
002 Qing Feng Taoist Priest

Traveled five hours, is already five o'clock in the afternoon, finally arrived in the city of A, A city is very large, anyway, than our small county most of the city, looking out the window of the neon lights flashing city, suddenly some yearning, but also some strange.

Yang Hongjun looked at me lost in thought looking out of the window, as if to understand what I was thinking of, said: "What's wrong, yearning? You live in a peaceful county, and do not know how disgusting this society, just hate, later you will be disgusted with such a city."

I listened to Yang Hongjun's words, seem to understand and nodded, whatever, now think about how to deal with that what zombie to do.

In fact, Yang mother should not be considered a real zombie, the real zombie should be raised in the zombie breeding ground, this body should be in the first seven times by the black cat or something like string gas, only up, in that case it should not be too dangerous.

Thinking about it, I fell asleep, a moment was shaken awake by Yang Hongjun, a look at the sky, already almost completely dark.

"Arrived?"I rubbed my eyes and asked.

"En, arrived."Immediately followed by his own then got out of the car, I also consciously got down.

After getting out of the car, I saw that the car was parked in front of a three-story villa, this villa was gorgeous to the extreme, covering an area estimated to be about a thousand square feet, or three-story. I looked at the villa in front of me with my mouth open, this villa at least have to be millions of yuan ah.

Thinking about it, or closely followed Yang Hongjun into the villa. One into the villa, at this time there are already two people inside waiting, I am quite strange, a look, one of them and Yang Hongjun almost dress, feel a successful businessman, and the other is a Taoist robe, looks forty or fifty years old, also has a small beard, looks still quite immortal, I nodded to him, he also nodded to me.

"Why did you bring another person with you? Who is this person?"Yang Hongjun said somewhat angrily to the man in the suit next to the old Taoist. It looked like Yang Hongjun didn't know that the two of them had arrived.

"Chairman, this master is from Longhu Mountain with real skills, I spent a lot of effort to invite him down from the mountain."The man on the opposite side nodded and replied.

Hearing this, Yang Hongjun's face only eased up, glanced at the old Taoist in doubt, then glanced at me and said to me, "Little brother, it's not that I can't trust you, I don't know about this matter either."

Listening to Yang Hongjun's explanation, I quickly shook my head and said, "It doesn't matter, if I can have a Taoist friend with me, my grasp will be a bit bigger."In fact, I have no bottom in my heart ah, listening to the person in a suit on the opposite side, I feel that this old Taoist is quite nb, I hope that later I will just watch the fun.

Then we introduced ourselves, it turned out that the opposite person wearing a suit called Lin Hongan, wearing a robe called Wang Hu, Taoist number Qingfeng Taoist. According to his self-introduction, he was five years old on the yin and yang eyes, eight years old began to catch ghosts, ten years old to get rid of demons, what, listen to me a blank stare. He then asked me is that faction, I gave him that I am Mr. Yin Yang, he listened to the opposite face is full of disdain, said: "is not just learn a little bit of our fur it, but also dare to come out to take the business, do not meet the big demon wind, lost their lives."

Hearing this, Lin Hong'an felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and hurriedly said, "We are all in the same path, and it's good to fight demons together, so when it's done, I'll invite the two brothers to go out and sing and drink together."

Qingfeng Taoist heard Lin Hongan said so, before humming, I have no opinion, think up Qingfeng Taoist why hear me is Mr. Yin and Yang so big opinion, suddenly thought of the master previously gave me the source of Mr. Yin and Yang:

It turns out that before or Maoshan, and Longhu Mountain's world, the world of Taoism flourished, but to the Republic of China, Maoshan and Longhu Mountain's disciples greatly reduced, can be said to be thin, but then in the chaotic world, there is a saying how to say, chaotic world, must be out of the demon, that a period of time in fact, monsters and demons, but Maoshan and other prestigious schools how can there be so much manpower to catch the demon, but the way arePeople come up with, so there are people proposed in each region to teach a person some common Taoist techniques, so that the solution to the local trouble is basically no problem.

In this way, each region, prosperous time, and even each village, basically have a yin and yang gentleman, but yin and yang gentleman of this profession is very mixed, but is a hodgepodge, after all, is a lot of factions teach out, so the last yin and yang gentleman does not belong to any one party power tube, can say yin and yang gentleman into a faction, but thatchers they feel uncomfortable, yes, I teach you the skills, you do not listen to me, why, so, thatchers and so on, they feel uncomfortable, yes, I taught you the skills, you do not listen to me, what is the right to, so, they do not listen to me.Why, so, Maoshan, etc., only waiting for a powerful demon appear only to go out, usually basically do not go out to subdue the demons, so especially do not treat Mr. Yin Yang.

