
The strongest in the Omniverse

Upon death, our mc finds himself chosen to become some powerful being with an important task. There seem to be others like him, and many might even have systems. These powerful beings seemed to have almost been killed by beings, not of this world, their death would mean the end of the world, so they have to pass on their roles. Follow Mc, on a journey to become the strongest there is.

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs


a crowd of soldiers stood before the gate which was opening with a blind light, they cheered. in their eyes, this gate would unleash a powerful attack that would destroy the dragons which were coming to attack them. of course, this was all lies told to them by the person from the future.

But someone felt something off about all of this and tried to get everyone to close the gates. but the princess of Fiore refused, she was made to believe that a huge amount of dragons would attack, so why would she close the only weapon they had to combat these dragons?

But the sound of footsteps sounded... everyone froze as they looked at fate, where an army of demons slowly stepped through. everyone looked on in horror, the army of 250 stood pulling a throne where a handsome young man with long red hair sat, looking at everyone with a cold and emotionless glare, sending chills down everyone's spine

But this army had distracted everyone from the woman who has been trying to close the gate, and at this moment she along with someone else made their move. they were both celestial mages, and they both summoned all 12 of the celestial spirits which shot forward to try and close the fate, all looking at Sora in shock.

they all pushed the gates, trying to have them close before any more demons passed through, which Sora ignored. there were only 250 demons plus him, the gate was closed, leaving everyone to look at him as he was the leader of this army.

"W-who are you!" a man with black and white hair roared while looking at Sora, this guy was rogue, a person from the future who had come back to the past. but something like this never happened in his future

"time travel is tricky, you came back to the past, creating a new branch in time. this isn't your timeline, so of course things would be different from your future." Sora said calmly, stunning Rogue. he planned to have this gate open 400 years into the past, where dragons would enter this point in time, allowing him to control them with his magic, and rule the world. but it all failed

"I sense Skiadrum on you, and even Weisslogia. where are those two brats?" Sora asked calmly stunning Rogue for a moment

"you know them?" Rogue was shocked at Sora's words. Skidrum was the shadow dragon who raised him, and Weisslogia was the light dragon who raised Sting, the person he killed and stole his magic power.

"they are pretty much my children, I took them in and raised them. By the looks of it, you let the darkness swallow you. So, should I kill you?" Sora asked calmly, to which Rogue froze for a moment before he let out a laugh as his magic power exploded, he shot towards Sora, to be caught in the air.

"You're pretty much my grandson... so I will not kill you," Sora said calmly while tapping Rogue's chest, sealing away his ability to use magical power.

"if you don't know how to use your magic right, it shall remain sealed away. take him away," Sora said calmly, as a demon grabbed the stunned and horrified Rogue, and took him away, this only snapped Rogue back to reality, making him start pushing around and roaring at Sora to give him back his magic power.

"... w-who are you?" the princess of Fiore asked as she stepped forward, fearful of the appearance of the demons. but Sora didn't seem like a bad person, which led to her having some hope.

"the name is Sora Dragneel. you seem to be the princess of this land, this would make things easier... I'm here to conquer Earth's land, and your kingdom happens to be first in line. surrender and no one would get hurt." Sora said calmly, stunning the princess and everyone

"on that note, I will give you all 30 minutes to make your choice... you guys make camp here," Sora said calmly to which the demons got moving, while Sora waved his hand, spending everyone before him flying away.

"since when did you remove the seal?" a soft voice sounded, as Shiro appeared next to Sora, causing the demons to all turn their weapons towards her, but Sora stopped them.

"I was able to do it the first hour I was sealed away, but if I were the space would shatter leaving me in the core of a sun. it pretty much forced me to remain sitting still. but I grew powerful enough to ignore the seal and the trap." Sora said with a smile while getting up.

Shiro took a deep breath before she hugged Sora, it had been a long time, but she had stayed strong to see him again. Since they had 30 minutes, she told Sora everything that happened and even showed Sora his grandson, Zeref.

Sora removed Zeref's curse, and since Shiro wanted to have Zeref get more from his pain which she thought was mostly her doing Sora gave Zeref the knowledge of magic he had, allowing Zeref strength to go through many transformations

30 minutes quickly passed, and this time army gathered, made out of not only the mages from the king's army but mages from the many guides. everyone stood together, ready to face this being who wanted to take over their land, and among them, Sora noticed a few people,

"We refuse," the king of Fiore said was standing in front of his army, he was a short man, without any magic power. but this didn't make Sora look down upon him, with his senses he had heard the speech this king had made, gathering the power to all unite and fight. thanks to one of the celestial wizards, everyone knew who Sora was and what his appearance meant.

