
The Strongest Demon Lord In The Omniverse

What makes a demon lord a demon lord? Does power make one a Demon Lord? Fame? The power to lead others? What is it? Being the Demon King means being myself. And if my subordinates are threatened, I shall retaliate with destruction. It doesn't matter if I'm up against fate or providence, that is what it means to be the Demon King. Follow my story, as I go from Zero to being an All Powerful God. Just a warning, I might kill a few of your favorite characters.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

War 2

Lightning covered the training room as Blitz shot towards me. Her lightning moved beyond the speed limits of the universe, easily going beyond that of light. She arrived before me, with a kick covered in lightning shooting towards my head. Blitz's eyes were sharp, to her time pretty much had stopped, but she could see something was off with me.

I moved, and in a short burst, my head moved at extreme speed, moving backward just enough to dodge Blitz's kick... but it wasn't perfect as some lightning flashed across my nose, burning it. Blitz quickly moved to follow up with another attack. her palm shot toward me.

Again, my body moved. with another short burst of speed, I turned, dodging her palm attack while at the same time, grabbing her palm before I pulled her in, but she quickly broke free and shot away.

She looked at me with a deep frown. She was fast, hundreds of times faster than me. She wasn't shocked by the fact I was somehow able to react to her speed, we had trained long enough for her to already know of my heights in martial arts.

"Why does it seem like you're weaker?" She asked, normally when the spar she would use her speed, and I would simply minimize my movement, and use my instinct and a short burst of speed to fight her.

"I had sex with a succubus, she sucked me dry," I said with a sigh, Blitz blinked for a moment before she blushed slightly.

"I didn't need to know all of that." She said to which I shrugged. I sighed while sitting down, I couldn't help but think back to my training within my dreams. I had of course learned Ultra Instincts within my dreams. I had created Goku and used x0 to ensure he was 100% similar to the real Goku.

This way, I trained and fought. I wanted to be able to defeat those stronger, faster, and had durability far above me. This led to me mastering the art of not needing to use my mind in combat, my instincts taking effect.

I had trained and refined my instincts to such a high level that I could even react to those using space-time magic. There were other crazy stuff I learned to do, I didn't simply recreate Goku, I recreated Baki from the anime Baki and even someone like Mori Jin from The God Of High School

My martial arts capability at that moment was just scary. my instincts were just one of the things I had gained, there was other stuff I had learned and refined, pretty much making me a god of martial arts.

"You are the best martial artist I have ever seen. At tier 6, your martial arts capability and magic allow you to match tier 10... thats scary." She said while coming to sit next to me, ignoring my words about having sex with a Succubus.

there was a drawback with having sex with a Succubus, the more one has sex with them, the more the Succubus would suck bits of their lifeforce. Have enough sex and you will die...

"Is it? I see martial arts as another form of magic. Magic comes with spells, and Martial arts come in many forms. refine them, perfect them, and the stronger you shall be." I said softly while looking at my palm.

"I plan to build my own martial arts, in the meantime, I will learn all other forms of martial arts and fuse them," I said softly while getting up.

"... let's fight. I will suppress my strength to the same level as yours." She said causing me to look at her with a raised eyebrow. but I shrugged and nodded lightly. She got up and made some space between myself and her.

She took a deep breath before lightning swallowed her. She flashed towards me, but I easily moved, dodging her attack. She wanted to move up with a following attack, but without build-up or warning, my leg shot forward, slamming into her stomach. She was able to block at the last moment, but she was still sent flying away while her pupils shrank. She shot across the room and slammed into the wall before she fell to the ground.

"H-how? there was no setup and stances, how could that kick output so much power?" She asked in shock while looking at me.

"That was a level of martial arts that took the longest to learn. Pretty much, I went past the peak in a skill, to the level where I need no setup or stances, allowing me to perform attacks without a visual cue. Reaching this level allows me to waste no energy and achieve maximum momentum upon contact, increasing the overall output of attacks." I said while walking up to her, and holding out my palm. 

"In other words, a half-ass punch could hold the power of a fully charged punch?" She asked to which I nodded lightly.

