
006 The Ghost Baby

That's it, Sun Qingjia answered that small child, then fell down, and later came out from the hospital, to now, he also has been feeling a pair of eyes watching him, just he has not been to other people, for fear of being taken by others as a psychopath.

He heard me say this,, thinking of the things that happened in the past few days, also a little nervous, hurriedly asked: "Then there is a way to subdue him? If it's not possible, we'll go to your master's place and let your master clean him up."

This sentence is said to my heart, at that time I also want to simply go back with him to see the master, but remembered the master's words, I can not hide behind the master forever, there will be a day have to let the master stand behind me.

"There is definitely a way, I still have a big killing move, tonight we will meet this brat."I said the big killing move is actually 'god general talisman', it seems that now also only this talisman is useful, thought I took out the things to set up, first of all, the house everywhere are plastered with the ghost suppression talisman, this talisman can only suppress ghosts, can not exterminate ghosts, and a little bit more powerful point of the dirty things, are not useful, think of that ghost baby is also not useful, but paste a little bit of always be able toThe heart is a little more at ease.

The matter of sticking the talisman was handed over to Sun Qingjia, while I used the tears of the cow to open the eyes of heaven and observed. Sun Qingjia see me with so many 'guys' is also quite happy, feel that this thing is nine out of ten, in fact, I have no idea in my heart, the day that the little ghost glared at me, I was cold, and now I still remember that feeling, but also today his target is Sun Qingjia I dare to come to destroy him, if his target is me, kill me can'tLeave the master half a step, the master must also know this before letting me out, otherwise he must not let me do such a dangerous thing.

Anyway, said half a day, is that I have no bottom to this matter, and then gave the school a phone call to ask for a vacation. Sun Qingjia also busy work finished, a butt sat on the sofa, see so many charms, the heart also feel a little more at ease. Took out a pack of cigarettes, smoked, I also sat down and chat with him.

It turns out that Sun Qingjia's family is very rich, his father is the boss of a real estate company in their city, Sun Qingjia and Xu Jinglei is also a sincere love for each other, as for this child is Xu Jinglei bent on abortion, as if her family side of the reason, Sun Qingjia's father and mother very much want to have this child, after all, it is their own grandchildren, but later on Xu Jinglei still secretly go to do an abortion.

Hearing this, my good feeling towards Sun Qingjia increased a lot, originally I thought it was his ungratefulness, playing with the woman's belly, and then let go to the abortion, I did not expect it to be like this, although I do not know what Sun Qingjia said, the authenticity of the words, but I feel that he does not have to come to cheat me, he and I after all, there is no interest in dealing with.

Chatting and chatting the sky darkened, every time with the darkness of the sky one point, the heart of Sun Qingjia and I also tensed one point.

"Wujiu, I say we or else go to a crowded place to stay, that way it's safer."Sun Qingjia asked worriedly.

Why do you think I despise him so much, did I not think of this problem? But on second thought, although it may be safer now that there are more people for a while, but wait until 12 o'clock at night where there are still more people?All went home to sleep, now here at least a little prepared.

Thinking of this I shook my head and said, "To go you go out by yourself, anyway, his target is you, I still follow you to live and suffer."

Sun Qingjia heard me say this, and a little anxious, but there is no way, can only follow me and wait.

Someone said, waiting for people is a kind of torment, but no one knows, waiting for ghosts is even more torment, more painful, around do not know when will appear a hand and so on, want to live, can only work hard to fight the spirit of the surroundings is also a silence.

At that time, so the spirit of tense after five hours, just when I feel I am going crazy, the window came a father.

As soon as I heard this voice, I trembled, out of the corner of my eye glanced at Sun Qingjia, his face was white with fear, although I was psychologically prepared before, but it seems that he was still shocked.

Having prepared for this, I shouted, "Don't think about anything, that ghost can only mentally confuse you. Concentrate."

Master and I said, no matter what ghosts, they are all illusory and cannot kill people, when ghosts kill people, they confuse people's divine sense and then make them commit suicide. As for those what thousand year old evil ghosts that directly kill people and so on, they are either fake or have become demons, this little ghost can't possibly have such an ability, so as long as the spirit is focused, there won't be too much of a problem.

