
The Strongest Demon Lord In The Omniverse

What makes a demon lord a demon lord? Does power make one a Demon Lord? Fame? The power to lead others? What is it? Being the Demon King means being myself. And if my subordinates are threatened, I shall retaliate with destruction. It doesn't matter if I'm up against fate or providence, that is what it means to be the Demon King. Follow my story, as I go from Zero to being an All Powerful God. Just a warning, I might kill a few of your favorite characters.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

War 4

"Should we go to the movie theater to watch the upcoming Marvel movie?" I asked while going through my phone. Emily's head was resting on my lap, just enjoying the peace.

"Yes! I can't wait to watch the new Spider-Man movie!" Rose said while turning her attention away from Spongebob, which she was watching at the moment, while I watched from time to time... I liked Spongebob.

"Don't make plans just to cancel them on my day," Hannah said from upstairs, as she came down.

"I never once missed any of your special days. I was even there when you ate your poop for the first time." I said causing Rose to laugh slightly.

"Thats not funny," Hannah said while glaring at Rose who just stuck her tongue at her, before ignoring her and watching TV. Hannah turned her attention away from her and looked at me as I had my head in my phone,

"Dad, I need some practice for tomorrow," Hannah said while wearing her dance clothing. She had a dancing school, which she started going to from a young age.

"Okay, start dancing, I will watch," I said with a yawn while looking at my phone, but this made Emily who was resting her head on my lap glare at me.

"What? you know how I feel about this subject." I said with a frown,

"Get over it and go dance with her," Emily said speechlessly, while Hannah had a down look seeing all of this.

"it's alright. I can go practice on my own." Hannah said softly while turning to leave, but I unwillingly stopped her and got up to dance with her.

"I will follow your lead, the last time I danced was at my wedding, so I might be old," I said while sighing seeing Emily recording this with a camera.

"Why did you even stop dancing? I heard from grandma you took dancing school as a kid." Hannah said in confusion while giving Rose the phone to play the music when she gave her the signal. She held out her arm, to which I bowed lightly while taking before bringing her into my arms. Hannah nodded towards Rose, and instantly the music began playing. 

"She spins and she sways to whatever song plays

Without a care in the world

And I'm sitting here wearing

The weight of the world on my shoulders"

The song played just as we began to start dancing, I paused as I didn't like this song. this caused Rose to pause the song in confusion, while Hannah looked at me also in confusion.

"Grow up and dance with your daughter. you have like 10 years before it happens." Emily said with a roll of her eyes, to which I frowned while looking at Hannah. Hannah was confused, but I just closed my eyes while holding Hannah tighter,

"why are they even playing this song? Why can't it be something else?" I asked to which Hannah gave me an annoyed look.

"I just want to practice... if you don't want to, just say so," Hannah said with a frown, to which I sighed before holding her closer.

"Sorry... I'm just nervous. I'm scared you might cry seeing how beautiful my dance skills are. You should have seen it at my wedding, everyone was in tears." I said with a sigh, to which Hannah sneered

"Are you sure it wasn't tears of horror, or tears of joy that you stopped dancing?" She asked to which I glared at her.

"Thats why I cry every time I come to your shows. those poor souls watching you on that stage." I said with a sneer

"Sounds like jealousy to me. when was the last time you had an awards?" Hannah said with a smirk, causing me to smile in rage.

"Enough, and dance," Emily said helplessly. We both snorted at each other before Rose restarted the song and we began dancing to the song.

"She spins and she sways to whatever song plays

Without a care in the world

And I'm sitting here wearing the weight of the world on my shoulders

It's been a long day and there's still work to do

She's pulling at me saying "Dad I need you

There's a ball at the castle and I've been invited

And I need to practice my dancing

Oh please, Daddy, please!"

So I will dance with Cinderella

While she is here in my arms

'Cause I know something the prince never knew

Oh I will dance with Cinderella

I don't want to miss even one song

'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight

And she'll be gone

She says he's a nice guy and I'd be impressed

She wants to know if I approve of the dress

She says, "Dad, the prom is just one week away

And I need to practice my dancing

Oh please, Daddy, please!"

So I will dance with Cinderella

While she is here in my arms

'Cause I know something the prince never knew

Oh I will dance with Cinderella

I don't want to miss even one song

'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight

And she'll be gone

She will be gone

But she came home today with a ring on her hand

Just glowing and telling us all they had planned

She says, "Dad, the wedding's still six months away

But I need to practice my dancing

Oh please, Daddy, please!"

So I will dance with Cinderella

While she is here in my arms

'Cause I know something the prince never knew

Oh I will dance with Cinderella

I don't want to miss even one song

'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight

And she'll be gone"

The song was beautiful, and as we danced, the world around us slowly began to start transforming. at that moment, nothing mattered before my eyes but my daughter. I hate this song, as it always made me realize just how quickly time passes. In the blink of an eye, the little girl who I had stopped from eating her poop was 15... tomorrow some bastard would steal her from me, and slowly over time, I would have less and less time with her. One day, I would be lucky if she came to see me once or twice a month.

