
The Strongest Demon Lord In The Omniverse

What makes a demon lord a demon lord? Does power make one a Demon Lord? Fame? The power to lead others? What is it? Being the Demon King means being myself. And if my subordinates are threatened, I shall retaliate with destruction. It doesn't matter if I'm up against fate or providence, that is what it means to be the Demon King. Follow my story, as I go from Zero to being an All Powerful God. Just a warning, I might kill a few of your favorite characters.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

The Female Demon

"..." My eyes twitched as I slowly opened my eyes, I found myself on a bed. I blinked for a moment, before sitting up, confusion filling my eyes as I didn't know where I was at. I walked outside the room, and after looking around I realized where I was at.

"Dad!" A cry of joy entered my eyes as I stepped downstairs, I turned to the side and my eyes landed on a girl, around 15 years old who jumped forward, hugging me. This was Rosa, my youngest daughter. I gently pushed her off me and looked towards where she came from. there I saw Ava, Hannah, Emily, Mark, and everyone else. They were all here with their families. it looked like everyone had gathered there, I was currently the center of everyone's attention.

"What am I doing here?" I asked ignoring Rosa's hurt look,

"Your body didn't adapt well to magical energy, so you entered a deep sleep. We brought you here to take care of you while awaiting you to wake up." Ava said calmly, to which I just nodded

"I see..." I said while turning to leave, causing everyone to move to stop me. I felt the air blow heavily, which caused me to stop and look around in confusion, but seeing as nothing happened, I just left.

But I didn't get far until Edward appeared in front of me with a flash of light. He held his palm out, 

"You don't even know what's happening in the outside world, first sit down. you have been out for a month, a lot of stuff happened." He said to which I just looked at the light that came off his body.

"Is that Light magic?" I asked while stepping aside, to look at everyone, who were pretty much gathering behind me. Ava looked at me for some time, before I watched as an orb of wind gathered at her palm. everyone looked at her in confusion, before their eyes widened seeing her suddenly attack me.

"Stop!" They screamed as they wanted to stop her, but it was too late as the attack hit me... just to turn into normal wind, which blew my hair slightly.

"Your gift seems to be the power to nullify other abilities. I'm guessing this is why your emotions are not there. You have been using your ability all this time." She said leaving everyone stunned,

"I see..." I said thinking for a moment, before I shrugged as I didn't care. I turned to leave once more, before the earth suddenly came to life, wanting to hold me. but the earth turned back to normal, its powers also nullified, but it went deeper for the earth, as the ground returned to the way it was.

I looked towards Mark who was the one to make the move that time. I looked at his outstretched hand, interest in my eyes. I turned and left, just for the earth under me to open, causing me to fall inside.

"It looks like so long as it doesn't target you, you can't nullify it," Mark said as everyone sighed softly, but the next moment, everyone froze at the sight that followed. The ground returned to normal, leaving me and the earth as one.

"This hurts," I said calmly feeling the unimaginable pain from fusing with the earth. When I said fused, I meant that the earth had reappeared, overlapping with my own body.

"Mark! Hurry up and free him!" Ava yelled in panic, Mark panicked to control the earth, but he quickly realized since I was pushed with the earth, I could die if he tried to do something like pull me out. telling everyone this, they were horrified... just to freeze once more as my body began to nullify this.

My body broke apart, turning into a bunch of blood, flesh, and bones that gathered above the ground, putting themselves back together. I stood there, looking at my body which even had clothing. I was shocked for a moment... my emotions were back.

'Just what is my ability?' I thought with a frown, but with that question, a name appeared in my head. x0

The name of my ability was x0. With that name, I pretty much understood what my power was, multiply things by zero. As anything times 0 equals 0, I had the power to turn things into nothing.

My emotions were multiplied by zero, Ava wind was multiplied by zero, and the list went on. when the injuries I took were multiplied by zero, I returned to 100% instead of turning into nothing. but there seems to be more to this.

when the earth was multiplied by zero, it returned to the state before Mark controlled it, that state was zero. Ava's wind was not completely nullified, as the wind still hit me, it just turned into weak wind which did no damage to me. I think for that, x0 was used on the damage I would have taken, while for the earth, it returned the earth to zero. 

It seemed to take effect on its own, yes it used energy to use. But since It was working on its own, it seemed to not waste any energy, leading to it not having a huge impact on my energy. I recovered more than I used, which was a good thing.

