
Chapter 2

Aina pondered for a moment and asked. ''Should I prepare things for Master's trip? Is there a God as protector of this world that I have to deal with?'' Aina asked obvious questions - even though her Master was elected the one who should be the new God of the Omniverse by unanimous decision and carried the weight of being the 'Almighty' there were still rules in the Omniverse and one of them was not to invade another God's realm.

"No. It's not necessary. It's a world without a God or Protector in it'' Thanatos replied - And he and Aina left the big room with little Alice sleeping.

''Okay. Any Supernaturals?'' Aina continued with her questions and followed Thanatos side by side.

''Yes, they are very friendly and not dangerous to people and are invisible to human eyes. There are some witches in the world, but they are almost harmless and almost everyone doesn't care about their abilities as witches.'' Thanatos replied.

''Okay. Harmless spirits and witches. Is that it?'' Aina asked writing everything down mentally.

''That's it.'' Answered Thanatos with short words.

''Ok. I'll start preparing your trip,'' Aina said.

"It doesn't have to be right away. In a week I must leave. I don't know how long Teresa will continue with her revenge. I intended to wait that long until she returns.'' Thanatos said.

''She is still the mother of my daughter, I will not be petty enough to let her away from Alice or even make her avoid Alice.''


Quickly as they walked - They came to a large garden.

Sitting on a beach chair - Thanatos sat on it and brought out a can of beer and took a sip.

Aina remained beside him as the periphery remained silent.

''He sat down with me. Let's have some.'' Thanatos spoke and raised another can of beer while holding the can of beer in his hand, waiting for Aina to take it.

Mentally Sighing - Aina knew her Master's behavior well.

Even though he could do literally anything - he preferred to isolate himself from the world and stay inside Avalon drinking or reading some old book.

Even though he was omniscient, he still 'pretended' not to know things.

Although he said that one day he would start socializing with people - he never really tried to leave Avalon more than 3 million years ago.

The only people he still kept close contact with were Aina and Teresa. Aina had for some time been starting to worry about her master's mental health.

He could end up doing something foolish and end up starting another War Between Gods. It may not seem like it, but the Gods can derive Depression just like Mortals.

Now imagine an Almighty Being with a deep Depression. It would be chaos.

Now - There were many Gods who would love to occupy Thanatos' position - but, none of them had the courage to dare to think about it or even cogitate on Thanatos' back.

Even - A few days ago, Thanatos was calling her almost too desperately.

Aina thought it was just something her Master was exaggerating.

She would never forget the day when her Master would be acting like a clueless child....

It was a very funny thing she had to say.

All this because Lady Teresa was hiding that she was pregnant - Aina thought in the first place that her Master already knew, after all, that he was the Omniscient and Omnipresent.

He should know things like that. Or, for some reason, he kept his powers out.

These last ten days were the days when she saw her Master happiest.

Sitting in the beach chair next to Thanatos, Aina took a sip and sighed deeply for the future that awaited her.

[ - Skip time: 7 days - ]

Everything was ready on Thanatos' side.

Only Teresa could not seem to go to another world.

The dragons and their fetish for hunting smaller prey.

Even though Aina materialized to Teresa and warned her that Thanatos would be leaving Avalon, and suggested that Teresa could only use Anti-Magic to finish off those idiots who were running around. Teresa refused to kill them quickly.

In the end, Aina didn't insist anymore and went back to Avalon in the hope that Teresa would come back - obviously, Aina didn't mention Alice's birth.

Since Teresa was the Mother, she probably erred in calculating the exact moment when Alice's egg would hatch. Perhaps this is why Teresa saw no problem in taking a little time to return to Avalon.

#Scene break#

Arriving in the promised world, Thanatos was still wearing the same old clothes (clothes from the fic cover ) and Alice was wearing a yellow dress and white shoes.

Perhaps if Aina wasn't the "Voice of Reason" and dressed Alice in normal clothes - Alice would be wearing Pikachu pajamas now.

Walking with quiet steps along the side of the road that by the way passed a small stream of crystal clear water - Thanatos was enjoying the place.

The quieter the better. The place was just an average rural town with large fields of crops.

Creating an umbrella out of nothing Thanatos used his hand to hold the umbrella that made an umbrella that protected little Alice from the sun and that, by the way, she looked at everything with a great curiosity in her little eyes.

He kept walking around without a specific goal in mind.

Maybe just to look around and look for a small plot of land to build a house to live in.

With those thoughts in mind - he continued walking and smiled fondly at his little Alice who was excited about everything that was new.


Stopping out of nowhere - Thanatos and Alice looked at the 6 year old girl who has violet hair tied in two braids with yellow ribbons, she had a flute in her mouth and took the flute out of her mouth...

She stopped in front of them and raised her hand as high as she could and then said cheerfully.




A/N: One more chapter done!

As you know, only 17 days have passed since Alice was born and she is the size of a 1-year-old child.

Remember that she is not human. She is a dragon and I am sure that dragons and humans grow in different ways.

About the worlds that will be added to the fic...

Nothing too powerful or too complicated to think about.

Well, that's it... any questions or doubts use the comments and I will do my best to clarify any doubts.

Peace and Pudding!