
018 Malicious Spirit

Later, Li Mingyao look at my confused look whispered to me to explain, I just know, the original five rows of godfather in the outer immortal status is still very high, anyway, dealing with a ghost is not a problem.

Hear here I also put down my heart, since someone is willing to take the lead to destroy the ghosts, I am also happy to have a free time. Li Mingyao was also very happy, and I chatted and farted together, so I didn't worry so much.

Time soon came to seven o'clock in the evening, I, Li Mingyao and Han Keer two sisters, four people standing together in the training building below, looking at the building, during the daytime when the building is okay, but at night, but very gloomy, only seven o'clock in the evening around the outside of the building on the fog, cool.

Li Mingyao and I looked at each other, and felt that his eyes were very grave, it seems that this thing is really not simple ah.

"That chick, what do you think about this dirty thing."Li Mingyao had an eye in his mouth and looked at the building and said.

"The Yin Qi and grievances are heavy."Han Keer said as she secretly stared at Old Li, although it was nighttime, but with the help of the weak light, I could still see a slight blush on her face.

I fainted, she can't be in love with Li Mingyao, said after a year of change, Li Mingyao is not the loser of the year, his body is much stronger than then, muscle by muscle, scruffy beard on his face, vicissitudes of the eyes, simply a teenage girl killer.

"You're not the same as not saying it, forget it, it's a waste of time to ask, anyway, later you all be careful is, if you have the opportunity, just directly ask your family master to get on the body."Old Li said took out his compass to check up, I also sneak to his side, looking at the needle, than during the day time and a lot faster.

Suddenly the compass needle suddenly pointed to a window on the third floor, I am accustomed to look out and see the window of a beautiful woman is looking at me, this beautiful woman's face is pale, but her lips are blood red, her eyes are looking straight at me, I was startled when I saw it, shook my head, and then looked over, there is no trace of this beautiful woman.

I think this should be the building's dirty things, Li Mingyao see me out of place, asked me what's wrong, he just did not seem to see, in order not to let him worry, I originally wanted to say that there is nothing, but after thinking about it, or said it.

Li Mingyao heard that I saw the ghost of the girl had some surprise, said before, want to see ghosts only two ways, one is born with yin and yang eyes, and is to wipe the tears of the cow to reduce their own fire.

As for those who did not wipe tears or not yin and yang eyes to see ghosts, in fact, only in the ghost's illusion, and did not really see ghosts.

Now that I have seen that female ghost without wiping my cow's tears, or being a yin and yang eyed person, or even more so, without being under an illusion, there is only one explanation.

That is that this ghost has been powerful enough to be visible with the naked eye, and that female ghost gave me the same feeling as a real person, of course, if a female student was naughty today and ran up to play, that can also be explained by the fact that you can take the compass pointer to point to that female.

At this time Han Keer and Han sister even want to go directly up to catch the ghost to go home, in my opinion they are both completely looking for death.

I and Li Mingyao immediately stop, but they even did not listen, the two directly went up, I originally wanted to block, but Li Mingyao patted my shoulder and said: "They are so determined to go up there is no need to block, although the two of them are a little bit of nerve, but that chick should be a real skill, temporary self-preservation is still not a problem, you first tell me what characteristics of the ghost, and that is the main thing.What characteristics, that's the main thing."

I listened to Li Mingyao's words, and felt that it was quite reasonable, so I felt relieved, not that I am pretending to be some kind of good old man, but to see people sending people to their deaths without stopping them, I really can't do it.

But when it comes to the characteristics of this female ghost, I really remembered a little, Li Mingyao heard me say that I remembered the characteristics of the female ghost, let me tell him immediately, I thought about it and said: "especially beautiful counts as a feature?"

Then I began to describe up that female how beautiful, the female ghost is really quite beautiful, have a nose and eyes, the body is not to say, is the clothes are yellow, and she is not too match, if it is blue then it must be very beautiful.

I was alone there, the old Lee heard clothes are yellow when the eyelids fluttered a little, immediately pinching fingers counted up, I began to nag, and then saw the old Lee counted up the trigrams, immediately shut up, to say that these skills I would like to learn is the trigrams, but the master of his old man killed not to teach me, said that the way of the trigrams will give away the secrets of the day, will be a break in the life of the.