"So, killing you was all that was needed to bring you back?" Ava asked, causing me to look at her with an annoyed look. 

"We're not letting you leave. at least you owe us for a whole month of taking care of you, so start paying us back." Ava said calmly, causing me to sigh softly. I thought for a moment, but staying here and knowing what happened in the past month was far more important than anything else.

Ava stopped Hannah and everyone else from saying anything, she just had them all enter inside, giving me the time to collect my breath. I sighed softly and entered my old home. I went upstairs, ignoring everyone while I went to the room I had awakened in.

How was I supposed to face all of this? I honestly wanted nothing to do with everyone, and simply wanted to leave. but it was clear the world has gone through huge changes,

"What are you planning on doing?" at the corner of my eyes, an undead skeleton appeared. I looked at the skeleton in shock, but seeing how it looked almost like a ghost, I spoke.

"Ainz?" I asked to which the undead skeleton laughed slightly.

"Towards the end of my life, I fought on as an undead. you have such a unique power, to turn things to Zero... but you should get control of that power before it grows out of control. the longer you take, the longer you risk the power turning you into zero." He said to which I nodded lightly in understanding.

"So, what do you plan to do?" He asked with crossed arms.

"The right thing to do in such moments is to look at the bigger picture, and see that they had no way of knowing the truth... but still. they went too far, they destroyed my life and expected a few sorries and apologies would do what? I just want to be alone right now. nothing more and nothing less." I said with a sigh, I still wanted to go off the grid. I had no interest in rebuilding my life, 

"Go ahead and sit down with cross legs. focus on your breathing," He said to which I sighed before sitting down, and focused on my breathing. 

"Do you want to know why they all didn't faint and even awakened cool abilities? the one known as Mark gained the Gift to control Earth. The one known as Edward gained the power to control light, the one known as Ava awakened the power to control wind, and so on. this is all because of you." He said calmly,

"This has to do with me, I ensured your close friends will awaken powers that could support you. with powerful humans working together with you, then the demon race can surely make a home for themselves." He said with a deep sigh,


at that moment, a huge explosion went off outside. I stood up to go look outside. There, I saw a demon hand that had slammed into the ground through a crack in space. it was a large hand, the size of a car. it slowly pulled itself out, causing the crack in space to grow.

It fell to the ground, while from the crack in space, a group of demons walked out. Some demons were red-skinned, blue-skinned, and other colors. some had 2 heads, some had 6 eyes, some had wings, and some had tails. there were so many types of demons and they were all ugly.

I looked at the sight for some time, before I soon saw a carriage pass through the crack. the carriage was held up by demons which were almost like humans, but the fact they had odd things like wings, tails, or more than 2 eyes made it clear they were no humans.

They all stopped before the house, while Ava and everyone else stepped outside with unease written all over their faces seeing the demons. The demons all glared at them, but oddly they didn't attack.

instead, the carriage opened and a beautiful woman stepped out, she had purple skin, and she had on a dark purple dress. She held a strange device in her hands which she aimed towards Ava, then Mark, before moving on to Emily, followed by everyone else, just to see none of them was the person she was looking for.

"there should have been someone amongst you who awakened from their sleep today. I didn't come to fight, as you have noticed, we demons have not made any moves upon your world. we just want him." She said before looking up towards a window where she saw me looking out. she pointed the device there, but before the device could get a reading, Ava shot forward, standing in front of the window.

"No one like that is here, don't point that thing at our children," Ava said seriously, to which the woman glared at her.

"That wind..." She said softly before her palm glowed as she slapped towards Mark and everyone else. but an Ice wall appeared, blocking her attack. Her eyes narrowed once more seeing that ice, and her attention was turned towards the earth below her, the earth moved, trying to swallow her and the demons. But her red eyes began to glow, causing everything in her sight to be destroyed. At the same time, Ava's wind was destroyed, causing her to drop to the ground, 

"Father... I have come to get you and return you home." She said while looking straight at me, not needing the device in her hand. Even so, she aimed the device in her hands towards me and seeing the reading of my soul, her eyes brightened in joy.

"What do you want with him? What do you mean by father?" Ava asked with a deep frown, the demon female had a bright smile, how couldn't she be happy?

"My father died 2,000 years ago, but he died aiming to reincarnate as a human. With him being the new demon lord, then we demons can set onto a new path." She said with a happy smile, causing Ainz to facepalm.

