
The Strange Noble

Reilly has had a rather dark life parents divorced when he was 3, mother started drinking which turned into abuse towards her son. A unfortunate car accident killed Reilly only to be sent to another world. Do to his previous life he doesn't trust members of the opposite sex and isolates himself from his new family. Join Reilly under his new identity and second chance at life.

GPG_butchjr · Book&Literature
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2 Meet the family

Lucius is awake in his crib just sitting there staring at the painting on the wall at least that's what the maid saw. In reality he was decoding the pictures and there purpose there was a sun in the background and what looked to be a black figure on a summoning alter being offered a child.

'Wait there are 3 kids and I have 2 siblings, the youngest is the sacrifice.' Letting it sink in for a moment 'Wait does this mean I will be offered to this entity?'

Do to his previous life he had no fear of demon's or any super natural beings for that matter, even though he didn't know it having no fear increases the chance of the ritual being completed.

Making some random sounds the maid after a few months of taking care of him was aware it was feeding time. Do to a lack of technology in this era baby's had to be feed the old fashion way, breast feeding.

Lucius really didn't want to but the mind and body don't always agree so he didn't try to stop himself, having his fill the maid changed his diaper, washing him up and putting him in his crib.

A young girl around the age of 5 came into the room wearing a purple dress with frills on the ends, having on flats. Light purple hair that reaches her shoulder blades along with sky blue eyes. This girl was Amelia Bayern the second oldest daughter of the Bayern's current Lord. "Mistress Amelia what brings you here?" the maid asked. "I have come to see my little brother is that of concern?" Amelia said with a undertone of 'you dare to question me'. "That was not my intention mistress" she said.

Passing the maid Amelia started poking her brother's cheek getting a sound from him. 'Well this is annoying she does this way to often I can't wait to walk no more cheek poking from you.' Lucius stopped her by grabbing the finger that was poking him "My baby brother is so adorable" she said in a total state of bliss with her magic activating unconsciously filling the room with magic particles.

Lucius was curious about this power but would have to wait for a few years 'This sucks that energy looks like it can be manipulated if only I could use it.' Another girl entered the room this one didn't look to much older than Amelia she had a darker shade of purple hair that was cut short at the neck often mistaken for a boy. Wearing purple pants tucked into a pair of boots that wear white in color a silk shirt with a half overcoat that was primarily purple with patches of white on the sleeves.

This girl was Melinda Bayern the heir and next head of the Bayern family. "Come for the same reason mistress Melinda" the maid said. "Of course I like this little guy he doesn't cry at all" one thing Melinda hated with a passion was crybabies do to this she tends to go against the norm for noble girls her age.

If Lucius thought Amelia was annoying Melinda was even worse going as far to ticking him making even him laugh. After a while he ran out of energy and started falling over in his crib. "You should let your brother sleep he seems tired" the maid suggested seeing no reason to argue the sisters left the room. Tucking him into bed the maid left to sleep as well.

No action yet will happen in while because I have to introduce a few more people before we begin.

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