Hannah and Rose were not simply my daughters in my eyes. they were my friends. Sure Hannah and I talked like we were enemies, but that was just our unique bond. we got each other. Rose was different from Hannah, so the connection between me and her was different, but in the end, they were more than my daughters...

3rd Pov

before Emily cast the spell, Hannah stood there in horror while looking at the scene of her mother using a forbidden spell. Her first instinct was to grab Rose, she was just 15 years old, and she didn't want her to see the scene of her mother and father's death.

"Daniel wouldn't be taken down for long. Get ready to move as soon as he breaks free." Ava said calmly, although she didn't know what Daniel's ability was, she knew that all spells used on him wouldn't have the same effect as when used on others. Emily lowered Daniel's guard and instinct, before using that forbidden spell.

She understood why Emily used that spell. The spell was called Beira. At the cost of the user being sacrificed, this spell would freeze a target... pretty much everything. it would freeze everything about the target. the soul, energy, mind, and so on. To ensure that the person can never even break out, the caster and the target are brought into an illusion of sweet and happy dreams for all of eternity.

Emily pretty much escaped reality, to jump into a dream. So long as she could enjoy a moment longer as a happy wife and happy mother in a perfect life, she could die happily.

"Why did you give that spell to Mom," Hannah asked with some tears while glaring at Ava, 

"Emily was searching for an ice-related illusion spell. I warned her of its cost... she might be gambling that when he breaks free, she would come back to reality." Ava said calmly, a cold light that was hidden flashing through her eyes.

"Attack... leave that side alone for now," Amon ordered the army, and with that he and they shot forward, shooting around the Ice wall. They all ignored Ava and the others, instead shooting toward the academy students and others.

Ava didn't say anything else, using her power of wind, she created a connection to Daniel's mind to see what was happening. And what she saw caused her eyes to widen, not just her as the group all watched the scene that was playing out.

There they saw Daniel who was wearing a suit, with Hannah in his arms while a song played in the background. Emily stood, watching this with a smile.

Back to the First POV

"You're better than I expected," Hannah said with a smile, to which I just said nothing at her, enjoying my final dance with my daughter. Slowly, we came to a stop. I looked at her for a moment... before I closed my eyes, and slowly turned towards Emily.

"That was beautiful... thank you," Emily said with some tears in her eyes, she needed to see that. She needed to see that, She needed to see that I still cared for my daughters.

"... I guess I needed that as well. Once I break this spell, you will most likely die. What was the point of it?" I asked calmly while looking towards the confused Hannah, who just disappeared from the world, leaving us in a void.

"I... I guess I knew we couldn't get back together. I guess I just wanted to be with my husband, in some way, I needed to see us back together. back to our old chaotic life to say goodbye." She said with a weak smile.

"Why not join the demons?" I asked calmly,

"I don't want to be the reason creation would be destroyed... but I never asked your side in this matter, so can you tell me?" She said softly, I thought for a moment, before speaking.

"It's foolish to suppress and slaughter a race because of something that may not even happen billions or even trillions of years from now. Hell is massive, do you know just how long the demons would need to fill that place up? I don't care for what the future holds When the future comes and I'm still around. I will deal with it. I will deal with the problem in front of me, worrying about something so far away will get you nowhere." I said to which Emily smiled slightly.

"Always good with words..." She said while she disappeared. The ice that covered my body suddenly began to turn into water, falling off my body and dropping to the ground. I opened my eyes and moved around for a moment, and after a few breaths, I turned my attention towards Ava with a cold glare. Ava seeing me looking at her, smiled slightly.

"You're still at your tricks," I said calmly, to which Ava shrugged. She tricked Emily into killing herself... she had no regrets. that woman had annoyed her for a long time.

"You can kill me... but you will not do that. You love me too much to hurt me," Ava said with a mocking smile, which was pretty much daring me to kill her. I looked at her for a good few seconds, before pulling out my sword, which made Ava's eyes narrow.

Ava was the person I hated and considered my best friend. She is a manipulative, scheming bastard who would use anything and anyone no matter how dirty to get what she wants. Ava was what one would call a psychopathy, she lacked empathy. She was unable to feel or see things from other points of view, to her she was the main character and everyone was an NPC.

I learned this long ago back when I first met her. Back then, I met Ava in the hospital when she broke an arm. she would have left sooner, but the doctor ended up finding some illness which they managed to catch before it was too late. So, she was there for an extra few days while the doctors ran some extra tests on her to make sure she was okay.

I was there because my dad cut my stomach open. I was told not to walk around as I was still healing, but I got tired of just laying in bed and looking at the ceiling, so I went for a walk around the hospital. Thats when Ava noticed me, she seemed to have been causing trouble for the staff, but they had gotten used to her, so she set her eyes on me. She started by spitting spitballs at me before she laughed at me.

