
Let life beggin

The rain continued to pour down, soaking Sarah and Timmy to the bone. They had nowhere to go, no shelter from the storm. They had been in this situation for weeks now, ever since Sarah's parents had disowned her for having a child out of wedlock. According to her parents it was unacceptable shame.

And yet, as she held Timmy close, she couldn't help but feel a deep love for him. He was her world, her reason for living. Even in the darkest of times, he brought her a glimmer of hope.

Sarah lived under bad situations hoping for light and and way to provide for her new born.

It was a regular morning for Sahara and her son living on the road, when she received a call from her mom, they spoke on the phone. Sarah's mom decided to forgive her and request her to come back home.

It was a relief for Sarah as that meant she can have a shelter above her head.

This is a story about about a young man from the Rural areas of South Africa, who is born outside of marriage. his mom suffers as that is considered a sin.

Lunathi_Ntamehlocreators' thoughts