
The Storybook

A collection of stories to read to little children, perfect as bedtime stories or to entertain them during the day. May the stories here inspire their own. Dedicated to my cousin, Kim Seong-Won.

Bohoja · Fantasy
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50 Chs

The Trader

Once upon a time, there lived a Trader. The Trader had a prosperous life, but despite their fortune, they were kind to those they met, dispensing charity to the poor. But kindness comes with a price. The Trader soon found themself losing money from their gifts. The next time the Trader bought their goods to trade, they found themself low on supplies, as they couldn't afford any more. As such, the Trader was forced to take a shorter route to the market city that they sold their goods at; a dangerous route over a mountain. The Trader began on the journey with another trader who was falling on hard times as well. But not long into the dangerous path, the two traders were caught in a blizzard. The cold gnawed at the Trader and their companion. They huddled together in the shelter of a tree. Eventually, the dilemma worsened. A fire was needed for the two to survive but in order to obtain the life-saving wood, one of the two would have to brave the cold. The Trader, spurred on by their conscience, ran into the freezing climate to help their companion. Returning in a matter of minutes, the Trader had gathered enough wood to light a fire. The fire was soon lit and warmed the two. But the Trader had been exposed to the bitter cold for too long and was slowly dying from the cold. No amount of warmth could save them. And so the Trader drifted off to sleep eternally, their last act an act of kindness. That is why, today, whenever a person does a kind act, they feel a warm sensation. It is the Trader, giving the doer of good deeds the warmth that could not save themself.