But when I showed no reactions, her laughter died down. What followed was her trying to get me to lash out at her, she would say stuff like I was ugly. I looked stupid. why are you all alone, Does no one love you? And such things, sadly for her, I didn't care for anything... and this bugged Ava greatly. In the end, Ava broke seeing as I couldn't care less about anything she said.

"You a bitch." the 7-year-old Ava said, just to cover her mouth as if realizing she said something wrong. But the 8-year-old me just looked at her, not caring in the slightest.

"Just what is wrong with you! You should run off and tell on me or something." She said angrily, about to jump on me and just attack me.

"Why?" I asked calmly, making Ava grit her teeth. She was about to attack, she was sure even if she beat me to an inch of my life, I wouldn't tell anyone... and she would be right as I didn't care.

"It seems to bother you that you have no control over me, you can't get a reaction out of me as I just don't care," I said calmly, leaving Ava angry.

So we talked, and that was when Ava found out something about herself. he loved drugs, and her drug was power. The fact one word from her could get someone to do stupid stuff made her happy. the fact small actions of her could lead to people playing on her strings was her drug.

So, the 7-year-old Ava was not happy when someone came around immune to her power. She hated it. So she tried to get to know me better, wanting to know the best way to use her powers on me, just to realize we were the same. She lacked empathy, and I lacked care.

"So, you used to care for stuff but you just stopped caring all of a sudden?" She asked to which I just nodded.

"What will happen if I help you regain your ability to care?" She asked to which I didn't care... and so a weird bond between us started. At first, Ava wanted nothing more than to restore my power to care just to turn me back. But while trying to teach me to care again, I helped her learn how to act like she had empathy towards others. allowing her to better control people other than childish stuff.

It was unclear if Ava started seeing me as a friend or not, I never knew as I could never tell if she was acting or not. But she seemed happy that I had my emotions back while watching anime with her. She seemed happy when we began dating. She seemed happy when I asked her to marry me... but she put her foot down on her desire to not have kids. She seemed broken when we broke up, she seemed happy when I got together with Emily, she seemed happy when we got married and our first child came into this world, followed by a second three years later.

I hated her as I could never understand what she wanted, but she was my best friend. She was always there, supporting me, helping me, and being my pillar. She would of course use dirty tricks to help, as she deep down never cares for what I felt about anything... all that mattered was her. She believed she was the MC, surrounded by NPC

"You understand I have to kill you right? you're too dangerous." I said calmly, she knew too much about me. I couldn't even trust her if she joined my side, so she had to die.

"... You will not kill me. how much do you want to bet on that oh great demon lord?" Ava said with her mocking smile not disappearing.

"Oh? I will play. What's the bet?" I asked with a sigh,

"You and I get married if I live past today... no, that's too easy. let's say this. If I can force you to use that ability of yours, I win. We get married." Ava said to which I couldn't help but laugh, but I nodded lightly.

"Sure," I said while I stepped forward, I will end this in one move... and that wasn't because I was unease about what she had up her sleeves... while maybe a little.

"What are you doing? we have to do a Symfonla." Ava said quickly, a worried look in her eyes that I would go back on my worlds, which only annoyed me. But I raised my hand so we could do the spell, just for Hannah to snap.

"You bitch!" Hannah screamed as her flames exploded off her body, she attacked Hannah, but Rose held her back.

"What's going on?" Rose asked unable to understand what was happening. but Hannah didn't try and explain as she tried to get Rose off her so she could beat Ava up. but Ava ignored her, as she and I went on to do the Symfonla. this made Hannah look at me, complex feelings filling her eyes. But I was ignoring her.

"Before we start, it's funny how you did that dance with Hannah. Look over to Hannah's finger, she is already engaged to someone." Ava said causing a bitter taste to fill my mouth as I noticed Hannah's ring. But I wasn't there father... it's none of my business. 

"What I find even more shocking is the fact she is marrying someone who is also trying to get Rose. harems are common, so going after two sisters is normal, unlike Earth." Ava said causing my world to freeze as I noticed the same ring on Rose's finger. That was no normal ring, but a marriage ring.

"but then again, you wouldn't care. that dance was a goodbye dance right? So what if some guy marries them, and goes on to marry 50 other wives, ignoring them... Although I am worried, Ogers have large things, who knows if they would be alright." Ava said with a frown, and those words caused my eyes to explode with rage...


Ava suddenly disappeared, slamming a kick into my stomach. At a speed too high to comprehend, so high that space didn't simply bind, but compress, better shatter to such speed. I was sent rocketing away, my body burning up due to the fact the atoms in the air had no time to move out of the way. this forced them to slam into each other, causing the atoms to explode, alongside the atoms which made me. but this went deeper, the building blocks that made even atoms were being destroyed.

I was sent rocketing out into outer space, and I was forced to use x0 to heal or else I would have been burned into nothingness. I stood in the void of outer space, my eyes bloodshot from my rage

"Ava!" With killing intent that twisted the world around me, I burst forward toward the planet, I hated that woman...