
013 Five Rampant God

"Weird, how?"I asked curiously.

"How can I put it, I've been feeling weird ever since I came back from visiting a mountain."Director Wang said after thinking about it.

"Mountain? What mountain? Give me the details."I asked strangely, to know because of the modernization of the city, demons and ghosts in the city has been very little, generally speaking in the city encountered ghosts and monsters, are very powerful, of course, this aside, because of the modernization of the city, so the ghosts and monsters are all going to the countryside, and more go to the mountains, so many people mountains often encounter some weird things.

Director Wang accompanied her daughter-in-law back to her mother's home to play last month, his daughter-in-law's home is far away from the city of a remote mountain, Wang director of such a real modern people, a go there to feel bored, the TV is just so a few stations.

Finally really bored, about a local village name together to go to the mountains to hunt to play, although the state regulations can not hunt, but this mountain high royal road far, who cares, and basically these mountain villages in the family, every family has a homemade hunting rifle, is to the mountain hunting, open a little meat.

That said, director Wang bad luck, and the village name together on the mountain after an animal also did not hit, but the villagers, hitting several rabbits, in the director of Wang depressed when, suddenly he popped out in front of a fat rabbit.

This rabbit fur pure white, red eyes, director Wang with a shotgun directly on the jump, the rabbit scared to run to the grass, director Wang is no matter what the chase up, the village name in the back yelled, let him not chase, because this mountain, if it is familiar with the mountains of the village people are okay, but director Wang if you get lost will be dangerous.

Director Wang did not pay attention, but did not expect to run, the beginning of the village name can be heard behind the screams, but slowly behind the sound is getting smaller and smaller, to the end of the fundamentally can not be heard, Director Wang originally grew up living in the city, ran so a while, but also tired of a panting, and finally back to God, only to realize that he was lost, now surrounded by trees and weeds, but Director Wang is quiteSmart, towards the original road step by step back.

But walked and found that the temperature around the slow decline, look up, but the sun has set, this time the director of Wang is more anxious, walking around, the beginning of the can also distinguish between the southeast and northwest, and later, which is which do not know, and finally the director of Wang was starved to immobility, the director of Wang felt a little afraid, to know that this deep forest, you die of other people can not find you.

When I heard this, I asked: "Then how did you finally come out? Could it be that those villagers found you in the end?"

In fact, here I already feel that director Wang may have encountered a ghost hit the wall, the so-called ghost hit the wall, in fact, is obscured by the dirty things, and then has been in a place to turn around, if it is not reacted to, will go on until starvation.

"No, I came across a statue and then worshipped it, and then it came out."Director Wang finally said lightly.

"And then what, it just came out? What did that statue look like?"I was curious when I heard that, there are still such spiritual statues nowadays?

"Yeah, just like that, after worshiping and walking a few steps back to see the mountain road, as for that statue, it is a very strange stone statue, human body, snake neck, monkey face, rat eyes, pig nose."

"Stop, are you sure it's a human body, snake neck, monkey face, rat eyes, pig nose?"I interrupted Director Wang and asked.

Director Wang thought again and nodded his head, "Yes, at that time I felt it was quite weird, so I looked at it a few more times, why is there a problem with this thing."

As soon as I heard this, I felt that the problem was serious, and said fretfully, "Is it possible to worship something outside? I'll go back first to determine what this thing is, you wait for my news, you really are."According to Director Wang's description, this so-called sculpture was by no means a good thing.

As soon as Director Wang heard me say this, he also felt that the problem was a little bit serious, and said, "Then you really need to help me, recently I feel that there is a surprising sound of breathing underneath my bed, I don't know if it's an illusion or what,"

I nodded calmly and turned around to go out, if I'm not wrong this thing should be 80% of the Five Rampant God.

Master's notes slightly recorded: "Wutong Shen", is the countryside, adultery, women's demon ghosts, because of specializing in evil, also known as the "Five Rampant God".

There is a saying that the three hundred and six gods of the heavens, one hundred animal gods hidden among them, talking about the so-called gods, there are a lot of animals to repair, but the so-called Five Rampant God, but is not the so-called gods, but a kind of harm to the earth's evil demons. Legend has it that the nature of this thing is uncertain, in the former folk occasionally help the local people to do something good, it is said that as long as there are Five Rampant God patronize, the family will have to eat endless food, granary and bottles and jars are always full. However, no one can describe the specific image of the Five Rampant God, only that snakes or other animals that rarely appear in the house are the incarnation of it, but there is a benefit must be a disadvantage. Those who have been favored by the Five Rampant God tend not to get a good end.

I went out and saw Kai Zi and Fatty Cao still waiting for me outside, my heart was touched for a moment, I went up for a hug, Kai Zi's next words made me want to kill them on the spot.

I saw Kai Zi and I hugged and then said loudly, "Brother you have worked hard, the taste of selling your own flesh is not good right, but your behavior is great."

I heard this flabbergasted for a moment and looked at Fatty Cao in confusion, Fatty Cao also came up and patted my shoulder and said, "Tough job."After saying that, he glanced toward that house again."

That's it, of course, they are naturally joking, asked me how to deal with the last, I told them nothing after they looked for a remote corner, to the master called, have to ask specifically about this Five Rampant Gods, to know that even if we do not escape from the bed to be captured in this case, I know that will help, the master often teach me to remove the devil to defend justice, can not be covered by the interests of both eyes and so on.

"Hey, you kid finally willing to give me this old man called."Across the phone came the master's pale voice.

The phone was connected, and Master's pale voice came.

My heart was sour, said, "No, recently the study is quite busy, master, this time I encountered some trouble."

"Trouble, what trouble?"Master heard concerned asked.

I then described how Director Wang encountered that so-called sculpture, and then described the appearance of this thing.

"That's right, this thing is indeed the Five Rampant God, this is going to be difficult."Master said over the phone.

Difficult to do, what does this mean, is the master will still be afraid of a small five god? Only to hear the master over the phone then said: "That's a invisible things , in addition to the natural yin and yang eyes, in addition to the master so far in contact with the Taoist secret arts, there is no way to see the body of this thing."

The Master paused at this time and continued, "Although it is impossible to achieve seeing the true body of the Five God, you can absolutely see its vague outline. But that's not enough, because it's a Yin Spirit, its speed is completely above yours, so your talismans are basically nothing to it, if you want to destroy this thing, you have to use a palm talisman!"

Palm talisman? What the hell is that? Why haven't I heard of it? It seemed like Master hadn't taught me either, so I hurriedly asked Master what a palm talisman was.

Master told me, the so-called 'palm talisman' belongs to the Taoist a kind of emergency painting techniques, this art is different from the ordinary means of painting, only need to have the heart of the road to blood as a guide, in their own palms quickly draw the corresponding spells can work, belongs to a more advanced talismanic arts. Palm talisman has many functions, although the power is not as great as the ordinary paper talisman, but it is fast and effective to use. As long as the palm of the hand painted with the palm talisman is touched, the power of the talisman can be activated.

Master gave me the method of drawing the palm talisman, and then chatted with me about other things, and then hung up the phone. Before hanging up the phone, the master told me, if you really can not solve the problem, call him, he personally come over, but I can not let the master of this age, but also run around, so I told him there is nothing, let him stay at home.

Then I went back to the director of the office of Wang, told him the news of the five gods, he was also shocked, let me must find a way to save him, I thought about it, it seems that can only be walked tonight to the home of the director of Wang to take a trip to see.