Sora's finger twitched slightly, and the next moment, blood shot into the air. everyone froze before looking at the king who was handless, blood shooting into the sky from where he stood. everyone was frozen as no one saw what happened, but they looked back towards Sora, where they saw Sora holding the king's head.

"A king knows when to surrounder," Sora said calmly, the king's eyes moved around, shocked and horrified at what just happened. Sora threw the king's head to the side like trash, before he stopped his army which was about to move forward.

"I give you 5 to the count of 3 to appear," Sora said calmly, snapping everyone out of the shock of what just happened, although those who had never seen such a bloody scene were left horrified. a moment of salience fell, only for a scene that left everyone shocked to follow.

from Natsu, and the other dragon slayers who claimed to have been raised by a dragon, dragons came out of their bodies, flying towards Sora, only to stop at Sora's glare, leaving them to stop and lower their heads in fear

"I'm pretty sure I told you fools to stop running around playing hero. so what this I hear about you fighting Acnologia only to be nearly killed, and forced to send your souls into children?" Sora asked calmly,

"if it went for us, the human race would have most likely fallen," Igneel said softly, to which Sora's eyebrow raised

"talking back?" Sora asked calmly, to which Igneel quickly shook his head. Sora pointed at them, sending a beam forward which healed them all, both healing their soul and reforming their body, although not as perfect as before

"you are all grounded, you 5 are allowed to go out and play once I get a 3-page essay on why you are grounded," Sora said calmly, Igneel and the others showed an unwilling look, but they were forced to fly up and leave at Sora's gaze.

"Now, You 3," Sora said while pointing towards 2 girls and 1 male, both with white hair. they both went on guard slightly, but Sora's next words shocked them.

"I have no interest in attacking my grandchildren. although I'm a bit upset you took her name instead of the Dragneel name." Sora said calmly, leaving everyone to look at Mirajane, Elfman, and Lisanna Strauss

"thats impossible, we are only around 19 years old," Mirajane said in shock, Sora was over a thousand years old, how could they be his grandchild when his children were born hundreds of years ago?

"How should I know, ask your grandmother who sealed me away. the same goes for all of you who just had a dragon come out of you. Since you were raised by a dragon, I took you in as my child, and this in return makes you my grandchildren." Sora said calmly, his eyes landing on Natsu

"this even more so you, Natsu Gragneel. You already died once... then there is you, Erza Scarlet. if my hair didn't make it clear, you are my descendant. the fact you didn't keep your Dragnof name means most like that family has been destroyed," Sora said calmly more bomb shells being thrown into the crowd,

"Family or not, I will not let you invade Earth's land." Natsu roared to which everyone who Sora pointed out agree, but just as they were about to shoot forward to attack, a huge beam shoot through the air, blocking their path.

from the air, a blonde-haired woman floated down. everyone froze looking at this woman before looking at Lucy Heartfilia as they looked a lot like.

"Why did you point it out here? you're not trying to kill my descendant are you?" Lisa asked with a slight pout

"of course note," Sora said with a smile before he saw more people appearing, an old man with a staff appeared standing next to Zeref, along with a beautiful red-haired woman, and 9 other people. these were all mages under Zeref, and some of the strongest mages alive, and the aura they brought shocked that to the fullest.

"Wait... I have a Great Grandson?" Sora was shocked as she looked at the old man, leaving the old man shocked while looking at Sora. Zeref was confused and looked at August, the kid who took in one day...

Sora clapped his hands, above August's head, an image of Zeref appeared, showing a blonde-haired woman. at the same time, August began to turn young, returning to the peak of his youth, as a handsome blonde-haired male.

the fairy tail guild went quiet, that blonde haired woman was their former of their guild, and now they were finding out that the founder of their guild had a son they never knew about, and to make things worse it was with Zeref?

Sora looked around, and his eyes landed on a ghost that only a few people could see. the ghost sensing Sora's gaze on her was shocked. Sora snapped his finger, and out of the blue, a huge crystal appeared, holding the body of the ghost.

"h-how did you get your hands on that." The current guild master of fairy tail roared upon seeing this, that was fairy tail's biggest secret, and it just appeared like that? Sora ignored him, and with some force, the crystal shattered, allowing the little loli trapped within to fall out and into Sora's hands.