"She is so stupid... the fact she came shows that someone in the demon realm is trying to force you to go to the demon realm. They knew she would spill the beans on who you are without thinking much. you have no choice but to go or else the humans and angels will kill you. there is also the fact those close to you might die. what would you do?" Ainz asked with a look of defeat, but a thought hit him.

"Try and use x0 on the event that just happened." He said confusing me, but he helped me get the fill of my power before I tried to channel it. the female demon looked towards me in shock and sensed as the event of her words were turned into nothing. she even felt her memory of the event that happened was about to be erased, but she used her power to protect her mind.

Everyone but the female demon had a look of confusion. but the next moment, they looked towards the female demon who shot towards the window, which she destroyed before shooting towards me, as I had used up a lot of magical energy and was about to faint...

3rd POV

"Daniel!" Ava yelled while shooting toward me, but she was sent flying backward with a burst of energy. Wind gathered around her, slowing her down so she could land gently on the ground.

"I will be taking him with me," She said while flying out, coldly looking at everyone down below. But her attention was drawn to someone who exploded with a wave of killing intent which caused the world to lose all color.

"Drop him!" Emily said while ice spread from her, covering the world around her. everyone quickly moved away from Emily as they were covered in frost bites which shocked them. They were around the same level of power, yet Emily just exploded with strength beyond theirs.

"I don't think I will." the woman said with a sneer, causing the temperature to drop to a dangerous level. Emily had made a mistake once... well, she had made more regrets. Why didn't she go out to find him? why didn't she fight to see him even after knowing the truth? All she did was roll up in tears. even now she kept making mistakes, she would have stepped forward to speak with him, but she was scared. 

She promised herself to speak with him and try and apologize to him when he awakened, but the moment she saw him, all she could do was freeze seeing him again. She was always too scared to face him after the divorce, and that was even more so after knowing the truth...

Emily let out a scream as an Ice Giant grew out of the frozen ground. The Ice Giant punched the female demon, just for her to dodge. but time seemed to freeze as she looked at the fist pass by her in slow motion. From that fist, countless ice spears shot toward her, she moved quickly, dodging all of them. but she noticed as the spear passed, more spears shot from the spears, leading to her being cut.

From that small cut, she felt her blood begin to freeze over, at Emily's control, the frozen blood was under her control, trying to cause more damage from the inside out. At the same time, the female demon's face twisted as she suffered from a brain freeze

"Annoying." The demon's face twisted at the pain, with a thought, her eyes glowed, causing all of the Ice to just disappear, leaving Emily stunned, not understanding what just happened. But, she gritted her teeth, summoning more Ice she shot towards the female demon.

The female demon was about to dodge until she froze seeing Emily traveling through the Ice at light speed before she launched herself out of the Ice at the speed her body couldn't handle, a speed which caused space itself to fold. her blood, bones, and everything was swallowed in Ice, ensuring she wouldn't turn to dust reaching this level of speed.

her fist and the female Demon's face came into contact, and with the sound of the sound barrier being destroyed, the female Demon was sent rocketing away, slamming through countless abandoned buildings, leaving Emily to fall to the ground, all of the bones in her body destroyed. But she held them together with Ice,

Wind gathered under Emily, slowing her fall, while everyone looked at her, shocked by her power. But they didn't waste time and shot toward where the female demon was, and there they surrounded her, and were shocked to see Daniel was protected within a bubble,

such a powerful attack would have turned any normal human into dust and even could have caused massive damage to the whole city, if not the whole planet. One should know, that even dust that reaches the speed of light hitting Earth could cause massive damage to planet Earth. Anything that reaches the speed of light has infinite mass, which should be impossible as it would need infinite energy

yes, Emily's speed instantly dropped after leaving the Ice, but it was still near the speed of light, and she had launched herself out of the Ice. adding the fact the female demon was next to her, the impact from Emily's punch should have left the whole planet feeling its impact, yet it was all forced onto the demon's face, who tanked it all.... the demon had to be dead right?

"Damn, can't believe she knocked me out." the dust moved while the female demon stepped out of the destroyed building, and picked up Daniel who was out cold. She spet out a few teeth, but she wasn't too bothered as she had already regrown new teeth. she wasn't a human who only had one pair of teeth all of her life.

"Well, I should kill you all. You would be huge problems in our plans." She said while the power of destruction gathered in her palm.

