
The strongest in the Omniverse

Upon death, our mc finds himself chosen to become some powerful being with an important task. There seem to be others like him, and many might even have systems. These powerful beings seemed to have almost been killed by beings, not of this world, their death would mean the end of the world, so they have to pass on their roles. Follow Mc, on a journey to become the strongest there is.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Sora Dragneel

"so, do you yield?" Sora asked while looking at Scarface who was playing helplessly in the slums trash,

It's been a week since the tournament, after that talk with Merlin, Merlin had another talk with Sora, where Merlom gave away a few of her secrets, before letting Sora know that she knew that this might not be his first life.

Sora to say the least was shocked by the news, but Merlin calmed him down as she told him how she was sure he was human.

So, Sora came clean with his past life where he of course left out a few things. In the end, Merlin showed Sora her true form. She was a demon, that's right she was both female and a demon, but she was half-human.

Her mother was a human, her father a demon. She grew up a human, fell in love with the human, and grew to want to protect them.

She hid who she was because females were looked down upon, and if she were to come out as a female, the respect she had would drop by a great degree.

She opened up to Sora, not seeing him as a kid but more like a friend. In the end, she left Sora to go over his thoughts and he concluded to leave the academy.

She allowed it under the condition he returns the condition every month for a week, which Sora accepted.

Sora's appearance was changed by her, and now Sora looked like a black-haired kid. So he returned to the slums and beat up the scarface man for the position of leader.

It was the meeting with his parents of this life that got him thinking about his father. His father dying massage, the massage which got him to take the first step around to do something better with his life, to live a life worth living.

"I yield," Scarface said through gritted teeth, Sora looked at him for a moment, and the other thugs who were watching the fight ended with one move.

So, with that Sora took over the slums. Normally such actions would have been hard to gain so many people to accept him, but Sora had something which caused them to quickly accept him.

His charisma was high, higher than all of their intelligence stats, so once Sora gave them a good enough reason for them to follow, they were easily moved over to trusting him. Of course, to get full loyalty from them would take time and work. currently, Sora's stats Intelligence, Stamina, and Charisma were twice as high thanks to [Waring Mind] which made it easier for him to gain their trust.

"Gather everyone in the slums, over the following hours, we will be moving towards the forest filled with monsters. once you are all strong enough, we shall return to the slums and rebuild this into a city." Sora said calmly, stunning everyone who looked at each other for a moment before looking at him with hesitations

"Only I can use magic..." Scarface said softly, to which Sora nodded slightly,

"so I simply need to gift you all the chance to awaken the ability to use magic... it's going to be hard, and only some of you might gain this ability but will give it to you since you are all now my people." Sora said calmly, stunning everyone to a great degree. how did Sora plan to get them to gain magic?

If they absorbed his blood, then there was a chance they could gain magic. Sora although human wasn't truly human. As he grow stronger, this would be more noticeable, he was a being that transcend races. his body was more like a cocoon, and while day he shall lose it to become War, a formless being that exists across all of time and space, and even transcend them

everyone was moved by Sora, with his charisma taking effect, they all trusted him. most of them were normal people, with scarface intelligence being at 8. Meanwhile, Sora had a based charisma of 17, which was now boosted by two times, bringing it to 34. if he were to use his magical energy to boost his mental strength, that could increase up to 5 times for half a second, bringing it to 170, although he didn't need to go that far.

So, under Sora's orders, the strong man went on to gather everyone in the slums which were a few hundred people. from kids to old, many of them were like Sora months ago, starving. Sora looked at all of them for some time, and after charming them with his charisma, he took a hand full of them, along with a scarface to the forest,

Using his telekinesis, they arrived there in no time, and Sora went on to take control of the tree, forming tree houses with his telekinesis before catching food for all of them to eat, while he went back to get the others.

In a matter of hours, the whole slum people settled in the forest. but Sora didn't move everyone, he guessed that there might be people who might come to the slums to look around after hearing this was where he came off. then again, there were slums all over the place, but one had to be careful.

as for those who moved with him, he used his telepathy, Sora gave them all information on how to survive in the forest, before cutting himself to give one of the first lucky people a chance to drink his blood.

at first, everyone was confused and uneasy with such a thing, but after a young man drank his blood, everyone was shocked seeing how he cried out in pain before falling to the ground while holding his stomach. Sora was also looking on in shock, although his face didn't show it.

the system was the one to tell him about this thing after he reached level 5, so this was the first time he saw it. the young man was lucky, and from his body, magical power exploded out, shocking everyone.

after that, everyone fought to be the first in line, but Sora climbed that only 5 people a day can gain such an opportunity and that by doing so shorten his lifespan. this way these guys would be moved to a greater degree by his actions, and be more willing to follow him.

as for if Merlin was watching him... Sora had a feeling she wasn't. his instincts were sharp, and the last time he was in the forest, he always had this feeling that he was being watched, which was the main reason he kept his strength in check, but now he didn't feel like there were some eyes in the sky watching him.