Ahem, far from it, back to the main topic

We chatted, together turned their attention to Yang Hongjun's mother, that is, the body will move, I began to pay no attention, take a closer look, and found that the living room in the middle of a crystal coffin, which sleeps in the mother of Yang, we walked into a look, I was shocked, two large fangs in the two mouths don't hang on.

Yang Hongjun saw was also shocked, said: "Impossible ah, this morning there is no ah."

Then continue to observe the next, also did not see a reason, originally in accordance with my intention, directly burned, but Yang Hongjun is not willing, only to wait, and do not know when the mother of Yang wake up, Qingfeng Taoist instead of looking at the crystal coffin three meters away, from the outside to move into a small wooden table, began to set up the Taoist altar.

I walked over and asked, "Hey man, how are you going to subdue the demon later?"

He glared at me and said, "What does a little kid know, just watch."After saying that, he also ignored me and did his own thing.

I saw him ignore me, I myself will not continue to go up to his cold ass, to Yang Hongjun greeted himself and began to wander in the villa, to be honest, this villa is really big, a room can be my cabin, there are a lot of strange and bizarre look of the treasure, but at a glance it is very expensive, and I do not dare to touch, who knows how much money is worth.

But when I walked to the north of a doorway, I found that the inside of the Yin Qi is particularly heavy, cold me straight shiver, but the door can not be opened, I looked strangely, turned around and went downstairs, Yang Hongjun did not command words, or do not take the initiative to mention the good, this point I still know, so as not to get themselves into trouble. But then again, Qingfeng Taoist still has some real skills, I just came down, I saw his Taoist altar set up.

The dojo is divided into two categories: the "blessing dojo" (yang dojo) and the "death dojo" (yin dojo). Praying for blessings dojo, not to mention, is to pray for blessings, blessing others, the death dojo is to overthrow the evil spirits, it seems that he wants to try to directly overthrow the mother of Yang, the mother of Yang's body into a zombie, her soul is sealed to the inside, directly overthrow the zombie after the zombie would like to be extinguished on the extinction of the.

I nodded and also prepared myself, the things I brought didn't directly transcend the soul, but prepared to subdue the zombie first and then wait for master to come back, this is what I originally aimed for, but with Qingfeng Taoist in the room, it's a lot easier to take out five talismans, two 'Zhen All Evil Chong Chun talismans', three'Calling the time of the gods and generals talisman', to say the least, my master taught me basically all the talisman, other things really did not teach much, 'Zhen all evil Chong Fu' function of the master said to me that, wherever the family home is uneasy, ghosts appeared, with the use of this talisman to town, all shall be fulfilled. But to put it bluntly, it is a ghost suppressor.

'Call the value of the time God will charm' is quite powerful, is to invite the God on the body, and jumping God is the same, but jumping God please are quite fierce, and can be selected to invite the God.

The 'summoning the time gods and generals talisman' is an uncertainty, may invite a nb is nothing, if you fight with zombies, invite a coward on the body, then you're finished, and the time is not stable, unless it is the talisman of the Taoist arts, or Taoist arts, high people to invite the gods, but the Taoist arts do not need to use this talisman, and Taoist arts do not need to use this talisman, and the people do not need to invite the god.And strong Taoist also do not need to invoke God, encounter what ghosts and monsters, go up to click two knife, finished, so this can only be those of us who do not have high Taoist enrollment with, but this is sometimes particularly useful, according to legend, the time of the Ming Dynasty out of a fierce ghosts, wreaking havoc on one side, and then a small Taoist priest, flute is good luck, please the Erlang Zhenjun's split into the body, three times five to two on the solution to the fierce ghosts, that is!Because of this, a lot of Taoist, that time, no matter what ghosts encountered, directly invoke the god again, the whole of some Taoist, encountered an ordinary ghosts are hanging a lot, and then almost whole into the forbidden charm, so this charm is a very contradictory existence.

Look at the hands of the five charms, the feeling is not useful, I do not believe that if I invite the gods, good luck to be able to invite a Erlang Shen or something down, and look down in the hands of the mahogany sword black dog blood, both of these zombies are still quite useful, and so on will be able to let the Qingfeng Taoist rushed in front of it.

Qingfeng Taoist looked down in my hands, said to me: "You will be on the side watching, really lonely on the 'call the time God will charm' try, may be able to invite a powerful role out, haha."

Look at him over there arrogant smile, I would like to wait for me to invite a Erlang Shen out to destroy you, but thought for thought, invite or not to invite God or have to carefully consider.

Afterwards, we chatted in bits and pieces, waiting for about 12 o'clock in the evening.

Yang Hongjun and Lin Hongan also ran to the second floor to hide, before going up Yang Hongjun told us to tell us to make sure that his mother reincarnation, rest in peace, I and Qingfeng Taoist also nodded.