
Chapter 1

I jumped out of my bed right when my phone rang. I almost had a heart attack! I sat up and took my phone. I answered the phone and shouted. "What!" "Whoa, calm down heat shaker! It's me, Christian, your cousin... What's the matter with you?" "You gave me a heart

attack!" "Sorry, anyways your mom is over at my house and she told me to tell you that your new school starts tomorrow, H.A... Remember that alright?" "Yeah, it is still Sunday... Remind me tomorrow" " Fine, but don't forget" I ended the call and snuggled

into bed. After a few minutes, I was starved. I sourried down the stairs and stopped in the kitchen. I cooked pancakes and poured orange juice in a glass. Ayumi came down from her room. Ayumi is my sister by the way. Anyways, I prepared 2 glasses and 2

pancakes for each of us. She seat beside me and we ate up. After all the pancakes were all finished, I washed the dishes and Ayumi wiped the table. Ayumi had a pet dog named Skylie. She doesn't talk but that was Ayumi's wish. Ayumi went out with Skylie while I went

up to draw I brought out my sketchbook. I always drew me in uniform. The uniform that was for H.A. is a white Polo and checkered skirt. We had to wear socks and black or brown shoes. My flat long scarlet hair is a medium length so it's very easy to sketch. I always put a

ponytail so that my hair won't go over my face. After sketching a drawing of me, I took a short nap. Suddenly, I woke up by a tug of my shirt. Ayumi was hugging her doll and she holding my shirt . "Lunch?" " Oh, I'm so sorry Ayumi!Okay come..."I went down with her and

cooked a quick lunch. We ate chicken curry and drunk Iced tea. After eating I cooked dinner and stored in the refrigerator. I sat on the couch and watch television. When it was 6:00 pm in exact. Ayumi and I grabbed the dinner food from the refrigerator. We heated up

and ate. Ayumi thanked me for taking care of her and then she took a bath. She dried her long pink hair and went to sleep. I took a bath after also and dried my hair. I checked my things or school tomorrow. I ironed my uniform and slept. The next morning, the phone rang.

I answered it "Okay Christian, I got it" " Good,good luck" He ended it and I took a bath, brushed my teeth and then fixed my hair. I wore my uniform and waited for the bus outside. I hugged my bag in my arms and waited outside the bench. Suddenly, the bus came. It wasn't yellow

but red. There on the side it said. H.A in big yellow letters. The bus door opened and I went in. I sat on a seat and placed my bag beside me. I brought out my book and opened to read. Suddenly someone tagged my uniform sleeve. I looked up and saw a boy with a quite tall

and has shaggy hair and blood red eyes. "Excuse me, may I sit beside you?All seat are taken"I looked up and saw that all seat are taken so he didn't lie "Okay..."I murmured."Thanks". I took off my bag and hugged it instead. He settled down beside me and waited too. "I am Claire Miafilia" "Oh, I am Joseph

Kurenai....Nice to meet you" " You too" I cleared my throat and dug in my bag. I brought out a phone and played "Gardenscapes". After a while, the bus stopped. I looked out of the window and saw the major traffic. " Gosh, major traffic" I said" " Can I call you Y?" he

asked "Y! As in letter Y?" I asked "Yeah" "Oh sure then..." "Call me letter J" "Sure". Suddenly the bus driver spoke worriedly. "Students, there is a major traffic!so you won't be late, please walk!It is a 3 minute walk" some groaned and shrugged. U stood up and excuse

myself. I walked to school holding my bag. I looked back and so students peeking out of the window whispering. Then I saw Joseph coming out. He caught up with me and held my hand. I let go and then said, " Why are you holding my hand?" I asked " I was going

to hand you your phone" "I left it?" "Yeah here...". He handed me my phone and thanked him. " Thanks..." " No problem!Could we be friends?" "Friends?In what way?" " Eat together in lunch, stop to talk, chat at home" " Where is your home?" " At Hageon Str 5 house number

145" " Wow, mine is Hageon Str 6 house number 146" " Then let me know your number" "Okay"