4 more people gained the ability to use magic power, and with that, Sora went on to start teaching them the basic of magic. for the following 3 weeks, more and more people gained the ability to gain magic power, but the success rate seemed to be 1 out of 10. out of every 10 people that drink his blood, only 1 person would awaken his magic power. those who didn't would suffer for no reason,

Sora of course did more than simply train them, the forest they were in was quite large and dangerous. Sora used it to train and level up by killing the animals within.

on the 4th week, Sora returned to the academy, where he went to his classes, for the following week before returning to the forest. this pattern continue for months, and as Sora's followers grew in strength Sora sent them off to become spies to others' powers, all while, Sora began trying to train Shinobi, they would be his assassins in the dark.

by the time Sora was 7 years old, Sora was already taking over gangs within a few of the weaker cities, and even some of the mayors of cities were starting to take note of his existence, and secretly asking for his help to deal with some troublesome matters. Sore built an information network, allowing him to have ears all over the human land, and with spies all over the place, by the age of 8, there was little Sora didn't know off.

So, when Sora's information network suddenly got dark in some erases, Sora knew it was time for him to start making a move.

"it said it's a hunted mansion, there were over 1,000 people here one night, along with one of our eyes, but overnight, both our eyes and everyone else suddenly disappeared, and the mansion seemly aged by 100 years." A young man with classes said softly while standing next to a handsome teen with long red hair, and beauty ruby red eyes. this of course was Sora

Sora was now 8 years old, yet he looked as if he was 18 years of age. his fast growth was all thanks to his perfect body which made his age faster to better allow him to control his strength. so one could use his looks to guess his age,

"why is it called hunted?" Sora asked calmly in his deep voice, which could charm the hearts of many. the young man looked around for a moment, slightly uneasy coloring his face

"it's said that at night, the cries of a woman could be heard, those who enter never return. I tested this by sending some of my men, but they were never seen again. Boss, a B-tier level exists called this home. It said that in the morning, people would be coming to get to the bottom of this." The young man said softly,

this young man was in charge of managing this city on Sora's behalf, he made sure that everything was running smoothly and that Sora was up to date with every important thing that took place here. he was one of the great powers in this city, although this city was nothing much, it was still a large city capable of pushing back a dragon, so when a mighty B-tier existence disappeared overnight without a sound, one could guess Sora's interest in this matter

"Things have been boring for the past 4 years, this might be fun," Sora said while stepping towards the mansion, shocking the young man who quickly followed after Sora. they entered the mansion, which was dark with only the moonlight giving this place light

it was a bit spooky, like something one might find in a horror movie. The young man shook in fear while looking around him, he felt as if someone was watching him, yet there was no one other than Sora to be found.

He saw Sora walking off and quickly followed after Sora, but a few steps in, a chill ran down his spine as he felt heard and felt the breath of someone next to his ear

"come and play." it was an innocent little girl's voice, yet it was too close to his ear for him to feel the innocents. all he felt was boundless fear and horror, he looked over to his side unwilling, but he saw nothing, he looked around him and only saw Sora looking at him in interest

"you saw something?" Sora asked calmly, the young man was even more horrified at Sora's words, he almost cried as he fell to the ground, hugging Sora's leg

"boss, this place is hunted. let's leave, please," he said with tearful eyes, yet Sora ignored him. maybe if this was his past life, his black senses would be yelling at him to run, but he was not black, he was only interested to see what was going on.

So, he walked off forcing the young man to quickly follow him. soon they passed a roll of pictures and statues. the young man looked at them and was horrified as he saw their eyes moving to follow him, he almost cried as he quicken his steps, but he ended up bumping into Sora who had stopped. confused he looked up and quickly understood why Sora stopped

the sound of music playing was coming from a room up ahead, it sounded like someone was playing the piano. it was a beautiful sound that Sora never heard, but the young man knew this young well, so Sora had him explain

"The young master of this household stole everything from a woman called Lisa Heartfilia, she was a talented mage who used sound magic. which she managed through magical items to proforma, she was famous, and beloved by many. but the young master stole not only every music she ever created, but twisted the fact to make it look like she stole everything from him. The young master was ruthless, paying a crowd to push forward this idea, and many of her true fans joined the crowd, leading her to be seen as nothing more than a thief." The young man said to which Sora nodded as he remembered reading something about this subject.