'I refused to think she is stronger than me... I just need to be creative with my wind like she was with her ice.' Ava thought, not liking the thought Emily could show such a level of power. With a thought, Ava disappeared, the air moving aside for her, while also rocketing her forward. with her facing no resistance, she reached the speed of sound, with ease, with her body not suffering many side effects.

'She fused with the ice...' Ava thought, wanting to go faster. but she quickly found her powers just disappearing, and her speed also disappearing. She just fell to the ground, stopping before the female demon whose eyes were glowing. She wanted to move, but the demon just stepped on her chest while looking at everyone.

'The power of Earth, Wind, Ice, Light.' She thought while looking at them before her eyes landed on flames that shot through the sky toward her. She looked at Hannah, who had awakened the power of Fire, before looking at Lisa who was showing off lightning.

Lisa had stayed back with the kids, but at the moment She was With Rosa who was riding water towards her. Rosa should have awakened a Water gift and was aiming to use water and lightning together. 

She looked at all of them, before pointing forward with the power of destruction, aiming to erase them. but out of the blue, a flash appeared, with a shield, blocking her attack. the female demon looked at the human who had appeared, sword and shield in hand.

"Isabella, long time no see... were you missing me? when was the last time we met? thats right, when I took your brother's head right?" the man asked with a cold smile seeing the rage in the female demon's eyes upon seeing him.

"Jacob..." She said angrily, but she calmed herself down and looked toward Daniel who was in her eyes, before her eyes glowed. Jacob quickly got ready to fight, but quickly found he couldn't sense her anymore. he looked around, just to sigh seeing that she had run away.

"Are you alright?" Jacob asked while checking up on everyone, Ava slowly got up while nodding with a cold look.

"You need not be down about your defeat. You just fought against Isabella, with her power of destruction, she was immune to all abilities. the only way to face her was hand-to-hand combat... but do you all have any idea as to why she took that man with her?" Jacob asked causing everyone's faces to drop realizing Daniel was gone. But they didn't speak, not trusting this man to say such important information. 

"I understand you all don't trust me, but understand your friend is in danger. he was just taken to hell, if you're lucky, he would die. if you're not, then his mind would be broken until he fights on the side of hell." He said making everyone's faces drop.

"He had the power to nullify things," Edward said, just to get a glare from Ava, which he ignored. but everyone turned toward Jacob who had a deep frown

"Nullify things? you mean to destroy?" Jacob asked with unease, but everyone shook their head realizing what he was fearing.

"our powers just don't work on him. A wind attack turned into a soft wind, and the earth moving to hold him would return back to the state before it was controlled as soon as it touched him. Even injuries are nullified, as his body breaks apart and puts itself back together," Edward explains, leaving Jacob in deep thought

'he isn't the reincarnation of the demon lord... but I never heard such a power in my life. This is bad, if they turn him into a weapon.' he thought his heart heavy.

"You are all talents, I'm guessing you didn't move because you were all awaiting his awakening?" He asked to which Edward nodded lightly.

"Then, the fact she appeared upon his awakening means they have a way to track down powerful gifts. On a scale of one to ten, how overpowered was his gift?" He asked 

"9, he seems to only be able to effect magical abilities, but not physical attacks since she knocked him out. there might be a limit to how much he could do. It was not like we were trying to kill him. at the same time, he doesn't need to think or act for the power to take effect. they happen on their own." Edward said before taking a deep breath.

"Sir Jacob, I tell you this because I sense your pure soul. you're not a bad person, but you should understand we don't want our powers and capabilities to be known all over the world. our families would be in great danger." Edward said causing Jacop who was lost in thought to look at him with a smile.

"Don't worry, I have been alive for hundreds of years fighting the fight between the demons and humans. I came to earth to try my best and protect the humans here and give them time to grow, so long as I breathe, then I shall ensure all of your safety as not everyone among humans is just... you all care for your friends, and you all have outstanding gifts. More reasons for me to protect you all." He said while reaching out into space, and pulling out books.

"These books all hold the basic spells all of you should learn, stay here while I go report to the higher-ups on the demon movements. I will come back to bring you all into the magic school where you can all train, with my word, you should all enter without trouble." He said with a slight bow, to which Edward bowed back while taking the books.

"Thank you," Edward said before Jacob flashed away, leaving everyone looking toward Edward

"Don't take a risk like that without speaking to us all first," Ava said while walking away, 

"We need information, and power if we want to save him. we also have to get ready as the next time we might see him, he will be our enemy... we would have to find a way to break him free." Edward said with a sigh,