
004 Return to School

After returning home every day to sleep, eat, the day is quite dashing, the master also came back, came back to me to go to Yang Hongjun to help the matter said, of course, the main character in the story must be me, zombie is my subdued, the white stiff is my subdued, Qingfeng Taoist is just a small miscellaneous.

Master publication of my hands finished, he laughed and said: "you this mixed kid, I still do not understand you, eighty percent of the Qingfeng Taoist out of the force it, this time things I see if there is no him, you are also in danger, and remember, there is such a business in the future can not pick up, or by the time you are how to die do not know."

I see was master recognized, hehehe smile, digressing from the topic said: "know, hey, master, this time you go over how, how to be three days so long, before not all a day or so."

It turns out that this time over there is also a rich master, looking for master's reason is because this rich man's daughter got hysteria.

This person's daughter is possessed by a fox demon, and this fox demon Taoism is not shallow, cost my master a lot of effort to clean up this fox demon.

This family is my master is also a thousand thanks, was ready to give a large sum of money, my master his old man did not want, he hoped that later the family can go to the relationship so that I go to a better university, the family also agreed, as long as my grades are not particularly poor, find a way to send me to a major university.

Hear here my young heart and trembled a little, master his old man when and where are thinking of me, what things are also for my good, I was determined, must repay the master's parenting.

The next master and I are still with the usual, occasionally tending to take care of the meditation store, encountered what happened, to save the world to go.

The days passed quite nourishing, but soon came to the time of the beginning of the school year, and have to go back to the school I hate, it seems that nowadays young people hate the school it, I studied in the school is one of the top two schools in our city, from our county to go back and forth to an hour, so I chose to live in the school, although I hate to learn, but I in order to make the master happy, or study hard, the results are also considered to be the top ten in the class. This point is also let the master pleased place.

As the saying goes, children traveling thousands of miles mother worry, although my master is not my parents, but for me, more than parents, so, the day of the school year, the master sent me to the station, a thousand times, told me not to fight with classmates, do not bully female classmates, etc., although it is very nagging, but I still very attentive to listen. No matter how naughty I was outside, I would behave myself in front of the master, just like a good boy.

Bid farewell to the master, sitting on the bumpy car, looking out the window view, slowly fell asleep, woke up when already to the station, the school on the side of the station, came to the school, when I read the second year of high school, back to the school to look at a lot of new beautiful schoolgirls, the heart of the relief of the extreme, then the goal of this year is set to come to a non-breakup love.

I'm not afraid to tell you a joke, although I've already read the second year of high school, and talked about three relationships, but every one of them is very sad.

The first girlfriend is my class next door at that time, the relationship was still quite stable, occasionally holding a small hand what, feel quite appropriate, but then she and I a buddy, the two people relationship is very bad, basically is a meeting to start cursing the kind, she gave me the word, to brother or to her. So I broke up with her decisively, I'm kind of a more righteous it.

Then the second is I just came out of the shadow of the failure of the first love, looking for me in love, but the next day and I broke up, and later realized that she looked for me in love even to test my buddy like her, I wipe, but my buddy does righteousness, the woman later went to find him, he directly good her two ear scrape, scolded a word: "Bitch!".

The third is the first year of high school just to the end of the talk on, and then I had a birthday, she did not come, I was angry ignore her, in fact, should also be angry a bit, she looked for me to split.

How to say it, anyway, buddy my relationship career is a failure, the above three relationships, the longest two months, the shortest day.

And every time I break up I will be sad a, my buddy often tell me that, do not be sad for the female, to talk about love is not to talk with sincerity, play on the good. Now I think back to this sentence is really quite reasonable, but that time do not understand that reason, as long as the love, just a hard to use the heart.

Pull back to the topic, said this year's girls wear some thin again, I am looking at it, to see the playground and two people with me the same look.

It was Wang Rui and one of our roommates, Zhang Xudong.

Wang Rui is the buddy I said earlier, Zhang Xudong belongs to the more boring type.

I went over to say hello and went back to the dormitory, just fell asleep in the car, and now still sleepy, casually cleaned up a bit, lay down and fell asleep.

Sleeping in a daze, suddenly heard Wang Rui and Zhang Xudong's voice, I heard them both back to know not good, and indeed they both dry a direct rushed back to my bed and I messed up.

Of course, I'm a peeling them are not as simple as playing, 1v2 draw, I three people tired and panting, I said they are not sick, have to make themselves so tired.

Lying bored we talked about the summer vacation life, I was nothing, can not tell them to go and zombies and zombies played a bar, said they can not believe, or I will have to say out to pretend to be a little, Wang Rui said that his family went to what what place to travel to go. There is nothing new.

At this time Zhang Xudong is mysterious, "You know, summer vacation school actually a big thing."

"Oh, what is the matter, and which teacher's puppy lost."Wang Rui and I have long been accustomed to, Zhang Xudong usually school a little bit of chicken and garlic things are engaged in a mysterious and said to us.

"No, it's true, don't you guys know."Wang Xudong see we do not know, is more interested.

"Holy shit, quickly say it."

"A few days ago, someone died in our school, it's senior year, class 5's Xu Jinglei."Zhang Xudong said mysteriously.

"What? How did it die."Wang Rui and I got interested when we heard this, "Is it a love killing, or suicide, or what."

"Neither, it seems to be their dormitory people play midnight apple peeling together at night. According to their dormitory people Xu Jinglei's apple peeled off, the next day on the hanging death, and she did not have the motive of suicide. Anyway, the rumors are quite evil."

I heard here frowned, the master and I said, these methods will attract ghosts and monsters, as the saying goes, people do not offend ghosts, ghosts do not offend, in fact, this is the truth, usually people ghosts do not have any interactions okay, but outside the rumors of the play penny, midnight apple peeling, and so on their own three lamps of fire to the minimum, and then attracted to the neighborhood of the evil spirits.

"It is not just a dead person it, before dying peeled an apple, and then suicide it, as for it, make it so scary."Wang Rui heard disdainfully said, I also nodded, indeed it may be a coincidence or maybe.

"No, this is not the point, the key is that their dormitory people said every night to sleep dream of her, Xu Jinglei also let her roommate to find someone to save him and so on."The more Zhang Xudong said, the more excited he became, as if it was the same as his light experience.

"Okay, don't think about it, it's just a superstition, it might be that Xu Jinglei's death hit her roommate too hard, so she had nightmares and scared herself."I said, Wang Rui also nodded.

Zhang Xudong also felt reasonable when he heard me say this, packed up and prepared to go out for a drink, it's been a long time since I had a drink with the two of them.

However, for Xu Jinglei's death, I feel that it will not be so simple, but the matter is not a matter of concern, I do not worry about it. I don't care what he does, it doesn't jeopardize my own friends, so it's good.

Then and the two of them went out to drink a meal, although my drinking capacity is not particularly good, but compared with Wang Rui, it is really a great god.

I remember one time Wang Rui got drunk from two glasses of wine, then said something like, "Me, when I'm in good shape, two beers is still no problem."Right, his drinking capacity could only be measured by two bottles when he was in good shape.

Zhang Xudong was a little better, and could usually walk back three bottles. However, in the end, I still one person to help them back, too pitiful, said two little girls, how many I help how much, but these two big men, and Zhang Xudong and Wang Rui two people still crazy, a roar: "This is not scientific."

Well, they are drunk, this is the most scientific.