"return," Sora said calmly, the ghost suddenly felt an uncontrollable force sucking her back into her body, and the next moment everyone saw her eyes opening, leaving the guild master of fairy tail shocked once more.

"go to your son," Sora said calmly while putting her down. Mavis looked at Sora and back at her son for a moment. back then, she too was cursed with the same curse Zeref had, forcing her to leave her child behind. she thought he would be long dead, but to think he was still up and kicking, and by the way, he was looking at her, she knew he knew who she was.

"I destroyed the curse on you, so you 3 should run along," Sora said while pushing her toward August, and teleporting the 3 away. Sora looked around before his eyes landed on someone, and with a sigh, he looked toward Erza, and the red-haired woman who came with August

"This is your mother... now, run along and get along. I destroyed the side effect of you being a dragon. a human would never learn, don't take powers from other races" Sora said with a sigh, leaving Irene, Ezra's mother stunned as she felt herself becoming human. back then, she created dragon slayer to help humans fight against the dragons

but when the side effect of being a dragon came to light, everyone began fearing dragon slayers. she was one of them who was locked up by her husband, who kept her locked up for 3 years. 3 years of torture, and humiliation she went although, all while being pregnant with Erza who she used all her magic to protect and stop her growth

but in the 3rd year when her stomach was about to be cut open, she lost control and transform into a dragon, destroying the Dragnof, before she made her way to a forest where she stayed away from humans for 400 years before Zeref found her and helped her gain human form, but she was still a dragon. she was pretty much a dragon taking human form, with all the senses of a dragon, she went mad

so she gave birth to a child, wanting to take over the child's body using enchantment magic, but how could she bring herself to do so? so she put her child in an orphanage and left, fearing she might try and steal her child's body.

Just as Sora was about to teleport them away, he held a finger out into the sky, just as a huge beam came shooting down towards him. the beam was huge, larger than mountains, and its power if it were to hit the ground would have destroyed the whole pressure. this attack sent chills down everyone's spine... yet what Shocked them was that with a simple finger, Sora stopped the attack.

a moment later, a beautiful red-haired woman landed next to Ezra. with a sword on her shoulder, she looked at Sora with a frown, before looking at Irene, and Ezra.

"Well, things didn't go as planned," Ellen said with a sigh, Sora shouldn't be here, and with him around it meant she would have to fight both the demon lord and Sora,

"Who are you?" Ezra asked, on guard against this woman who suddenly appeared. then again, she already guess they were related in some shape or form.

"I'm the queen of Dragnof, Ellen Dragnof. I'm also the hero who fought against the demon lord 1,000 years ago and sealed away this annoying brother of mine. I'm pretty much your ancestor." She said with a smirk while looking at Ezra before looking back at Sora

"you have the guts to appear before me," Sora said calmly, to which Ellen stuck her tongue at Sora.

"so what if you got out of the seal? you should be far weaker than in the past, meanwhile, I have been getting stronger." She said with a smirk. Sora flicked a finger toward her, sending a powerful wind pressure that caused the air it passed through to explode into flames

Ellen waved her hands, slapping the attack away, leading the attack to shoot into the sky, slamming into the moon and destroying it. everyone was horrified at this show of power, and Sora was impressed.

"not back, you can take my flick," Sora said with a nod, Ellen smiled ignoring the slight pain her finger felt. She raised her finger at the sky, enchanting the air and stopping the moon from falling to earth, and having it return to normal.

"why stop it? where is the fun in that." Sora said as he held his palm towards the moon, before pulling it down. before everyone's horrified eyes, the moon began enlarging, falling towards Earth.

"it's easier to pull than it is to push, adding earth gravity, how would you deal with this?" Sora asked calmly, Ellen enchanted the rules of the universes, making it so pushing and pulling were switched, this caused the moon to start going backward

"You were always a genius in enchantment magic," Sora said softly, Ellen smirked as in the air, Merlin appeared with an army of dragons,

"No harsh feeling... right love?" Merlin asked with a smile, to which Sora shrugged slightly,

"slaughter them all, if they resist kill. go luck protecting them all." Sora said calmly, making Merlin quickly mock to protect Mira and her siblings as they were about to be hit by an attack. at the same time, Ellen was forced to enchant everyone, giving them a boost of power to fight the demons, or else they were chickens waiting to be killed...