
His hidden feelings

At breaktime, Hanako went to her favourite spot. The spot was hidden by lots of trees, but it was actually quite a big space, surrounded by Sakura trees. In spring, the sakura flowers bloomed all over the trees, and the space became quite fragrant and the Sakura petals were often carried by the winds. It was quite a sight to see. Hanako often liked to sit on the soft grass and take all the scenary in when she was feeling stressed. However, this time, she saw that someone was already in there.

Oh, I thought I was the only one who knew this space, she thought. She felt dissapointed. This meant she couldn't enjoy the private space anymore.

Wondering who the person was, Hanako peeked through the trees. It was the president. His normally firey glares were gone, and his shoulders were slumped. He was leaning on one of the trees, mumbling to himself. She was a little shocked to see this.

At first, he was mumbling, without realising Hanako was there. However, his voice got louder and louder, his voice was shaking. She heard something like...

'I didn't mean to break it....why am I such a klutz?? I need to control my power....I didn't mean to scare her.....'

His voice got louder until she could make out all the words he was saying.

'Why are people always scared to talk to me....? Am I really that scary....?'

He held a tiny mirror in his hand, trying to look at his own reflection. Then, he noticed Hanako behind the trees, watching him.

Hanako saw him quickly wipe his tears (she was even more shocked to see his tears) and he growled at her.



'Come here!'

She obeyed.

'Am I really scary? Tell me! Tell me why I'm scary!'

She trembled head to foot. She looked into his eyes, and found desperation and sorrow. Why do you look so sad...? She thought. This thought calmed her down a little bit.

'Do you...want to know the truth?'

'Yes...please. Why are people so scared of me...? Why are you so scared of me....?'

'Well...ok then. First, you have no expressions on your face at all. You don't smile and you are always angry at people.'

'Ah...yes....I kind of figured that out when I looked into the mirror.' He sipped on the wine he was holding.

Hold on....wine???

'You shouldn't be drinking at work.' She snatched it away from his hand. While doing this, she accidently brushed his fingers without realising.

He suddenly stood up at her touch, and tried to leave. However, Hanako was quicker than him, pulling him into her and turning him around.

'You are not done talking with me! Don't you ignore me!' She shouted while glaring at him.

A look of surprise came onto his face. 'Nobody talked to me like that before.' He said quietly.

Hanako gulped when he said this. Is he angry? She regretted shouting at him like that. However, when she pulled him towards her, she didn't see anger in his face. His face was actually flushed and he couldn't quite look into her eyes. His eyes darted everywhere, his hands fiddled, not knowing what to do.

'Don't tell me...you're...embarrassed to talk to others???'

He whispered softly.

'I know...I'm a failure at being a president, right? I'm failure as a demon too you know...they say they've never seen a demon this shy....'

What are you saying...? Are you still in the Demon persona?? Hanako thought. But she didn't dare say it out loud.

She looked into his face thoroughly. His face was stiff, just like when she was having a meeting with him the other day. Could it be...that his face was frozen stiff because he was feeling nervous? Then, she knew exactly what to do.

'Hey boss, why don't we...have a drink after work? I'll have to change my clothes to more comfortable clothes though. It will be much easier to talk if we have some alcohol flowing, hey? My treat!' Hanako suggested with a cheeky grin. 'I won't let you go home early!' She added.

'No...I will...treat....'

'Nuh uh! I will, and don't you say no!' She declared, not letting Yoshida finish his sentence.

'I guess I have no choice...' he sighed.

'Great, I'm going home to get changed and I'll see you at Higashi Pub at 7. See ya!'

Hanako left, feeling somewhat satisfied.