
The Storybook

A collection of stories to read to little children, perfect as bedtime stories or to entertain them during the day. May the stories here inspire their own. Dedicated to my cousin, Kim Seong-Won.

Bohoja · Fantasy
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The Summer and the Winter

When the Sky, Land, and Ocean had settled their disputes, they were left with one glaring problem. Though the sounds of peace echoed throughout the earth, the crops on the Land didn't grow. The many plants in the Ocean began to wilt, and the ornate corals began to die. In the Sky, birds froze as the skies became cold. The problem soon became apparent; the Moon's fire had been doused, and the Sun had taken its place as the sole provider of light and warmth on the Earth. But the Sun didn't shine nearly as bright as how the Moon once had. In order to combat the death on Earth caused by a lack of sunlight and heat, the Land, the Sky, the Ocean, and the Sun made a deal. For half of the year, the Sun would pour all of its energy into shining on the Earth, warming and providing enough light as the Moon once did. However, as that would drain the Sun of all its energy, for the next half of the year, it would rest and recover its energy, barely shining on the Earth. This cycle gave birth to Summer and Winter, the two Seasons. Summer provided for all on the Earth, giving life and comfort as endless gifts. Winter, however, gave only bitterness and cold. Together, the two Seasons brought equal balance to the Earth, sowing and harvesting the seeds of life. Today, we experience Winter and Summer as parts of the years. So the next time you step outside into the warm embrace of Summer or the cold grasp of Winter, know that they are what equalize the world.