As soon as Sun Qingjia heard my words, he tugged the talisman I gave him earlier tightly in his hand.

I was a little more relieved to see it and took the mahogany sword.

Suddenly there was a giggling sound coming from the window, I looked over and a small child covered in black was crawling in, crawling in the direction of Sun Qingjia, I immediately took out a 'Ghost Suppressing Talisman', of course it was a yellow talisman, and recited the incantation under my breath: Haste is like a law.

I immediately threw the talisman at the ghost baby, the speed of the talisman was very fast, in a second's time it hit the ghost baby, and the little ghost cried out at once.

The ghost baby was still screaming for its father, but it wasn't moving anymore, and I guessed that it was the 'Ghost Suppressing Talisman'.

So I took out a few more, since it's useful, I'll give you a few more, so one by one, I flung them at the ghost baby. Just when my hands were getting sore from flinging.

Sun Qingjia, who had been sitting on the side, said, "Ninth Brother, let me help you throw it, you're tired of throwing it too."

I did not think too much, directly to the charm to him, but let me unexpected, Sun Qingjia a received the charm unexpectedly all tore off, I turned my head to see, just did not pay attention to, and now take a closer look, Sun Qingjia's face was even a face of black gas, obviously ghosts on the body. I but still roared: "You crazy, looking for death to jump off the building."

This Sun Qingjia really did not spoil me, really ran to the window, what a joke, his home is the fifth floor ah, how many trees below have to be finished, I ran over at once, ready to stop him, but did not expect to fall down at once, only pulled his calf, he also fell down in the place of one meter from that window.

Just when I wanted to catch my breath, I saw that the ghost baby was just three meters away from me, I felt its cold hairs I could see clearly, and at this time, Sun Qingjia this bastard is still crawling forward, really stupid.

The ghost baby also slowly crawled towards me.

I was anxious, the situation was really dangerous to the extreme, fortunately in the ghost baby from me there is a meter, I want to remember, I have black dog blood with me, so pull out the right hand, take out the black dog blood, and with the last time the same in the mouth of the mouth, the ghost baby seems to have not found anything, or crawling hard to us, I directly spit a mouthful of it, I did not expect is that the ghost baby was splashed by the black dog blood, but with a person by sulfuric acid splashed on the place, it is really stupid.I didn't expect that the place where the ghost baby was splashed by the black dog's blood melted like a person splashed by sulfuric acid.

It looked horrible, the ghost baby also screamed, Sun Qingjia also woke up at once, looking at me holding his legs, and the screaming ghost baby, a little weak in tone, asked: "What's wrong?"

I stood up and said, "Holy shit, what happened to you just now, you got hit at a critical moment."

"I'm sorry, I seem to have seen Jinglei just now, so."Sun Qingjia said with embarrassment.

I was too lazy to bother with him at that moment, after all, at such a dangerous moment, who would be crazy to bother with him about such trivial matters.

I looked at the ground struggling ghost baby, heart a cross, grabbed not far from the peach wood sword, straight into the chest of the ghost baby.

Immediately to be inserted into the chest, I feel my ears thunderous burst, shocked me into a trance, the hand movement also slowed down three points, the ghost baby also took the opportunity to avoid the sword.

I felt something dirty on me, but obviously the ghost baby was right in front of me. I was shocked, could there be other ghosts and monsters?

I immediately took out the 'charm for solving evil spells', but unfortunately the 'Ghost Suppressing Talisman' had already been shredded by this guy Sun Qing Jia, or else I would have used the 'Ghost Suppressing Talisman' in this situation, together with the 'Ghost Suppressing Talisman'.Otherwise, this situation would have been best served by the 'Ghost Suppressor Charm', combined with the 'Evil Destroyer Charm'.

I took the 'solve evil law talisman' and read: 'Heaven and earth solves, year and month solves, day and hour solves, I invite the fox ancestor, all ancestor hundred kinds of solves to retreat, I respectfully invite the six stars of the southern dipper, the seven stars of the northern dipper, I am in the order of the Supreme Lord Laojun in a hurry. Hand-pulled to solve the retreat.'

Then I took the talisman to my chest and sat down cross-legged to drive away the evil spirits, this situation in case the evil spirits really controlled my body, then I would be dead.