"Pretty much. A slight touch would hold the power of a full-powered punch. but it's limited to martial arts technique." I said to which Blitz looked at me in shock. I didn't come up with this, but instead simply recreated the MC from the God Of High School. I learned this from him, it was called Recoilless.

Let's say for a moment you reached the peak of Ultra Instinct. Recoilless is the level after the peak, I of course have not added this concept onto Ultra Instinct just yet, it was super complex. if you reached 10/10 within a skill. Recoilless allows you to reach 11/10, and beyond. 

"Thats something scary." She said softly, she realized she was no match for me on the same level. She had a hard time even reading my movements when she was going all out. I had reached a level in martial arts where just trying to understand my movement was a headache. I was improving every day, each night that passed, I woke up far stronger than when I went to sleep. I held back, allowing her to even block my attack, if I wanted she would have had a hole blown in her.

In my dreams, I train, breaking the limits of my capabilities, not just in martial arts but even in Magic. I was only 42, yet I had the experience of someone thousands of years old. I was also a talent, although not a super talent, but talented enough to learn things so long as I didn't skip ahead and take things step by step.

"Why are you not using x0 to heal yourself?" She asked to which I shook my head.

"x0 is a cheat, I found that I'm taking the easy way of things using that ability. So, I decided not to use it again unless I needed it. Unless you want to do something." I said with a smile, making Blitz blink in confusion at my words, not understanding what I meant. I sighed, while just walking off. She was no fun.

"Oh... you pervert!" Blitz said in realization before her face turned red in realization of what I was hinting at. I sighed, not knowing if I should laugh or just be disappointed. 

Blitz ran up to me and followed me upstairs as I went to do nothing. It's times like this I miss the internet, I would love to watch some anime or read some novels. but that was impossible, as Hell wasn't ready for a concept like an internet just yet.

"I heard the first dorm is going to be created, it's going to be the size of a city within," Blitz said to which I nodded lightly.

"Indeed, I was thinking of using space-time magic to expend the space within. but it looks like that would clash with the spell used to create that dorm." I said with a sigh, we went outside the castle where we looked at the group of humans in the sky, all working together to cast the spell since demons couldn't.

it would take a lot of time, and many demons had gathered to support the casting of the spell. slowly, a magic circle was covering the land. it would be around 400 square miles, big enough to hold thousands of demons. but this would be only for the high-ranking demons for the time being, as time passes, more dorms would be created, to hold more demons...

It would take a few hours for this spell to be cast, and everyone was on standby, watching the beauty of the spell. Me and Blitz joined and watched as the spell was cast, creating a large dorm with the demon lord's castle in the center.

Cheers were heard as the demons celebrated, how couldn't they as they felt the suffering hell put them through disappearing? I didn't need to make an order as all of them rushed to start transforming the land.

No house would be built for now, the demons were more than happy with sleeping on the ground. for now, they just wanted to grow the farm. As for the mages who cast the spell, they went on to rest as they would soon have to do this to other parts of the demon realm, before moving to other demon realms...

In a matter of hours, the land was transformed. the garden spread all over the land, turning this place into a land of beauty. fruit trees appear all over the place, and demons could be seen fearing to take from these trees. I just watched them, before looking towards Ainz.

"... Only when Hell is stable will you have it," Ainz said with a smile, and at those words I nodded lightly... and so time passed. The demon's full attention was on the growth of the demon realm, so they all joined hands in this.

the dorms couldn't be too close to each other or else the burden they would face would be high, the laws governing hell would see the dorms as more than one. at the same time, the dorms couldn't be too big. because of this, the dorms had to be far apart from each other.

I had nothing to do at this time, so I simply sat back and watched. Everything looked as if it was going smoothly... well, it looked like it was going smoothly until one day.

I woke up feeling something was off, I looked at Blitz who was sleeping in my arms. Remembering the fun and pleasure of last night, I couldn't help but smile, but my smile disappeared as I felt like something was off.

I got out of bed, and after casting a spell to get me all cleaned up, I went outside, looking around to see where that bad feeling was coming from. But I soon looked up to the sky, and there I saw from the sky, golden beams fell. these beams were of holy light and made those demons who felt it dislike it instantly.

But the holy beams were not targeting them, but the dorms. after a moment of shock, the demon lords made their move, launching their attacks at the beams and pushing them back. But that was just the welcoming attack as from the sky, an endless wave of angels appeared. the number was huge, and it made all of the demon's bloodthirst rise.

