also evolved

lastly, Wall Eehto creates mechanized weaponry to exploit his enemies' weaknesses and shortcomings. his magic was called Weakness, A type of Magic that utilizes alchemic principles as its basic function, Weakness allows its user to create devastating machinery, such as soldiers that specialize in Magic, that the user's opponent is ineffective in combat against. The multiple soldiers the user can create can combat multiple individuals. this magic had evolved as well, removing many weaknesses it had.

To say the least, with such powerful and capable people on his side, this battle would be drawn out for years now. as for their stats, they were way past the millions, although still not yet as powerful as any of the 250 demon soldiers which Sora had trained...

"they would attack soon, they don't want to give me time to rest or for more backup to arrive. so let's send them back after suffering a major loss." Sora said calmly, to which everyone got up, leading for the fight. while they left, his eyes were on Dimaria, why was a god supporting her? or was there something he didn't know about the gods?