
The Strongest Demon Lord Reincarnated as a

Ard Meteor seems like an ordinary boy, but beneath the surface lies the dormant might of the legendary Demon Lord, Varvatos. Bored with absolute power, Varvatos reincarnated himself, suppressing his overwhelming strength to experience life as a 'nobody'. Yet, even as a child, his true nature peeks through – a spark of genius in his eyes, his surprising potential. As Ard grows, he must navigate the challenges of an ordinary life while keeping his extraordinary past a secret. Will the hunger for power tempt him to break free from his self-imposed limitations? Or will he find a new kind of fulfillment in this seemingly mundane world? The tale of the strongest Demon King disguised as a commoner is about to unfold!

RSisekai · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Weight of a Name

The kingdom was a tinderbox, and 'Ard Meteor' a spark tossed amidst the dry kindling. Rumors of our victory – distorted, exaggerated, and infused with superstitious dread – fueled paranoia and power plays. Some hailed us as saviors, others whispered that we were the harbingers of doom, our very existence a grim omen.

Yet, even amidst the chaos, the king's gambit played out. Our fellowship was formally recognized, our hidden fortress transformed into a bastion of arcane warfare. Resources flowed in, along with watchful eyes and whispers in the shadows. Eldrin, the king's advisor, became an ever-present leech, his obsequious smile a mask for an ambition that burned all the hotter for its forced subservience.

And then came the summons that couldn't be ignored. An invitation – no, a thinly veiled command – to the heart of the kingdom, to a summit of powers where our every word and gesture would be scrutinized, our true intentions picked apart by desperate nobles and power-hungry mages.

The journey was a tense affair. We left Sylva at our fortress, a sentinel against the relentless encroachment of the Void. To bring her to the capital was to expose her existence, a secret weapon too dangerous to be revealed within those viper-filled halls.

Instead, we traveled as a storm system of our own: Ginny, a blaze barely contained, Elara, an oncoming blizzard, and myself – the force shaping their fury. Our reception by the king hinted at the vipers' nest we'd stepped into. The old king was a pawn, his eyes flickering with both fear and cunning. Surrounding him were figures filled with arrogance and desperation in equal measure.

"Demon Lord," sneered a corpulent duke, his jewels mocking the grim reality beyond his gilded walls, "Or is it savior? What trinkets do you offer to keep us safe?"

My past self would have reduced him to ash for such insolence. Instead, I smiled a smile devoid of any warmth. "Answers come at a cost, my lord. We've faced the Void. Do any amongst you boast such experience?"

Silence fell, the arrogance momentarily extinguished by a stark reminder of the horrors lurking beyond their comfortable halls. It was Elara who seized the moment, her voice cold and precise:

"Our knowledge is not merely power, but survival. We offer guidance, coordination, a united front against an enemy that would make your petty squabbles irrelevant."

Whispers swirled, a mix of fear and ambition. The king, a puppet master desperately clinging to his fraying strings, nodded. "Very well. You will have your summit, your place within the war council. But remember," his gaze turned sharp, "Failure is not an option. Results, or…"

The threat hung unspoken but understood – exile, execution, or being scapegoats for the kingdom's inevitable fall. The courtly game had intensified; the stakes had never been higher.

The summit that followed was a grotesque dance. Factions clashed, hidden agendas shimmered beneath a veneer of noble purpose, and the stench of fear clung to it all. Yet, we were the undeniable anomaly, raw potential amidst posturing and tradition. And so, offers flowed, thinly veiled attempts to bind us, to exploit our desperation.

A wizened archmage promised access to long-forgotten lore, Elara's eyes gleaming at such a prospect. A war-hardened general spoke of elite forces to command, a tempting proposition for Ginny, who hungered to translate our skills onto a wider battlefield. Yet, each offer sought to fragment us, to turn our unity into a tool for their own purposes.

I became the silent strategist. Each nod, each carefully phrased statement, was a move in a high-stakes game where one false step could spell doom. In the end, we accepted nothing and promised only the essential – our expertise, our willingness to stand at the forefront, and a chilling warning that the Void played by no mortal rules.

The council concluded not with a triumphant pact, but a grim truce. We walked away having gained reluctant allies and far more cunning enemies. Yet, amidst the political thorns, something true had taken root. Whispers followed us through gilded halls, but they had changed. 'The Demon Lord' was eclipsed by a new, fearsome moniker: 'The Void Hunters.'

That night, away from prying eyes and poisonous words, we gathered on a balcony overlooking the sprawling capital. Below, the city pulsed like a vulnerable heart, oblivious to the true monsters lurking in the shadows.

"So," Ginny smirked, a hint of her old bravado back in her voice, "Void Hunters. Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

"A target painted on us," Elara countered, but even her tone held a sliver of grim pride.

"It means," I said, my voice echoing with the newfound gravitas of our position, "that we're not playing someone else's game anymore. We're carving our own path… straight through the darkness."