"Why are you attacking us?" Amon said coldly with the sword of Oblivion in hand. the sword of Oblivion was a black demonic sword. it had eyes along the blade. the blade was pure black, making one feel as if they were looking into the void, yet the void was looking back at them.

"You demonic creatures, hell was made to be your hell... since when did it become a place you can transform?" An angel with 12 wings asked coldly, causing all of the demon's faces to turn dark.

"We found a peaceful way to exist, you do know this would cause a full-out war between us?" Amon said angrily, to which the angel with 12 wings gave him a mocking smile.

"You sinners should have been erased from creation long ago, a full-out war would only give us the opportunity." He said with a sneer, which disappeared and was replaced with a look of shock. time seemed to slow down as he turned around, where he saw me lightly throwing a punch that connected heavily with his back. His body bent, and he was sent rocketing toward the ground at a blinding speed, where he hit the ground heavily.

"Slaughter them!" Amon cried and with that, the demon lords and everyone else shot into the sky, blood lust filling their eyes. I had teleported the same instant I had touched the 12-winged angel, 

The angels ranged in the hundreds of thousands, but they were in the demon realm, facing off against the endless waves of demons in the demon realm. they were overwhelmed, which left me confused as to why the angels would come here knowing they would be facing such a loss.

"What are your goals?" I asked calmly while picking up the angel by his hair. I had hit a few pressure points on this demon's body, ensuring that the demon couldn't even move.

"You sinner. just wait! God's judgment..." The angel wanted to speak, but I slapped all of his teeth out. so what if he was tier 10? A sneak attack, aimed at a weak spot can take out anyone.

"You would be tortured until you're turned into a fallen angel. at that point when you're also a sinner, I want to see if you would be any different." I said causing the angel's pupils to shrink. I was about to move when I saw a dorm not too far away suddenly being destroyed, followed by the other dorms,

'They wanted to draw the demon's attention away while someone went around, destroying these dorms?' I thought while rage grew in my eyes. I was so close to completing my part and getting Ainz's piece, but now I had to face this BS.

"This is why I said until the demon realm is stable. we demons can never have peace so long as we don't have someone on the other side fighting to give us a chance." Ainz said while appearing next to me, watching as an Angel flew towards the last remaining dorm... the dorm I was within.

The angel was wearing all black, and its stealth capability was high. even the demon lords had a hard time sensing it. it was mainly because their mind was clouded by rage and their attention was on fighting the angels who were at tier 10 or so.

The angel and I locked gazes, as I flicked the demon in my hands away toward the demon lord's castle, I looked at this Angel for some time, and as the angel neared it slowed down, the chilling glare in my eyes causing it to stop. I was pissed, the chance to leave this fucking world was before me, and now they stood in my way.

I disappeared from where I stood, appearing before the angel. Instantly, the Angel turned to block my attack... but how could it dodge an attack it had a hard time reading? even if it was slow, if you couldn't read an attack right, you couldn't block or dodge it right. The angel found my leg connecting cleanly with its chin, sending it flying heavily into the ground.

But it didn't stop there as when the angel was getting up, it felt another blow on its chin, sending it back into the ground and the hole it had created to enlarge. I didn't attack a second time, that was simply the technique I had created.

2 Hammer Kick- a technique where you only need to hit a target once, and after a delay, the target would be hit once more on the same spot.

"Blitz, you do understand the only answer to this is war?" I asked coldly, Blitz who had wakened from all of the chaos had just appeared before me, and her eyes were complex hearing my words.

"... I can try and speak with them," Blitz said while I simply picked up the angel while looking coldly at her.

"1 week, after we are going to war. and since the other races will support the angels, this war would most likely lead to everyone being slaughtered. it's either us or them," I said coldly,

(A/N: MC went through such a huge change due to his training within his dreams. he has been facing masters, ranging from beings like Whis from Dragon Ball, Garou from One Punch Man, Batman, Oogway, Yuujiro Hanma, Ares from DC comics. This forced him to have to pretty much have full mastery of his mind and body. So he has a goal, and will do what it takes to reach said goal.)