

To walk as an adventurer in Laeraor is to be held in the lowest regard possible, but Thor still walks this path and he is not alone. There are seven others. Each one of them was asked a question: why do you want to become an adventurer? a hero? "To save my son!" Valeif would answer "To get revenge against everyone that wronged my people!" Astrid would answer "To find true love!" Lilith would answer "To have the greatest adventure!" Freyja would answer "…" Hel would answer "To become the strongest!" Demi would answer "To live without regrets!" Xebec would answer

demi · Eastern
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4 Chs

Pandemonium examinations end!

"No!" Xebec shouted as he smashed both of his fists onto the table. "I refuse! I refuse! I refuse!" With every word, he would smash the table with his fists. Then, he glared angrily at the girl. "I will not fail to become a black jacket! Do you hear me?! I will not!"

A black hole appeared in the air and the girl stuck her right hand into it. From it, she pulled out a sheet of paper and placed it in front of Xebec. "Refill the form," she said. "You are choosing class blue or any other class except black and red."

Xebec closed his eyes and shook his head before collapsing onto the table and weeping.

"How pathetic," Demi said.

"Indeed," the girl said and stood up from her chair. "Let's go, I will take you to your fourth test, Demi."

Demi nodded his head and also stood up. He followed the girl out of the lounge and deeper into the building. What they entered first was a long corridor. Looking around, there was a red carpet on the floor and paintings of people in black uniforms on the walls.

"Take a good look, Demi," the girl said. "They are the alumni of the pandemonium."

"I see," Demi said and looked over each and every portrait; one of them caught his attention and he stopped. "Dad?" he couldn't help but mumble out.

The girl stopped as well and looked at the portrait that Demi was looking at. "That's your father?" she asked.

"Yeah," Demi said as he nodded his head. "But he never told me that he attended pandemonium. And neither did my mom."

"I see," the girl said. "My mother also attended pandemonium but unlike me or your father, she failed her last test and graduated as a red jacket and not the black. What a disappointment."

"You look down on her?" Demi said.

"I do," the girl said. "Shall we go?"

"Alright," Demi said and followed the girl. She led him out of the corridor and they entered a spacious room. The floor was made out of white wood and the walls were the same. There were no paintings on them. In the center of the room stood a counter and behind the counter stood an old man in a butler's uniform. To the left of the counter was a door and to the right of the counter was another door. Behind the counter, to the left, and to the right, there were stairs and they went up. Between the stairs, there was a third door.

"Welcome to the lobby," the girl said. "The door to the left takes you to the male dorms and the door to the right takes you to the female dorms. The stairs lead to the classrooms, the library, and the headmaster's office. The door behind the counter is where we are going and it will take us to the practice hall. But first, let's go and say hi to Sebastian." She and Demi walked up to the counter and she said, "Hey, Sebastian."

"Hello, young lady," Sebastian said. "What can I do for you?"

I want to introduce to you the newest addition to the black class Demi," the girl said.

"Nice to meet you, I am Demi," Demi said.

Sebastian smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you too, young master Demi."

"How many, Sebastian," the girl said.

"More than last year," Sebastian said.

"Last year there were none," the girl said.

"So there were," Sebastian said. "But this year we have young master Demi, young lady Lucia, young lady Lilith, and young master Drake. Also, the prodigy, young lady Valeif who dropped out five years ago has returned."

"What did you say?!" the girl couldn't help but shout out.

"Is she strong?" Demi said.

Sebastian nodded his head. "She sure is," he said. "She is stronger than any other student, teacher, or headmaster of pandemonium, new or old."

"She was," the girl said. "Not is."

"She will be undefeated until her death," Sebastian confidently said.

"I will defeat her," Demi said and widely smiled.

Sebastian shook his head while the girl nodded her head.

"Sebastian," the girl said.

"Yes?" Sebastian said.

"What can you tell me about Lucia, Lilith, and Drake?" the girl said.

"I know a little about each one," Sebastian said. "Lucia is the daughter of the king of vampires Dracula and the queen of vampires Erylis. Lilith's dantian's Qi absorption rate is immeasurable and she is a kijin. And Drake is a true werebeast with an ancient werebeast's bloodline. Now then, Demi. Will you reveal something about yourself or will you proceed to the fifth test naked?"

The girl looked at Demi and said, "This is your fourth test, Demi. You will have to make a choice. Your first choice is to reveal something about yourself to Sebastian and he will refrain from making his own observations. He also will tell you something about your fifth test. Your second choice is to say nothing about yourself to Sebastian and he will make as many observations as he needs. He also won't tell you anything about your fifth test. No matter what you choose, you will pass."

"I won't say anything about myself," Demi said.

"Understood," Sebastian said. "Now let me get a good look at you."

The girl sighed and said, "You have repeated my mistake, Demi."

Demi looked at the girl and said, "What do you mean?"

"You are a fool to think so," a twenty-something-year-old man with semi-long black hair and golden-yellow eyes said as he walked up to them. He wore a uniform which consisted of a white shirt, a black jacket, and black pants. On the jacket, there was an insignia with a roman number ten.

"Senior!" the girl said in an excited voice and Demi furrowed his eyebrows.

"Listen!" the man said. "Sebastian is about to speak!"

"You are the son of an alumnus," Sebastian said and Demi looked at him.

"I found out about it just a few minutes ago," he said.

"But you do not share his race," Sebastian said.

"That's correct," Demi said. "My father is a true werebeast but I am a transcendent werebeast."

Sebastian shook his head and said, "You are not a transcendent werebeast. You are a never before seen hybrid. A hybrid of a werebeast and a vampire. A werepire! And not just any werepire! You are a transcendent werepire!"

"Oh?" the man said. "How interesting!"

'So I am also a vampire?' Demi thought. 'Mom will be happy to hear it!'

"Your dantian has Qi absorption rate of 100%," Sebastian said. "And your hara is of an S-rank."

"His core and inverse core surpasses mine," the man said.

"You possess two godlike bloodlines," Sebastian said. "The bloodline of a shinso, mother of vampires from your mother, and the bloodline of a dragon, father of werebeasts from your father."

"Amazing!" the man said.

"This is the end of my observations," Sebastian said. "As for the fifth test, I shall only say this, you don't have to take it. I pass you. Welcome to the black class, young master Demi!"

"Welcome to the black class, Demi," the man said. "My name is Zhark and I am your senior."

"And my name is Arthys," the girl said as she smiled.

"Nice to meet you, Arthys," Demi said, looked Zhark directly into his golden-yellow eyes and said, "Zhark, I challenge you to a duel!"