Suddenly Li Mingyao's eyes opened, read: "extreme yin pole brake."

"What is Extreme Yin Extreme Fury?"I asked with a nervous reflex.

Extreme Yin Extreme Fury? Is there such a ghost? I asked Li Mingyao, who sighed as he said, "As the saying goes, 'There are spirits three feet above the head, and ghosts are different three feet above the ground.'Many types of ghosts exist in this world, formed for various reasons. There is a saying in the Buddhist scriptures that there are thirty-six ghosts, but in reality, there are many more types of ghosts. The so-called Extreme Yin Extreme Fury was a type that was relatively very difficult to deal with. This kind of ghost is very difficult to form, because the person who wants to be this kind of ghost must be born at the time of extreme yin, and die at the time of extreme yin in order to be formed."

Damn, it sounds fierce, can we deal with it? I was busy asking Li, this ghost specifically how fierce method? Li Mingyao looked at me and said, "My master once told me, according to legend, during the Republic of China period, in Handan, Hebei Province, there was a girl whose whole family was killed, and she saw her parents being stabbed to death by the murderer. After she was killed, she was brutally amputated by the murderers. She was born on May 5, and after her death, she lost her mind, and brutalized a party. Finally, she was destroyed by eighteen senior monks, three monks died and five were injured. Do you think she's awesome?"

Crap, eighteen monks ganged up on a female ghost and ended up letting someone else take down three of them. So fierce? If we were to go, wouldn't it be like beating a lantern in a toilet, looking for death?

Li Mingyao could see that I was scared, he said to me, "But you don't have to be afraid, the fact that this thing is still dressed in yellow means that she hasn't been molded yet. At this time, the ghost basically does not have much lethality. Maybe it will still have a consciousness. But you must stop it from killing again. Because without killing someone once, her hostility will increase by three points. If we wait until the yellow clothes on its body turn into blue clothes, that would be a big deal, and all the living beings within a five-mile radius would be massacred by her."

When I heard this, I was really worried, if I didn't know that this ghost would kill the living beings within five miles or something like that, I could still run away, but now that I know, can I really run away with peace of mind? Can I really wait for a few days until the TV station reports that so-and-so health school has suffered a gas leak, killing and injuring many and many people?

Obviously, although I'm scared, I still have a little conscience, and I'd be worse than an animal if I left. Although we may I may have said some too, but seriously, if you have decided to tens of thousands of people died, you are saving or not? I think in addition to a small number of cowards, will choose to fight, and old Li did not say that it has not yet been molded,

When I think of this my heart is also a little bit of peace, not yet molded is good, I do not believe that the four of us still group beating not dead you. I immediately said to the old Li: "Then we quickly go up, otherwise the two old ladies died, we still have to do something difficult."

Old Li also nodded along, he should now think similarly to me, no longer will choose to retreat, then only and this female ghost dead.

After taking the idea, Li Mingyao and I slowly walked up from the stairs, I do not know why, the above did not come from the sound of fighting, but is very quiet, according to theory that the two women go up how to make some noise ah, will not be so quiet.

Now the environment is even quiet to have some terrible, I feel I can only hear me and Li Mingyao heavy breathing. Wait, just on the third floor I froze, because I suddenly found the back of the surprisingly in addition to me and Li Mingyao in addition to the sound of another footsteps, walking on the floor is very crisp sound, although it sounds crisp, but my heart is more and more heavy up.

"What's wrong? How did it stop?"Li Mingyao's voice came from behind, Li Mingyao should also find a little wrong, I said softly, "Old Li, look at your compass,"

My words just fell on the feeling that there is something behind me to pounce on me, just want to resist only to realize that it is Li Mingyao, also just when I fell to the ground, a hand from my back to grab, fortunately Li Mingyao pounced on me.

My back a cold sweat, it seems that not a little careless, hurriedly from the pocket out of the 'suppress evil spirits talisman' read: "urgent as the law" and then do not even look at the back to throw.

Old Li also took out his mahogany sword and swung it backward. There was a sound of clothes being torn from the back.

I turned to look, and sure enough, behind me stood the beautiful woman I saw downstairs, who was wearing a dress, a piece of which had been chopped off by Old Li's sword.