"Well, she went missing a few days later, and her body was found days later, it seemed like she committed suicide... but the truth was that the young master kidnapped her, and did as he wished with his body before making it look like she committed suicide. in a matter of a week, her life was destroyed. It most her soul, she came from the grave to get revenge," the young man said with tears running down his face

"I see... then, come out. if revenge is what you want, I can help you get it. my question is why you remain after killing the young master's whole family." Sora said calmly causing the music to suddenly stop, followed by an enraged scream. the painting on the walls shook before they all began to fall to the ground, along with the statue.

Black magical power gathered, taking the form of a master which glared at Sora before it roared at him and rushed forward at scary speed, which destroyed the floor below it by the pure speed it traveled at. the young man screamed in horror before grabbing Sora's arm to run, but Sora was like a steel wall, unmoveable.

"rage, so much so that you turned into an evil spirit that can't reincarnate... so first calm down," Sora said softly his telepathy magic was used, calming down the raging emotions within the evil spirit, and causing it to slow down while transforming into a stunningly beautiful blonde haired woman. she stopped just before Sora while looking at him with a complex look.

"I don't want to move on, not when the person who destroyed my life walks freely." She said as tears fell from her eyes,

"then go get your revenge, if a person does wrong to you, it's only right to have them pay 1,000 times over. you have my complete support in this matter. I'm willing to help you." Sora said calmly, stunning her for a moment.

"r-really? you would bring him here so I can get my revenge?" She asked with tearful eyes, confusing Sora. seeing this, she quickly explained

"I was killed here, and my spirit attached itself to this building, I can't leave this building. if I try, I will disappear or grow weak." She said softly, upon her death and her attaching herself to this mansion, she spent the following days feeding off the hatred of others, slowly building her strength up to the point she could even take out a B-tier mage. She did everything out of rage, and it only passed this morning when everyone suddenly disappeared, her killer wasn't here, he was scared off by the strange happening she has been causing for the past months.

"then... attach yourself to me," Sora said calmly, Sora had a soft place for people who suffered through injustice, so he was willing to allow this spirit to attach itself to him, the fact someone can live their life without suffering after doing what he did made his fist itch.

"r-really?" She asked in shock, to which Sora nodded while holding out a palm, his eyes glowing slightly with an evil light

"It's only right to punish evil with evil, that I will support any day of the weak," Sora said with a smile, to which Lisa slowly reached out her palm, and attached herself to him.

"the name is Sora Dragneel." Sora said with a smile, confusing Lisa as she never heard of such a sir name, but she didn't ask and answered quickly.

"I'm Lisa Heartfilia." She said softly, to which Sora nodded slightly, before leaving to go find this so-called young master...

4 years ago before Sora left the academy for the first time, Sora and Merlin talked for some time. Merlin stood before Sora, in her true form, a beautiful black-haired woman, with a perfect figure which would enchant the eyes of whoever looked.

"before you go, can I give you a last name since you don't want your family's last name, and that is partly my fault," Merlin asked with a smile, to which Sora looked at her weirdly for a moment, before shrugging,

"Okay... how about Sora Dragon..." Merlin said slowly, before seeing Sora's dead plan look, she avoided eye contact while looking around her office before she saw a book on powerful Eal which ruled the sea.

"Eal... Sora Dragneal" She said with a shake of her head, only for Sora to look towards the book she was looking at and back at her. Merlin acted as if she didn't see that and simply wrote in the air his name.

"Sora, D-r-a-g-n-e-e-l. Dragneel. what do you think? it sounds so cool, and mighty, a name worthy of a dragon if I don't say so myself." Merlin said pridefully at the name,

"Whatever, it's just a name," Sora said with a shrug, to which Merlin stopped him and looked at him with a serious look.

"Names hold power, so much power in the fact that they can shape how a person can look. Have you ever seen how people look to suit their name? or how people with some names have names that suit who they are? now, with just a might name I just gave you, I pretty much just change the future of both you and your offspring to have shocking futures. I'm sure they could go on to be known all over the world, all thanks to me." Merlin said calmly, leaving Sora speechless,

{what she says is true host, names do hold power. worlds hold power, and the fact you got such a name does come with benefits. Sora means sky, and Dragneel means Power, Strength, Protector, and Guardian. what is war? what suits you more than such a name, although Sora is a shaky name?} The system said annoying Sora, Sora was given to him by his mother in the slums. Sora would not take any disrespect toward his name

"Thanks for the name," Sora said calmly, to which Merlin nodded pridefully...